The New Mexico Annual Conference

of the United Methodist Church

  Open hearts. Open minds. Open doors.



  What's the Difference Between Lay Leaders, Lay Servants and Certified Lay Ministers? 

by Donna TeBrink, Annual Conference Lay Leader 

The ministry of the laity is the work of mission or ministry to which each believer is called. As Christians we are all called to this ministry or priesthood - not just clergy. Each of us has the privilege and responsibility to proclaim the Good News, reach out to others in love, and extend the influence of the UMC. Lay persons witness and reach out to others with God's love every day in ordinary ways. There are also some very specific ways we serve in and through our faith communities and the United Methodist Church.   

     Laity may be elected to serve as Lay Leaders at the local church, district, or annual conference. They advocate for and encourage lay ministry inside and outside of the church. Each serves as a connector between the local church, the district, and the annual conference working in unique ways in the arena they are serving. More importantly, Lay Leaders strive to model partnership in ministry with our clergy brothers and sisters.   

     A Local Church Lay Servant serves in ministries of leading, caring, and communicating within his or her home membership congregation and its community. Lay servants serve in many ways: leading worship, working with established ministry teams or taking initiative in beginning new ministries. Their witness, leadership, and service inspire the laity to a deeper commitment to Christ and more effective discipleship. A candidate must apply, be recommended by the pastor and by the church council or charge conference, and take the Basic Lay Servant Course.

     A Certified Lay Servant serves in ministries of leading, caring, and communicating within his or her home membership congregation and community (where primary attention to service is expected) and may serve beyond their local church in other churches, the district or conference. A candidate must apply, be recommended by the pastor and by the church council or charge conference, and take both the Basic Lay Servant Course and then an approved Advanced Lay Servant course. Lay servants are equipped through advanced courses to collaborate with clergy and to grow in service to church and community. The topics for advanced classes are endless. They are offered periodically in locations across the annual conference and also many are available online. Click here for more information. 

     The new designation as "lay speaker," as described in Paragraph 266.6 of the 2012 Book of Discipline, is not a "higher level" in Lay Servant Ministries. It is a designation for lay servants, which indicates additional preparation for preaching and worship leadership. Not every lay servant will want to, or have the spiritual gifts to become a lay speaker. And, this designation is not a prerequisite for pulpit supply. The decision about who fills the pulpit of a local church rests with the appointed pastor, often working in concert with the District Superintendent and the District Director of Lay Servant Ministries. 

     A Certified Lay Minister (CLM) is a qualified United Methodist layperson called to congregational leadership as part of a ministry team under the supervision a clergyperson. Paragraph 271 in the 2012 Book of Discipline explains Certified Lay Ministry, requirements, and service distinction.

A person wishing to become a CLM enters the certification process, which includes training, support, supervision, and accountability to the District Committee on Ordained Ministry. CLMs are laypeople serving out their call as disciples of Jesus Christ. They are neither full- nor part-time clergy, but may be assigned by the District Superintendent to serve in specific places and ministries. Certified Lay Ministers recognize the importance of lay ministry linking back to early Methodism and serve in many capacities. 

     Under the leadership of Rev. Pam Rowley, Certified Lay Ministry has taken off in the NMAC. Last year at annual conference several CLMs were certified and we are expecting to certify 31 more at annual conference in June. They enhance ministry or lead ministry in small membership churches, serve in community ministry settings, and serve the congregation in which they are currently a member or a nearby congregation in need of trained lay leadership.

      If you are interested in becoming more active in lay ministry and want to enhance your skills for ministry, pray. Reflect on questions like these: Is God calling you as a layperson to be a part of a ministry team using gifts given to you? Could you serve God faithfully as a Lay Leader, a Lay Servant or a Certified Lay Minister? Are you willing to explore this form of leadership in The United Methodist Church?

     If you can answer, "yes" to any of these questions, consider becoming certified in the area that best suits you and your gifts. Start by talking with your pastor to discern the best path for you. Then, explore the process, complete the training, and make yourself available to serve and you will experience being part of an essential ministry team in the church today.

For more information:

Lay leadership - Donna TeBrink at

Lay Servant Ministries - Charlie Poore at

Certified Lay Ministry - Pam Rowley at


Dear Friends and Colleagues, 

     Our hearts are full of joy and peace as a direct result of your caring calls, letters, texts, etc. with regard to my hospitalization and surgery in late November.  (Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, or a bleeding brain aneurysm that led to a stroke)  The prayer support that you have continued to give has been our rock and our hope.  Thank you for your loving and supportive presence. 

     I am progressing well.  Each day I grow a little stronger and have a little more energy.  Fortunately I have no permanent physical impairments from the stroke, so the task at hand is just to regain strength and stamina so I can fully resume life.  We finally arrived home in New Mexico on December 26 and being in our own surroundings has been a blessing within itself. 

     Please know of our love for you and our deep appreciation for all you have done for us.   

     null In Christ's love,

     Bill and Kay Hutchinson 

You might be a United Methodist if....your idea of "radical hospitality" always includes the words "jello salad", "cobbler" or "punch".  
The Committee:  Hospitality | Chuck Knows Church
The Committee: Hospitality | Chuck Knows Church

"The Committee" is a spin-off of Chuck Knows Church. which features the story of a church that is considering shutting its doors.  

The New Mexico Annual Conference

 11816 Lomas Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87112

   Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Receptionist Hours: 9:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.

 (800) 678-8786 toll free; (505) 255-8786; (505) 265-6184 fax

Click here to view staff listing 

January 19, 2015  
In this issue:
  • What's the difference between Lay Leaders, Lay Servants & Certified Lay Ministers?
  • Thanks from Bishop Hutchinson
  • You Might be a United Methodist If....
  • Upcoming Events
  • McMurry Scholarships


Five was to Improve your Worship Right Now & Prepare for an Amazing Lent Journey

Dr. Marcia McFee

Tuesday, January 20

9am - Noon

First Congregational UCC Church

Click here to register


EDE - El Paso

Saturday, January 31

Trinity-First UMC, El Paso

Click here for more information


Lay Servant Training School

Bloomfield UMC

January 23 - 24

Contact Kathy Potter or


Click here for more information


Lay Servant Training School St. Mark's UMC, El Paso

January 23 - 24

Contact Frances Gonzales or


Click here for more information


Becoming a More Vital Congregation Seminar

Saturday, February 7

Sacramento Assembly

Featuring Rev. Bob Farr, Author of "Renovate or Die - 10 Ways to Focus your Church on Mission"

Click here for more information


Pre-Lenten Workshop for Clergy with Bishop Charles Crutchfield

Monday, February 9

Asbury UMC, Odessa

Click here for more information


CCYM Winter Event

February 13 - 15

Sacramento Assembly

Click here for more information


Path 1 - Multi-Ethnic Church Planting Conference

February 25 - 27

San Antonio, TX

Scholarships available!

Click here for more information


ROC - Face your Giants

March 6 - 8

Sacramento Assembly 

Click here for more information


McMurry Scholarships

McMurry University offers a number of honors scholarships for outstanding incoming freshmen and transfer students.   Applicants must be admitted to McMurry and complete an honors application by February 1, 2015.  For more information, contact Honors Admissions Coordinator Kim Tate at or 800-460-2392. 



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