Trustees examine finances, analyzing the budget, contributions, and giving direction to church finances. Recently they have been asking questions like, "How are our children being taught about giving? Are we teaching the children of our church principles of Biblical stewardship? Are parents aware that they must help children learn how to give? Is generosity and thankfulness being passed on, or are we losing it? Is it drifting away with each generation?" These questions began with the stewardship season, ALL IN, which challenged the congregation to see all of life as being under God's rule, not just Sunday mornings. It challenged everyone-the members, the staff, and even the youth and children of the church, to be ALL IN.
Stewardship involves being mindful of God's blessings as we pray, as we work, as we worship, and as we play. We recognize God's blessings by dedicating a portion back to Him. Stewardship involves a lot more than finances, but this article will focus on finances. By making a financial pledge we not only proclaim that we are grateful to God, but we also help our church plan its ministries for the next year. We not only want Christianity to perpetuate and survive, but to thrive and increase! We believe that giving magnifies the good news of the Gospel to the ends of the earth.
This year, children were invited to make a pledge to the church. In all fairness, we didn't stress it enough but a few children made pledges and the trustees are planning to do it again. Some might wonder why they are discussing this and why they are concerned. Money is not really the point, financial planning is not the point, but TEACHING children to be good stewards of God's gift is the point. This will help them grow to be generous people, help others, and build the Kingdom of God. It will also bless our children's lives because selfish people are the unhappiest people in the world! 
Carolyn MacInnes from Focus on the Family addresses this issue in an article about teaching children to give. She says, "A article reports that 'Americans between the ages of 25 and 34 now boast the second-highest rate of bankruptcy....' The average credit card debt for this group increased by 55 percent between 1992 and 2001, and the average young adult household now spends approximately 24 percent of its income on debt payments." Mounting debt in this country is just one indication that we need a refresher on Jesus' "good and faithful servant" illustration (Matthew 25:14-30). Many of our money problems (and probably lots of non-financial struggles, too) result from forgetting whose resources we are managing (Psalm 24:1, James 1:17). Time, talents, skills, and health are all tools on loan to us from the Master, with the expectation that we'll share them, do good with them, and use them to glorify Him." 
Also, Giving was never intended to be a periodic, only-for-desperate-needs activity. In the Old Testament, God commanded the Israelites to tithe (give a tenth of) everything they had. He asked for their first fruits-the best of their harvest, before they took any for themselves. While tithing isn't a New Testament mandate, it serves as a valuable guideline today, along with other commands and examples such as: 
Give: regularly (I Corinthians 16:2); secretly (Matthew 6:1-2); sacrificially (Luke 21:1-4); based on your earnings (I Corinthians 16:2); purposefully (II Corinthians 9:7); cheerfully (II Corinthians 9:7); with God's priorities in mind (Matthew 6:19-21); and generously, realizing that your giving determines what you receive (Luke 6:38, II Corinthians 9:6).
God also made some bold promises concerning rewards for His good and faithful servants if they would first trust Him to care for them (Malachi 3:10, Deuteronomy 15:10). Your kids are watching-so start involving them in your benevolence and teaching them to be cheerful givers. Don't know where to begin? Sites like suggest: 
  • Give as a family by sponsoring a child, supporting missionaries, or responding to a news story. Even if kids aren't giving money, they can write letters or make something for the individual(s) in need. (Be sure to share any pictures, letters or thank you notes you receive with your children.)
  • Let kids cook with you when you're preparing a meal or cookies for a sick friend or an elderly neighbor.
  • Encourage kids to create artwork-pictures or card to brighten a shut-in's day.
  • Help kids choose gently-used items like toys and clothes that they can pass on.
  • Throw a "charity" birthday party where guests bring new or gently-used items instead of gifts. Let the birthday boy or girl select an organization and go together to donate the items.
  • Make or buy kids a bank with sections for giving, saving, and spending.
  • Teach the firstfruits principle by having kids donate their shiniest coins or the money at the top of the allowance pile.
  • Introduce "giving" role models by reading stories, visiting museums, or otherwise presenting the lives of noted altruists.
  • Ask questions, such as: How did it feel to give? Do you think you'd like to give again? What did you like about (giving role model)? Do you have any ideas about how we could help so-and-so?
Don't you agree with the Trustees? Let's help our children learn to give. We must! We must help their future and the church's future for the glory of God! Blessings in Christ- Andrew 
APRIL 5 - 9:00 AM UNTIL 12:30 PM

Volunteers are needed! If you are interested in helping to keep First and Calvary beautiful, call the front office (862-5068) to be added to the list.  Below are several projects that need to be completed and the number of volunteers required.  There will be coffee and maybe a few donuts, so don't be late!

