December 2013 
Happy Holidays!
This holiday season, we hope you find peace and joy! Thank you for being a part of our SBS family.
SBS Features

USS Arizona Survivor Visits the UA

On Thursday, Dec. 5, the College of SBS was honored to welcome Lauren Bruner to the UA campus.


Bruner, who survived the bombing of the battleship USS Arizona in Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, spoke to UA history students and veterans and reviewed the USS Arizona artifacts in the UA Libraries Special Collections and at the Student Union. Bruner's story was covered by the Arizona Daily Star, the Arizona Daily Wildcat, Arizona Public Media, as well as several news stations. You can view Bruner's talk here. You can watch a short video of his visit below. 

Lauren Bruner, USS Arizona Survivor
Lauren Bruner, USS Arizona Survivor
Helping Create "Welcome to the Library Videos"

The Welcome to the Library project is an effort of the Pima County Public Library to build relationships with refugee and other non-English speaking communities in Pima County. The videos were produced in collaboration with researchers and students in the Bureau of Applied Research in Anthropology, who helped gather feedback directly from members of the local Arabic, Nepalese, Somali, Maay Maay and Spanish-speaking communities. The public is invited to the launch of the series on Dec. 14 from 10-noon at the Loft Cinema. More  

UA Sociologist Studies Communities Devastated by Hurricane Sandy

UA News |The disastrous flooding Hurricane Sandy brought to Maryland's coastal communities left a long road to recovery. UA sociologist Brian Mayer, an expert in how communities rebound from large-scale disasters, is working to model the relationship between the resiliency of communities and individuals.

"What is it about the characteristics of a person, their coping skills, their ability to process information that leads to better mental health outcomes after a disaster? That's individual resiliency and my role as a sociologist is to look at resiliency from a community perspective," Mayer said. "We're comparatively assessing the contributions of individuals to overall mental health and recovery in a community." More 

Maracana Stadium
Dengue Fever: Another Formidable World Cup Opponent 
Huffington Post | Three of the host cities for the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil are hot spots for dengue fever, a tropical disease transmitted by mosquitoes. Aedes aegypti, the mosquitoes that are dengue's primary carriers, "love human environments," says Cory Morin, a UA postdoctoral research associate in geography and development. "The more the area is urbanized, the better it is for that mosquito." More 
SBS News Briefs 
Drew Gyorke
* Brint Milward, the director of the School of Government and Public Policy, is teaming with Sociology Professor Ronald Breiger and colleagues to develop models of cyberattack characteristics, classify adversarial groups according to similar features and analyze those groups using social network science. More


After UA School of Journalism student Drew Gyorke died in a vehicle wreck earlier this year, his family and friends began raising money toward an endowment fund. The Drew Nicolas Gyorke Memorial Photojournalism Fund will provide scholarship awards to students who participate in a photojournalism competition held each semester. More 
Stacey Tecot
* The ecology projects at Manzo Elementary school are featured in a Tucson Weekly cover story! The Community and School Garden Program in our School of Geography and Development has collaborated with Manzo since 2010. More


UA anthropology graduate student Kim Kelly and Anthropology Professor Stacey Tecot recently founded the UA's Palm Oil Awareness Initiative to raise awareness on campus about the problems with palm oil, which Kim describes in this UA blog.
Bill Schmidt
* Some parents have trouble letting go when their son or daughter goes to college. Chris Segrin, head of the UA Department of Communication, says these "helicopter parents" intervene with good intentions but can leave children feeling insecure and incapable. More

 * The UA featured a Q/A with UA Journalism Professor Bill Schmidt, who joined us this fall after a 32-year career at the New York Times! More


* UA provost and geographer Andrew Comrie shared his research about Valley Fever in a USA Today article about how diseases are moving into new areas due to climate shifts. More 

Links to Dept News
Upcoming Events
"Walkers in the City: Young Jewish Women with Cameras"

The Shaol Pozez Memorial Lecture from the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies

Dec. 16, 7 p.m.

Location: The Tucson Jewish Community Center.


SAVE THE DATE: "The Neo-Assyrian Queens' Tombs and What They Tell Us About the Elite, Diplomacy, and Dowries"

The School of Anthropology's Sabbagh Lecture 

Feb. 20, 7 p.m.
Location: Tucson Marriott University Park

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