Weekly E-Newsletter
February 3 and Beyond
Tu Bishvat, Potluck Supper, Mitzvah Mall, Wine Tasting, Birthright,
Men's Israel Trip, Nominating Invitation, Purim, Passover, and more! 
Week at a Glance

Tuesday, February 3
Religious School

8th Grade Ma'ayan  

9th Grade Ma'ayan Confirmation


7 pm Tu Bishvat Seder

Wednesday, February 4
Religious School

Friday, February 6
7 pm Shabbat Service and Potluck Supper


Saturday, February 7
10 am Shabbat Morning Service and Bar Mitzvah of Noah Shafron
4:30 pm BarTY Event at New York Sports Club

Sunday, February 8

Religious School
8:30 am Men's Club Pancake Breakfast
9 am 15th Annual Mitzvah Mall
9 am Adult Confirmation Class

Monday, February 9
8 pm Board of Trustees Meeting


Tuesday, February 10
Religious School

8th Grade Ma'ayan  

9th Grade Ma'ayan

Mazel Tov

Karen and Todd Galinko on the birth of their Granddaughter, Maya Rachel

Danielle and Harrison Rosenberg on the birth of their Son, Jackson Frank

Is there a special occasion in your family?  Let us know and we'll share it with our Barnert Family!
Green Tip for the Week

A Wholesome Night's Sleep.

Next time you need to buy a new mattress, look for one filled with natural materials such as cotton, coir, or coconut fiber.  They conduct body moisture much more effectively than sweaty synthetic mattresses, don't sag in the middle, and can be produced with a fraction of the environmental impact of fabrics such as nylon.

(Reprinted from:  1001 Ways to Save the Earth, by Joanna Yarrow)
Gift Cards
Scrip Banner
Gift cards... They're not just for the food shopping anymore.

Shoshana's Place 
Women of Barnert Gift Shop

Chanukah menorah, dredels star

Shoshana's Place, TheWomen of Barnert Gift Shop, has a wide range of gift cards, jewelry, and ritual items.

For Gift Cards call Amy Lynn at (201) 891-3993.


For "personalized" shopping assistance call Marian
(201) 847-1903.

Shop the Barnert Temple Marketplace
Quick Links
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Happy Anniversary
Happy February Anniversary
to these Barnert Couples:


Adam and Marcy Benner

Peter and Roberta Hong

Barry and Barbara Kessler 

Ira and Stephanie Lakritz

Todd and Marci Stockton
Happy Special Birthday!

Birthday Cake
While we know that every birthday is special, the following people are turning 1, 13, 18, 21, and each decade after beginning with 30:  
Sam Halpert Rodis
Tyler McKinnon
Rachel Tiersky
Tu Bishvat Seder
Tuesday, February 3, at 7 pm
Tu Bishvat Platter
This week, we explore the fruits of all the seasons and the meaning behind them. 
Please join us at our Tu Bishvat Seder.  This is a fun and joyful experience.


Children are included!  7th - 10th graders will have class as usual. Students in grades 3 - 6 are also invited to stay for the seder, with a parent.


Students in grades 3 - 6 who attend school on Tuesday are invited to stay after class.  We'll have teachers to supervise homework and some shmooze time, and pizza dinner.  Students who stay must have a parent join them for the seder.

Shabbat Service and Potluck Supper
Friday, February 6, at 7 pm
Shabbat Candles

Join us for our Shabbat service, followed by our Potluck Supper. 

If your last name begins with A-K, bring a salad or side dish; L-Z, bring a main dish.  Please plan on bringing enough to serve 8 to 10 people.  Food should be "kosher style," that is, no pork or shellfish and no mixing of meat and dairy in the same dish.  Women of Barnert will provide the desserts!  RSVP to Natalie Cohen at  ncohen1847@barnerttemple.org.

