
The Membership Newsletter of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors - Jacksonville, FL  
In This Issue...
NAIFA-Jax Calendar of Upcoming Events

OCT. 29, 2015
Members-Only Legislative Summit with NAIFA Lobbyist Tim Meenan at the University Club, 1301 Riverplace Blvd., 27th Floor, Jacksonville, FL. Click HERE to register online.

NOV. 4, 2015
NAIFA-Jacksonville Community Service opportunity at the Sulzbacher Center. Click HERE for complete details.

NOV. 12, 2015
NAIFA-Jacksonville Blood Drive, 2:00 - 4:00 pm, Bloodmobile at Liberty Center, 7077 Bonneval Road, Jacksonville, FL 32216.
Click HERE to schedule your donation!

JAN. 26-27, 2015
NAIFA-Florida Day on the Hill in Tallahasse, FL. Click HERE for complete details and registration.

FEB. 25, 2016
NAIFA-Jacksonville 44th Annual Awards Gala. Complete details TBA.
Thought of the Month

- Cindi Cook

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It Pays to Be a Member
For the latest NAIFA-Jacksonville news and events, please visit our website at, or contact NAIFA-Jacksonville at (904) 695-2300 or email
Margie Harner
President's Message

Margie Harner, NAIFA-Jacksonville President

We are just returning from the 2015 NAIFA Annual Conference in New Orleans and I am proud to say that NAIFA-Jacksonville was well represented.   In attendance was your President Elect Cheryl Canzanella, your Treasurer Becky Brothers, your National Committeeperson Maureen Kirschhofer and President Margie Harner.  Becky and Cheryl were both presenters at the conference and they did an outstanding job. We thank them for their continued support and education. Florida as a whole was well represented. We have learned many different things regarding everything NAIFA continues to do in fighting the Department of Labor rule that would be detrimental to our businesses and our customers.

Overall it has been an amazing experience which will help us to lead NAIFA-Jacksonville into the future. We have been able to brainstorm with fellow financial and insurance advisors. In addition we have had time to meet with our own company representatives from all over the country. Most companies had an event for their advisors. It was very clear to those in attendance that our companies are firmly behind our membership in NAIFA. Please consider attending in the future as it's a great experience for all.

We have made changes to our event calendar this year. I encourage you to keep a close eye on the details of these upcoming events that your board has worked hard to plan. In celebration of our annual Legislative month in October we will host our first Annual Advocacy and Legislative Summit at the University Club on THURSDAY, October 29th. This is a NAIFA members-only event. It will start promptly at 10:45am. If you attended our September program you know it was standing room only. It is extremely important for ALL attendees to register in advance online so we can serve you best at our meetings. 

We are excited about our special community service event "Giving Thanks and Giving Back" when our members meet at the Sulzbacher Center on Wednesday, November 4th to prepare and serve the meal. We will need a total of 20 volunteers. Click HERE for complete details.

Tom Ashley I want the congratulate Tom Ashley who was recently appointed as our NAIFA-Florida CEO. We have enjoyed working with Tom over the years and look forward to his continued leadership.

Members-Only Advocacy & Legislative Summit

Thursday, October 29, 2015

The University Club  ~  10:45 am - 1:30 pm
1301 Riverplace Blvd., 27th Floor, Jacksonville, FL


2015 Legislative & Regulatory Update

(Course ID No 93011, Course Offering ID 1033883 = 1 hour of CE)

Tim Meenan
Presented by NAIFA-Florida Lobbyist Tim Meenan

(Please note this class begins promptly at 11:00 am)

Buffet Lunch

2015 IFAPAC Member Recognition

Insurance Insights
Presented by the FL Department of Financial Services

Agents & Agency Services
Presented by the Department of Financial Services


This is NAIFA-Jacksonville's first Advocacy and Legislative Summit! We will be addressing issues at the state and federal levels. NON-MEMBERS ARE NOT ALLOWED TO ATTEND. Members may confirm their membership by contacting NAIFA national at or by calling 1-877-866-2432 to verify before registering for this event. In an effort to provide adequate seating and food ALL ATTENDEES must register their attendance online in advance.

Register Online

For more information, please contact NAIFA-Jacksonville at (904) 695-2300 or


NAIFA-Jacksonville supports and volunteers to serve at the Sulzbacher Center!

Sulzbacher Center

Wednesday, November 4, 2015



Submitted by Richard R. Dwyer, AIF�
NAIFA-Jacksonville IFAPAC Chair

October is the month where 100% of IFAPAC contributions (of those able to contribute to states / based on signed Directives) will go back to our State!!!

IFAPAC seeks candidates to support that have a position that is in our best interest and those of our clients, regardless of their party affiliation. If you have not contributed to IFAPAC, please take this opportunity to do so. 

Jacksonville currently only has 14% participation from its members and you can do a monthly draft for as little as $8.40 per month. Please do your part to protect our livelihood and the benefits of our clients. If you need assistance in getting signed up please feel free to contact me at 904-800-7299.

