Barnert Temple Circle

Social Action Update

 BarTY Midnight Run, Mitzvah Mall 2015, Edgewater Fire,
ocial Action Drives
BarTY Does "Midnight Run"
Help Our Barnert Teens in Their Efforts to Help Others
Saturday night, March 14
Donations needed by March 13
Midnight Run
So many ways to make a difference and save a life! 
Started in 1984, Midnight Run delivers clothes and food to homeless people throughout Manhattan.  On March 14, BarTY will be guided around Manhattan to various stops where we will deliver donations to people in need.  Here's your chance to make a difference!  Your time and/or your donations are needed!


If you are interested in being part of the Midnight Run event, E-mail BarTy at  Drop off is at Barnert Temple at 5 pm and pick up at 2 am.  


Donations are needed:

Men:  shirts, pants, shoes, socks, t-shirts, coats, blankets, toiletries
Women:  feminine products, sneakers, outerwear, activewear
Reusable Bags are in high demand!  Please donate your backpacks, canvas, and tote bags!
Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey's Good Deeds Day
Sunday, March 15
Jewish Federation of NNJ
An international day of caring and sharing, Good Deeds Day in northern New Jersey combines a telethon from 9 am - 1:30 pm with a food drive to help fill up local food pantries.
Both are community-wide.  Share in the spirit of the day!  Don't forget to answer the call in the morning and bring your food (no glass, please or perishables) to Federation's offices, 50 Eisenhower Drive in Paramus, in the afternoon by 1 pm.
Remember: no good deed goes unnoticed!

Extending Collection for Mitzvah Mall Charities for 10 Worthy Causes:

     Still More Opportunities to Raise Double Chai - $36,000!  
Logo - Mitzvah Mall

Team Tzedek is taking advantage of Blue Moon's generous offer to host another Barnert Temple community night on Sunday, April 19 (without the snow this time!), and extending Mitzvah Mall collections until Monday, April 20. Thank you to everyone who ventured out in the storm to eat at Blue Moon on March 1.  The restaurant will combine totals from both Barnert Temple community nights to help us reach our goal of raising double chai, $36,000 for Mitzvah Mall charities!


To date, we've raised more than $34,391.09 for 10 carefully chosen grassroots organizations.  You can help us meet our $36,000 goal by:  


Going to to donate on-line or print out a form and send in a check

  • Collecting Tzedakah and bringing it to the Office in envelopes marked clearly "For Mitzvah Mall"
  • Eating brunch, lunch or dinner at Blue Moon on Sunday, April 19.  Look for a link for a coupon to print out and hand to your server in a future Social Action Update

While the Mitzvah Mall provides a great opportunity for community to gather, learn, volunteer and give together, our obligation to do mitzvot, or acts of loving kindness, doesn't end there.  Keep checking Thursday Social Action Updates for information on how we can continue building relationships with our 2015 Mitzvah Mall partners.


Team Tzedek would love to hear your ideas, too.  Contact Sue Klein at    

Watch for Mitzvah Mall photos to be posted on our Web site soon.

"A person who runs to do just, good, and kind deeds attains Life, success, and honor."

Proverbs 21:21  

Collection for Edgewater Fire
Edgewater FireWant to help the approximately 1,000 people who lost their homes from the Edgewater fire?  Hundreds of the town's children are currently without necessities and need your help. The following can be dropped off at Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey, 50 Eisenhower Drive in Paramus (Monday - Thursday from 9 am - 5 pm; Friday from 9 am - 2 pm): School supplies, toys & games, small appliances, new socks, new underwear (in original package), toiletries, diapers, feminine hygiene products and pet food. Also welcome are gift cards: Visa, Amex, Target, Pathmark, Home Goods, Trader Joe's, Bed Bath & Beyond, Pet Valu.
Social Action Drives
We are Always Collecting Food:
  Check out the On-Line Option for Donating Food!
Local food pantries are struggling to meet demand.  We're always collecting food in the Atrium, but now you may also donate food through the click of a button.  Click here for our Barnert Temple Food Drive webpage at  It's simple!  Select the food you would like to donate and pay on-line.  All purchases will be delivered to the Center for Food Action in Mahwah.

Winter Coats and Jackets :
We are still collecting for children and adults.  Please donate new or gently used coats and jackets today!  They will be donated to the Paterson community through CUMAC (Center of United Methodist Aid), a 2009 Mitzvah Mall Charity.

Toiletries New Toiletries, Cosmetic Bags, Toiletry Bags:
Center for Hope and Safety (formerly Shelter Our Sisters, a 2002 Mitzvah Mall Charity) still need items.  Full sizes or the small bottles of shampoo, conditioner, lotion and bars of soap from hotels are great!  New cosmetic bags and toiletry bags are needed as well!

Please drop off your contributions in the baskets in the Atrium.
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