S.W.I.F.T Spring Work Camp

On the weekend of April 15th, Young Adults from around the conference gathered at Sacramento Camp and Conference Center in Sacramento, NM to fellowship, work, and brainstorm together. S.W.I.F.T (Servants Walking in Faith Together) is an event traditionally held twice a year by Young Adults ministries in the New Mexico Conference. S.W.I.F.T is a work camp where the Young Adults assist Sacramento with various projects and also explore faith together during worship sessions throughout the weekend. Our speaker this event was Kelly Brooks. Kelly led the Young Adults in conversation about their strengths and calling. The group also discussed the future of Young Adults ministries, the challenges they face as Young Adults in the conference, and solutions to problems facing the growth of the ministry. Around 20 Young Adults from throughout the conference attended the event. Be on the lookout, or talk to us at annual conference, for more information about camps and events!  Contact Noah Smartt: nsmartt@loveroad.org

NM Conference Member, Daryl Junes-Joe Elected
to the UMW National Board of Directors
Daryl Junes-Joe on the left

I was very happy to have had the opportunity to attend the UMW South Central Jurisdiction Quadrennial Meeting.  It was wonderful being among so many United Methodist Women. I was happy to see some of my friends there, some whom I hadn't seen in years like my former pastor's wife, Patty Warden.  I thoroughly enjoyed the meetings and felt blessed during worship services.  Then, the elections took me by surprise as I never had an inkling about serving on such a prestigious organization.  Having gotten over the shock, I thanked God for the surprised blessing He bestowed upon me.  I thanked Him for the women who had confidence in me, asking if my name can be added to the nominating list and for those pushing the button for me.  I'm looking forward to the task(s) involved and will do all I can to contribute to the many causes we stand for in helping our people, we can and will be their voice. I look forward to working with the other three PAG directors, according to them it sounded like I need to buy new shoes first....????  Submitted by Daryl Junes-Joe

NM Board of Ordained Ministry Announces new Registrar 

The Board of Ordained Ministry of the New Mexico Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church is pleased to announce that Linda Lucas will be the new Registrar for the Board beginning this summer.  Linda will take the position most recently held by Mary Lust. Linda brings years of service to the Annual Conference and a deep care for pastors and candidates for ministry in this position. Submitted by Rev. Scott Sharp, Chair of the NM BOM

Cinco Estrella Award Application is due May 15th!
Cinco Estrellas (5 Stars) Award of Excellence
Awarded to churches who meet 5 of the following criteria in a preceding conference year:
  • Paid World Service & District Mission shared ministries in full
  • Supported (financially or in kind) the Annual Conference Mission Project
  • Supported at least 1 Advance Special at each of 3 levels
    (Conference, National, International)
  • Observed, with an offering, One Great Hour of Sharing
  • Shared a mission story with the Conference
  • Sponsored at least 1 person (per 100 members in avg. weekly worship
    attendance) on a UM VIM project/trip
  • Be involved in a significant mission project in the local community
  • Have a GBGM Covenant Relationship with a UM missionary (GBGM or MSUM)
To apply, submit in writing or by email a detailed summary of how your church has fulfilled at least 5 of these criteria. Be specific. (Advance Specials of GBGM qualify for this.) Contact Rev. Mike Stahl

NM Conference Prayer Vigil Remembrance
Prayer Vigil for GC2016 - April 27th

What will General Conference mean to my United Methodist church?
by Joe Iovino, UMC Communications

     As a United Methodist, you are probably aware that General Conference, the once-every-four-years official meeting of the church is happening in Portland, Oregon, May 10-20, 2016. What may be far less clear, however, is what happens there and what it means to your local congregation.
      The best-known aspect of General Conference is the legislation. General Conference is the body that determines direction and speaks officially for our denomination. 864 delegates elected by their annual conferences will consider 1044 petitions. Half the delegates are clergy and half are laity. Bishops lead the sessions, but have neither voice nor vote.
     Amendments to The Book of Discipline that guides the work of local churches, pastors, annual conferences, general agencies, and bishops, are adopted. Delegates also vote on resolutions that give the official positions of The United Methodist Church on social issues which are published in our Book of Resolutions.
     The General Conference covers a wide array of issues that affect all levels of our church. A small percentage of them receive a great deal of attention. Others will pass or fail without much fanfare, but will have lasting impacts in the life of our local churches.
At the 2016 General Conference, legislation will be presented and debated on human sexuality, the budget of the general church for 2017-2020, a more global church structure, the ordination process for our pastors, formation of a hymnal revision committee, and more.
    Whether widely publicized or not, General Conference legislation directs our work globally, regionally, and locally in our congregations.
Click here for the full article