For more information about IFAPAC including the directive to share your contribution with our federal and state PAC, plus secure online contributions, please visit



NAIFA-Jacksonville Appoints New National Committeeperson

Maureen Kirschhofer, CLU, ChFC NAIFA-Jacksonville thanks Maureen A. Kirschhofer, CLU, ChFC for her service and commitment to NAIFA. She just completed two terms (three years) as NAIFA-Jacksonville's National Committeeperson. Maureen served as NAIFA-Jacksonville's (then JALU) President in 1990-1991. She was the 1998 recipient of the C.G. Snead - J.F. Bryan, III Memorial Award and the 2012 recipient of NAIFA Jacksonville's Community Service Award. She has served as the President of the Society of Financial Service Professionals - Northeast Florida Chapter, the President of the International DI Society, GAMA, and the Estate Planning Council. She is currently serving as Director at Large for NAIFA-Florida.

Maureen, we are grateful for your continued commitment to serve. Your leadership sets an example of standards for young advisors to follow. We wish you and Bill success in the years to come.

S. Roger Dominey S. Roger Dominey, CFP, ChFC, CLU has been appointed to serve as the NAIFA-Jacksonville National Committeeperson October 2015 through the NAIFA National Convention in 2018. Click HERE to read more about Roger.

The national committeeperson serves as the liaison between the local and state association and NAIFA National. He or she reports on matters arising from and referred to the National Council, the Board of Trustees, and NAIFA standing committees to the state association. The national committeeperson is vital in the communications and management that binds the NAIFA Federation together. The position requires an experienced association leader who is willing and able to contribute time and effort to the association over a three-year term. As an experienced leader, the local national committeeperson is often called on to conduct the association new member orientation program and the strategic planning process.

NAIFA 2015 Annual Conference NAIFA Annual Conference Recap

Highlights of the recent conference can be found at

NAIFA-Jacksonville's Becky Brothers presenting "Social Media and Tips from Financial Advisors Just Like You" during the NAIFA Conference: 

Becky Brothers

Several important announcements were made at the recent NAIFA Annual Conference in New Orleans.

Free One-Year NAIFA Membership for New Advisors!


Free NAIFA MembershipDo you know someone just starting out in the business? NAIFA and NAIFA-Florida are offering a membership offering like never before. In an effort to expose as many new advisors as possible to the benefits of NAIFA, they are offering FREE membership to any advisor who has been in the industry for less than 3 years, has entered into an agent contract, has never been a member of NAIFA, and lives or works in Florida.

Eligible advisors must join by December 31st, 2015 in order to receive the one year of free membership. The membership pilot is open to new NAIFA members only. Click HERE for a promotional flyer with complete details.

If you know of someone who meets the qualifications, please use the code "NAIFAFLFREE" via or click HERE for a printable PDF application.

For more information, please contact contact Tom Ashley at 850-422-1701 ext. 202 or

NAIFA-Jax Joins Florida's "Learn to Save" Challenge!

Florida Learn to Save Challenge

Florida's "Learn to Save" Challenge, hosted by Florida Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater, is now open! Florida is home to an abundance of young filmmakers and artists seeking to jump start their future careers. We want to nurture this ambition, while encouraging them to learn about finances, especially budgeting and saving. Middle and high school students in Florida are challenged to creatively illustrate the importance of financial literacy for a chance to win monetary prizes and have their creation displayed in their region.

For more information on the challenge, please visit:

NAIFA Virtual Library Member Benefit of the Month:

NAIFA Virtual Library

NAIFA members have exclusive, free and unlimited access to this extensive library filled with resources to support financial advisors and insurance agents.

Titles Include:

Practice Tools and Tips
Priority Planning Concept
Fact Finders
Client Presentations
Concept Pages
Referred Lead Generator
Target Market Generator
Specimen Documents
Tax Information
Building Your Financial Services Practice
Mental Vitamins

Click HERE to access the NAIFA Virtual Library.

For a complete and comprehensive list of all the exclusive benefits of NAIFA membership, please visit

Ask a non-member to join NAIFA! 

NAIFA is the largest financial services membership association in the United States, comprised of more than 700 state and local associations representing the interests of 200,000 members and their associates nationwide. NAIFA's goal is to protect your livelihood and your clients' financial security.

To join or renew securely online, please visit

NAIFA-Jax Presents the 215 LHVA Prelicensing Course ~ Live and Online!

Please note that HB 1133 that was recently approved took effect on October 1, 2015.  The course will now run 60 hours and the price has increased from $149 to $200. 


November 6, 7, 8, 9, & 14, 15, 16
8:00am - 6:00pm

December 4, 5, 6, 7, & 12, 13, 14
8:00am - 6:00pm

Online classes also available!

Click HERE for complete details and registration for our live and online class opportunities.