January 2014
Thanks to the generosity of our Magellan Circle patrons, this year we have a record 72 Magellan Circle scholars! Our scholars met their patrons last month during a breakfast at the Bear Down Kitchen. Congratulations to these amazing students! More
SBS Features
This Sociologist Has a Plan to Make America More Like Sweden

The Washington Post | In this Q&A, UA sociologist Lane Kenworthy speaks about his new book, "Social Democratic America." In the book, Kenworthy explains how social democracy can improve capitalism, and advocates for measures such as increased paid vacation time and universal early childhood education. More. (Please see sidebar to learn about the event "Poverty: The Working Poor," where Kenworthy will be a panelist.)  

Walking the Walk: What Sharks, Honeybees and Humans Have in Common

UA News | UA anthropologist David Raichlen and colleagues worked with the Hadza tribe in Tanzania, who are one of the last big-game hunters in Africa and one of the last groups on Earth to still forage on foot with traditional methods. Members of the tribe wore wristwatches with GPS units that tracked their movements. The GPS data showed that the dominant theme of their foraging movements is a L�vy walk -- the same pattern used by many other animals when hunting or foraging. More 

Traditional Medicine in South Africa 

Arizona Public Media | In this video, Kristina Bishop, an adjunct professor at the UA School of Geography and Development, discusses the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the use of traditional medicine in South Africa. In a new study abroad program, Bishop takes students to South Africa and Swaziland to meet with traditional and western healers. More


Kristina Bishop Interview: HIV/AIDS in South Africa
Gene Trobia (center) received a Lifetime Service Award from the National States Geographic Information Council.
Former Arizona State Cartographer to Head Proposed GIST Center  
Gene Trobia, who was Arizona State Cartographer for the last 17 years, is joining the UA to help establish and head the Center for Geospatial Innovation, Science and Technology (GIST). "The Center will be a wonderful addition to our growing outreach activities," said Lydia Breunig, the director of community outreach and special projects for the College of SBS. "The GIST Center allows us to create new community partnerships, share our expertise with those who need it, and supply continuing education opportunities in a growing field." More
Why People Call Themselves 'Independent' Even When They Aren't
The Washington Post | In this co-authored guest column, Samara Klar, an associate professor in the UA School of Government and Public Policy, explains why people self-identify as politically independent when they act in partisan ways. "Our work points to the idea that 'independent' has become a socially desirable label -- one that conveys a sense of rising above the political pettiness in American politics." More
Eating Local Isn't Just Trendy -- It Can Help Stop Poverty

Southwest Center researcher Gary Paul Nabhan helped organize this week's Arizona Food and Finance Forum, which he hopes will stimulate expansion of local-food supplies by putting food entrepreneurs together with investors. The forum was featured on the front page of the Arizona Daily Star, and in op-eds written by Nabhan, published in the Arizona Daily Star and the Arizona Republic.  

Local Kids Benefit from Nationally Recognized Ecology Program

Arizona Pubic Media | Manzo Elementary's ecology program, which is supported by the Community and School Garden Program in the School of Geography and Development, was featured in this Arizona Illustrated video. More   


Local Kids Benefit from Nationally Recognized Ecology Program 
Links to Dept News
Upcoming Events
2014 CMES Photography Exhibit Grand Opening

Center for Middle Eastern Studies  

Jan. 23, 3:30 p.m
Location: Marshall 490

Experience the cultures of the Middle East and North Africa through images, food, and music.  More 

"The Evolving Brain"

Presented by the UA College of Science 

Jan. 27, Feb. 3, Feb. 10, Feb. 17, March 3, March 10, 7 p.m.
Location: Centennial Hall


"Revisiting Leopold: Resource Stewardship in the National Parks"

Jan. 29, 7 p.m.

Location: McClelland Park, Room 103
Come learn about science in the national parks!

"Poverty: The Working Poor"

Part of the Community Interactions series produced by Arizona Public Media and the Community Foundation of Southern Arizona

Moderator: Neal Conan (former host of NPR's Talk of the Nation)

Panelists include UA sociologist Lane Kenworthy 

Feb. 12, 6:30 p.m.
Location: Fox Theatre  


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