Barnert Temple Circle

Social Action Update

Family Promise, Mitzvah Mall 2016, Nepal Earthquake,
Memories and Materials,
Social Action Drives
Family Promise - For Working Families Facing Homelessness
Fam Prom of Berg CtyVolunteers are needed to help 'staff' Family Promise Day Shelter in Ridgewood for 2 - 3 hour shifts on Sunday August 9.  No long term commitment needed.  Great family service opportunity - kids are welcome.  Your role is to just be a presence at the Shelter while the regular weekday staff is not working.  You may play with the children there, read a story or just chat with the parents.  It is an important and rewarding service that enables working homeless families to have a 'Home Base' where they can spend
the day.  Give it a try - contact Donna Meyer at 201 681-7044 or for more information.
Mitzvah Mall Beneficiaries Thank Barnert For Support
Thank YouWhat happens to the funds we raise for grassroots organizations during Mitzvah Mall?  Click here to read these "Thank You" letters and updates from LiLY, Breaking the Chain Through Education, CASA of Bergen County, ACE, Meals with a Mission, Final Salute, and 2014 charity In Their Shoes.
Submit Charities To Consider For Mitzvah Mall 2016
Logo - Mitzvah Mall
Got a charity in mind for Mitzvah Mall 2016?  
Just fill out this short form and submit it to Ron Lynn at by September 1.

Be part of the process:
  • On September 27, you can help Team Tzedek sort potential charity submissions by mitzvah, consider options and narrow down choices.
  • On October 25, learn more about the "finalists" at the Tzedek Brunch, and work with peers to decide on the best fit for each mitzvah:
Honoring the Elderly
Children's Health
Welcoming the Stranger
Love of Israel
Redeeming the Captive
Feeding the Hungry
Women's Issues
Compassion to Animals
Preserving the Earth

Another important date:  Mitzvah Mall 2016 - Sunday, January 31!

All are welcome, and encouraged, to participate in perpetuating Barnert's culture of giving.  To join Team Tzedek, or just take part in any of the components listed above, contact co-chairs Sue Klein at, Ron Lynn at, or Eileen Roman at

"A person who runs to do just, good, and kind deeds attains Life, success, and honor."

Proverbs 21:21 
The Victims of the Disaster In Nepal Need Your Help!
Nepal Earthquake Support rescue efforts that include on-the-ground-support including food, medical aid and shelter.  American Jewish World Service is there, providing these resources!  Click here to donate to AJWS Nepal Emergency Relief Fund today and help save lives. 
For an understanding of how American Jewish World Service provides the best practices in emergency relief, read this article by Nixon Boumba, an AJWS consultant.

Contribute to the Mitzvah Mall Archives:

Share Memories and Materials So Others May Benefit From Our Experience

Phtot Album Team Tzedek is collecting all photos, memories, agendas and handouts from past Mitzvah Malls to use for a Power Point we will be creating to share with Temples and other organizations that would like to create similar programs.  If you have anything you would like to share, please send it to Mitzvah Mall Archivist Florette Lynn at
Social Action Drives
We are Always Collecting Food:
  Check out the On-Line Option for Donating Food!
Local food pantries are struggling to meet demand.  We're always collecting food in the Atrium, but now you may also donate food through the click of a button.  Click here for our Barnert Temple Food Drive webpage at  It's simple!  Select the food you would like to donate and pay on-line.  All purchases will be delivered to the Center for Food Action in Mahwah.

Winter Coats and Jackets :
We are still collecting for children and adults.  Please donate new or gently used coats and jackets today!  They will be donated to the Paterson community through CUMAC (Center of United Methodist Aid), a 2009 Mitzvah Mall Charity.

Toiletries New Toiletries, Cosmetic Bags, Toiletry Bags:
Center for Hope and Safety (formerly Shelter Our Sisters, a 2002 Mitzvah Mall Charity) still need items.  Full sizes or the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, lotion and bars of soap from hotels are great!  New cosmetic bags and toiletry bags are needed as well!

Please drop off your contributions in the baskets in the Atrium.
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