  • Cleaning Sanctuary Pews (4-6)
  • General Kitchen cleaning to include the ovens and cooktops (3)
  • Cleaning and dusting artificial plants throughout the church (2-3)
  • Cleaning white 6' & 8' fold up tables (4-5)
  • Clean and Prep for painting of the 8th grade classroom that was affected by flooding (2-3)
  • General Landscaping - Raking Leaves (2-3)
  • Replacing stone in the corner of the East parking Lot (2)
  • Mulching trees and pruning rosebushes (4-5)
  • Replace plastic caps and floor glides on all metal chairs (4)
If so, prayerfully consider joining the Evangelism Committee!
For more information, contact Buttons Bowers at (882-9531) or Lynn Wasson at (889-7741)

Director of Contemporary Worship Music

First and Calvary is looking for a new music leader for our Contemporary Worship Service.  This position is responsible for organizing, planning and leading the 10:50 Praise and Worship Services, including worship teams, praise band, and media technicians.  He/she will be responsible for the organization and coordination of all the resources and personnel for Contemporary Worship.  A full job description is available on the First and Calvary website ( under the resources/employment tab. 
Saturday, April 26, 2014 - 9:00 am until 1:30 pm 
Register and make Lunch Reservations ($7.00) by April 23, 2014 
by contacting Buttons Bowers at 883-0531
The guest speaker will be Judge Deborah Mitchell, Music Director for Broadway Presbyterian Church in Sedalia, MO.  Judge Mitchell will share her impressions of the condition of women in Afghanistan where she recently traveled to work on the Rule of Law.
Special Communion Services During Lent
Every Sunday until April 13, there are special Communion Services offered to those who want to focus on their relationship with God through the sacrament of the Lord's Supper. These services will give worshipers time for self-examination, reflection, weekly opportunities to remember Christ's sacrifice and preparations for the joyful celebration of the Resurrection on Easter.  Services are held in the Chapel at 8:00 am (led by Cal LeMon) and 12:00 pm (led by Bob Simpson - except on 4/6) 

The Rock Slinger and his Greatest Hit!


Join the Junior Choir and the Joyful Singers as they retell the story of David & Goliath.  The Elementary Children's Choir Musical is Sunday, April 6 at 10:50 am, during Contemporary Worship in the MPR.






Would you like to support Jarrett Middle School? JOIN THE FAN CLUB!  The Mission Committee is forming a Fan Club to support the students and activities at Jarrett Middle School.  If you would like to be a part of the Jarrett Fan Club, email  This Friday, April 4 at 6:30 pm is the Jarrett's Got Talent Show.  Cost is $1 for Adults. 

An Invitation to Remember...


The Way of the Cross Experiencing the Key Events of Jesus' Last Days: A self-guided journey through the Passion of Christ.  Open daily during Holy Week (April 14 - 18) from 9:00 am until 9:00 pm in Room 020.


All Church Prayer Vigil:  Maundy Thursday - 8:00 pm until 10:00 pm and Good Friday - 7:00 am until noon in Room 021.

Musical Offerings Concert Series

Ron Brammer, Director

Sunday, April 6th

2:30 pm


No admission - Everyone is welcome!

Don't forget to check the "Community Needs" Board!

The Community Needs Board, located in the South Atrium, serves as a place to connect needs with those who are wanting to serve others and have the skill set or means to fulfill the need...whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.

Food Backpacks for Needy Children


The Mission Committee is forming teams to fill backpacks with food for needy children.  If you would like to volunteer your time for this worthwhile mission activity, contact Terri Raaphorst at 


Help Us Fill Easter Baskets for 

Crossline Families


On April 6, at 12:15 in Room 020, we will be filling Easter Baskets for Crossline Families and 

we Need Your Help!

Sign up at the Mission Tables in the South Atrium on March 23 and March 30.  Children age 6 and over may help if accompanied by a parent.  

We will provide lunch!

To honor First and Calvary's graduating High School girls.  
Saturday, April 12 from 2:00 pm until 4:00 pm, in the Reception Room.  
Mary Streubel will be speaking on Women's Empowerment - Please come 
and join us for refreshments, fellowship and fun!
We will soon be publishing the new directory!  If your contact information has changed in the past 6 months, please call the church office at 417-862-5068 so we can make the directory accurate.
Spring is Almost Here!
Spring is almost here and Binnie Clements Guild is taking orders for Geraniums supplied by Wickman Gardens. The deadline for ordering Geraniums is April 13 and the Geraniums will be ready for pickup May 2, from 10:00 until 1:00 pm--just in time for Mother's Day! Cost is $4.00 for the 4 inch pot and there are six colors from which to choose. Place orders at the Binnie Clements Tables in the N & S Atriums and remember all profits will benefit their Children's Charities. 