Men's Club Pancake Breakfast
Sunday, February 8, from 8:30 am to Noon
While you are walking around and doing your Mitzvah, come get some breakfast.
Come have some delicious food. Click here for the full flyer.
Mitzvah Mall
Sunday, February 8, from 9 am to Noon
Logo - Mitzvah Mall
Let's Pursue Social Justice Together! 
Join your Barnert Community and learn about the 10 charities chosen for this year's Mitzvah Mall.  All the charities are smaller organizations that do amazing work in our community and the world.  To learn more about Mitzvah Mall and the charities chosen, click here.
Men's Club Wine Tasting
Saturday, February 21, from 7 to 10 pm
2015 MC Wine Tasting
Help Support Barnert Temple Men's Club and Its Charitable Causes.
Sample wines from around the world and enjoy a delicious gourmet dinner.  $55 per person.
Click here for full flyer.  Click here to purchase tickets on-line.
Get Ready for Israel - URJ Kesher Birthright Summer Trips Registration Opens February 3
Kesher Logo Taglit Birthright Logo

The countdown in on!  Taglit-Birthright Israel Registration Day is February 3.
What you need to know about URJ Kesher trips:
As the only Birthright Israel trip affiliated with Reform Judaism, URJ Kesher trips are an entry point or a step forward to continuous engagement in Jewish communal life, personal Jewish exploration, and connection with Israel.

Learn More:  The Kesher Advantage

URJ Kesher is happy to provide the young adults in the Barnert Community with this amazing FREE gift. We've already announced  30 projected summer 2015 trip dates.  

Men's Leadership Mission to Israel
April 20 - 25
Jewish Federation of Northern NJ Sponsoring Men's Leadership Mission to Israel 
Join congregants Jeff Himeles and Arthur Nalven on a unique Israel experience from April 20-25 sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey.  This VIP tour is ideally suited to those who've visited Israel before as well as first-timers.  It will include a briefing with a member of the Knesset, meetings with top Israeli executives, a visit to an Iron Dome Unit, Shabbat dinner with IDF soldiers, and much more.  Click here for a sneak preview of this incredible opportunity.  For more information, contact Jeff Himeles at jhimeles@optonline.net or (201) 403-4537.
Do You Feel the Need to Lead? 
The Nominating Committee Wants to Hear From You!

Barnert Temple
Consider contributing to Barnert Temple with your participation on the Board of Trustees!

The 2015 Nominating Committee has begun work to prepare a slate of Temple officers and members of the Board of Trustees and Advisory Board. If you have thought about stepping up to leadership or feel that you have some fresh insights into the running of Barnert Temple, please contact one of the committee members listed below to discuss how you can serve our Temple next year. Do you know someone who you think would be a great Temple leader? We're happy to receive those recommendations as well. We welcome congregants who have fresh insights and are always interested in new leaders who will keep Barnert vital and inspirational. Thank you!

Julie Good, Co-Chair              jandcgood@msn.com 

Marty Kron, Co-Chair       traffictix@aol.com 

Lauren Cohen                        laurenhopecohen@gmail.com 

Rick Greenberg                      rgbarnert@gmail.com 

Joan Lipkowitz                       joan.lipkowitz@gmail.com 

Mitchell Hausman                   mitchhausman@gmail.com 

Rich Brookler                         rbrookler@yahoo.com 

Jennifer Sauer                       jenniferlowsauer@gmail.com 

Seth Haubenstock                  sjhaubenstock@gmail.com 

Purim is Coming
Purim Image - person with mask
Every family at Barnert Temple will receive one Purim box.
Pick up your box while at the Purim Shpiel on Wednesday, March 4.  Boxes will also be available during Preschool on March 5 through March 11; at Religious School from March 8 through March 11; and on Shabbat, Friday, March 6, and Saturday, March 7.
Wednesday, March 18
2015 WOB Seder
A Women's Celebration of Passover!
Please join us at a Women's Seder on Wednesday, March 18, sponsored by the Women of Barnert.  Click here for the full flyer!
Join the Barnert Community On Facebook!
Are you on Facebook? 
Would you like to connect with other Barnert members?  Join Barnert Community, the new Facebook group!  Just E-mail Susan Wild at swild322@aol.com, and she will sign you up so you can connect with other Barnert members.