Pre-Conference Meeting Roadshow

     Provost, Randall Partin has been to Odessa, Roswell, Clovis, El Paso, Albuquerque and Farmington over 2 weekends to share plans for Annual Conference and discuss General & Jurisdictional Conferences. A video will be available shortly to provide all the information shared during the meetings. 
     A very brief synopsis: Randall discussed the rationale behind the tree theme of Annual Conference 2016 (AC2016).  He stressed that we are "entering into a season of experimentation" which will impact AC2016.  The main changes:
>Orientation for new attendees - Thursday at 10 am
>Laity Session will feature a leadership training with TMF
>Coaching sessions (pre-register)
>Early Bird Workshops (pre-register)
>Opening worship will include the Memorial and the Bishop's State of the Conference address.
>Closing will include Ordination & Commissioning
>Each business block will include a brief worship time
>Retirees will be celebrated at a special luncheon on Thursday.  All are encouraged to attend - Please pre-register.  You may bring your own lunch.  Retiree comments will be filmed at the luncheon and shared later.  Memory books for each retiree will be created.  Please send notes & pics to Dru Ann Kuntz - dru@nmconfum.com
>Guest registration - $25 (Non-voting participation in entire Conference)

Business/Issues to be Addressed:
>Minimum compensation for clergy - 1.5% increase
>2017 NM Conference Budget = $2,251,324 ($79,632 decrease)
>Health Insurance options will expand to lighten the financial load on local churches & give clergy & eligible staff more choices for their healthcare.
>Resolutions to be heard:  Bishop Bledsoe reassigned to our area; change in arrearage policy, and several church closings.

General Conference 2016:
>The NM Conference prayed for GC2016 on April 27th, but we will continue to lift up the hard work that our Delegation and those behind the scenes are doing to make this General Conference fruitful. 
>During Annual Conference, Delegates will be available to answer any questions about what transpired at GC2016. 
>There are several ways to stay informed during General Conference - May 10-20, 2016:
Click here to see live stream of GC2016
Click here for all the Legislation
Twitter - UMCGC
Click here for the NM Conference FB page 

Mother's Day - Sunday, May 8th
We celebrate the Mom's among us!
Rev. Melissa Madara and sleepy Samuel.

Peace with Justice Sunday - May 22, 2016
March Against Violence - Iowa 2013 
Peace March - Iowa 2013

Click here for more info 

Office of Aging & Older Adult Ministries - "Boomerstock"
"Boomerstock" will be held in Nashville from September 28 - October 1, 2016. As the Boomer generation is moving into retirement years, they represent a tremendous potential for the ministry of The United Methodist Church. A great slate of presenters have been assembled who are at the leading edge of engagement with this generation.  Each Conference has been asked to send one representative for FREE.  If you are interested, please contact Alli Costello at alli@nmconfum.com.  

United Methodist Studies School

September 6 - 13, 2016 
Mt. Sequoyah, Fayetteville, Arkansas
sponsored by The College of Bishops, SCJ
Purpose:  To educate and spiritually form persons entering United Methodist Ministry in a retreat setting. 
Who: Persons who need to fulfill their Doctrine, Polity or History requirements in the Course of Study.
Four components are: worship, exploration groups, 30 hour courses (either United Methodist Doctrine & Polity or United Methodist History), Life Together.  

Instructor of UM Polity: D. Max Whitfield, Retired Bishop
Instructor of UM Doctrine: William W. Hutchison, Retired Bishop
Instructor of UM History: Charles N. Crutchfield, Retired Bishop
Cost: Tuition - $475; Double Occupancy & Meals - $472; Single & Meals - $717
Click here for the website  or 800-760-8126 


>May 10-20
>May 21-22 
>June 1 
>June 2 - 4
>July 13-16
>July 15-18

>July 22-23 
>Sept. 6-13 
>Oct. 2-5
>Oct. 19-21 

General Conference
Lay Servant School  
Early Bird Workshops 
NM Annual Conference
SCJ Conference
UMW - Mission U
Small Membership Church Retreat
United Methodist Studies School
Fall Clergy Retreat
Coaching - Basic Training

Portland, OR
Roswell, NM 
Roswell, NM
Wichita, KS
Mt. Sequoyah

Conference Calendar
UMC website


New Mexico Annual Conference  

11816 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Receptionist Hours: 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

(800) 678-8786 toll free; (505) 255-8786; (505) 265-6184 fax

 Click here to view our staff listing  



Please send photos, articles, events, etc. to Alli Costello, Communications Director at alli@nmconfum.com.  Send classified ads to frontdesk@nmconfum.com.