Sunday School-April 6

9:40 am - 10:40 am


A World Worth Saving

Branches/014 - Dave Blumenstock

How We Got the Bible We Got

McClung/026 - Greg Ellis


March Fellowship/015 - Phill Burgess


Practices/114 - Leadership Team

Encounters with Jesus

Crossways/016 - Lisa Frederick


Forty-Niners/115 - Gayleen Jones

Whispers from God

Little-Bacon/020 - Bill Francis

Jesus Cleanses the Temple

Hardin/116 - Neil Stenger


Preschool Rooms and Lesson

Elementary Rooms and Lesson

2s: Room 121

3s: Room 214

4/PreK5s: Room 215

Kindergarten: Room 216

Grades 1 & 2: Room 219

Grades 3 & 4: Room 220

Grade 5: Room 221

Hands On Lesson

In the Garden

Luke 22:39-53

FaithWeaver Lesson

Jesus Raises Lazarus from the Dead

John 11:1-45

Preaching ScheduleApril 6

Traditional Services [8:30 am & 11:00 am]

Cal LeMon
Contemporary Service [10:50]
Children's Musical

The Table:  April 9


Search: Matthew 21:1-11; Matthew 27:11-54

In Jesus' entry into Jerusalem and his approaching death, we will define the meaning of power 

in God's Kingdom.

Meatloaf, Yukon Gold mashed potatoes, corn and peas, green salad (cheese tray, veggie tray with dip, yogurt cups), desserts.

Preview Small Group Studies: Matthew 21:1-11;

Matthew 27:11-54; Philippians 2:5-11


Children: Choir and Bible Study

Youth:  Recreation and Bible Study

Adult: Search and Preview Bible Studies

Church Calendar for April 6 - April 12



   8:00   Lenten Communion/Chapel

   8:30   Traditional Worship/Sanctuary

   9:00   Brunch-Youth Spring Retreat/FH

   9:30   Coffee Fellowship/FH

   9:40   Sunday School for all ages

   9:41   Youth @ 9:41/001

 10:45   Kairos/119

 10:50   Contemporary Worship-Children's


 11:00   Traditional Worship/Sanctuary

 12:00   Lenten Communion/Chapel

 12:15   8th Grade Confirmation/001

                   Pre-Easter Fun/020

    2:30  Musical Offerings/MPR

    3:00  Praise Singers Rehearsal/304

    5:00  Youth Choir Rehearsal/202


    1:00  Disciple One Bible Study/116

    5:00  History Committee/Library

    6:30  Christ Care Men/020

    7:00  Lydia Circle Meeting/115

              Congregational Life/116


    9:00  Tuesday Ladies Bible Study/020

    1:00  Double F Double C Knitters/Library

    4:00  F&C Foundation Board/021

    3:30  Art Committee/021

    5:00  National/International Mission


    6:00  Mission Committee/116

 Children's Ministry/216

   6:30  Men's Bible Study/015

    8:00  FnC/Student Lounge 


  6:45  Men's Prayer Breakfast/FH

10:00  Search Bible Study/026

11:00  Open Prayer Time/Chapel

  5:00  The Table/North Atrium

  5:30  Disciple Bible Study/021

  6:00  Jubilate Ringers/Sanctuary

           Preschool: Faith for Life Bible

               Studies and Choir Rehearsals

   Jr Choir & Joyful Singers End of the Year


           Youth Recreation and Bible Study

  6:15  Search Bible Study/020

  7:15  Chancel Choir Rehearsal/202

  8:15  Camerata Rehearsal/202


  6:30  55+ Depart for Kansas City

  9:00  Quilters/FH

  9:30  Disciple Bible Study/116

  9:45  Bible Study/Library

10:00  PW Board Meeting/115

  4:30  Worship/Music/Arts/115

  6:00  Adult Ministry Committee/015

  9:00  Scrapbooking/020
  6:00  International Life/FH
10:00  Family Easter Celebration/Church Lawn and
           North Atrium

  2:00  F&C PW Spring Gathering/026

Church Family News

Hospitalizations... Mercy... Cox...Other Hospitals... Tom Murphy (Cox Branson)


Congratulations to Josh and Brittany Groves on the birth of their son Parker Grayson Groves on March 21.


Thank you from Larry Nelson to the body of believers at F & C for expressions of love, care, and concern during this time of loss.


Pray For Our Homebound Friends in...

Quail Creek - 1514 W Lark, Springfield, 65810

*Mary Kircher, Redbud #54 (Kate Companik's mother)

*Jordan Burkey, Redbud #60

*Betty Haseltine, Redbud #51A


If You Need a Ride to the 8:30 or 11:00 worship service or sunday school, please call the church office, 862-5068, by noon Friday, or David Young at 942-4435 by noon Saturday.


46-Oz Cans Needed for the Flower Committee: Please bring clean cans to the church office for the Flower Committee to use to bring plants to our homebound members.

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820 E. Cherry
Springfield, MO - 417.862.5068