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Potomac Pedalers News


 January 2014
In This Issue
Volunteers Needed
Patrice Coss - Ride Leader
Annual Meeting
Guest Speaker
Ice Skating
Spring Thaw
Lewes Delaware Weekend
Allenberry Weekend
Bike Shop Discounts
Renew Your Membership Online
About Potomac Pedalers
Join Our Mailing List!
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Potomac Pedalers Website


Club Ride Schedule


Impromptu Ride Schedule


Regional Cycling Events


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Potomac Pedalers FAQ's


Join Potomac Pedalers


Back Roads Century Website



Dear :

News Welcome to the latest edition of Potomac Pedalers News - our electronic newsletter which keeps you informed of the latest happenings in the world of cycling.


Throughout the winter we'll be sending out e-mails once per month. We'll tell you about upcoming club events, regional cycling events, the latest club news and more. Past newsletters are posted on our website for review.  Click here for the newsletter archive page.


Be sure to attend our Annual Meeting on January 11th in Bethesda, MD.  Details are below. 



Deb Reynolds


Volunteers Needed

Help!  Potomac Pedalers is in need of Volunteers.


Potomac Pedalers is an all-volunteer organization, and we rely on our talented members to keep the club running strong.


The areas where we especially need members to pitch in are: promoting the club, data analysis, communications, weekend event planning, and ride coordination. 


If you are able to help out in any of these areas, please send an email to Matt Birnbaum.  You can also speak with Matt at the Annual Meeting on January 11th, where he'll gladly meet with new volunteers.


Potomac Pedalers Ride Leader - Patrice Coss 


Ride leaders are the heart and soul of Potomac Pedalers, and without them we wouldn't have a club.  In each issue of our e-mail blast we feature one of our terrific ride leaders.

Patrice Coss at Bike to Work Day 2013

"I'm the slowest one," Patrice Coss tells newcomers biking the Tuesday night CC Capital Crescent Trail ride. To compensate, Patrice sweeps.  She asks one of the faithful, Ron Trueworthy, Ron Tripp, Pam Godwin or Reggie Beard maybe, to take the lead.  Her co-leader these days is Dave Lewis. The highlight of this staple club ride is dinner at one of Bethesda's many fun and moderately-priced restaurants following the ride.


Another regular on this ride, Jay York, introduced his best friend, Alison Steele, to the group 5 years ago.  After many rides, Jay proposed and Allison said "yes" in front of the group at one of the biking dinners. They got married just months ago.


Patrice started riding at age 10 in California.  Many years elapsed with no biking.  She took it up again once her son wanted to drive.  "I'll trade my old car for your bike," she said, and her 16-year-old said, "yes!"


Patrice joined Potomac Peddlers around 20 years ago.  She knew she'd feel more a part of the group if she agreed to lead rides.  It's easy, she says.  Just showing up is the main qualification for a ride leader.  That, and putting safety first.


When Patrice joined, Linda Schwartz had already started the Capital Crescent Trail ride.  The Capital Crescent is not her favorite ride though. Tim Bouquet leads some wonderful D rides, including one to the Aquatic Gardens. Jack Marney and Bill Michie often take groups to the annual Scottish walk in Alexandria.  It's Patrice's favorite parade because of all the bagpipers and tons of dogs.


These days Patrice reads the Pedal Patter from cover to cover. And, she met the man in her life at the Potomac Pedalers Tour de France happy hour!


Biking's the best!


Annual Meeting and Potluck - January 11, 2014, 12-3 pm,  Bethesda, MD

By Linda Schwartz

Date and Time:  January 11, 2014, 12:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Location: River Road Unitarian Church 

Address: 6301 River Road, Bethesda, MD 20817


Potomac Pedalers Annual Meeting and potluck lunch will be held Saturday, January 11, 2014 at the River Road Unitarian Church in Bethesda, MD.  This is a great opportunity to socialize with friends old and new, and to see some of your cycling friends in street clothes.  So bring your favorite dish, consider running for a position on the ExCom and just plan to have a fun afternoon! 

Our guest speaker will be Andy Clarke, CEO of The League of American Bicyclists (bio below).

The River Road Unitarian Church served as the home of our Annual Meetings for many years, and we are returning there once again.  If you are coming from 495, take Exit 39, River Rd., towards Washington.  Take a left on Whittier Blvd., then an immediate left into the church parking lot. The church is less than 2 miles from the beltway.

We look forward to seeing you January 11th!
We will need volunteers to set up and clean up before and after the meeting. If you are willing to volunteer, contact Linda Schwartz.

Annual Meeting Guest Speaker - Andy Clarke

CEO- The League of American Bicyclists


Andy Clarke Throughout his nearly 30-year career, Andy Clarke has worked for various bicycling organizations, including the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy, the Federal Highway Administration. and as the President/CEO of the League of American Bicyclists (LAB) for the past decade. The League was founded in 1880 to better the quality of life for all bicyclists across our country.   In addition to his strong policy background, Andy brings extensive experience and expertise in working with state and local advocacy groups.


At the Potomac Pedalers annual meeting, Andy looks forward to sharing insights and stories about the state of bicycling in the DC area and nation as a whole, as well as League's powerful vision for a more bicycle-friendly America in the future and the critical role of clubs like the Potomac Pedalers play in bringing this vision to reality.  


Ice Skating - Mount Vernon Rec Center - January 27, 2014


Join Potomac Pedalers members Deb Reynolds and Catherine Kitchell for ice skating at the Mt. Vernon Rec Center Ice Arena on Monday, January 27th.  Think of this as your winter cycling cross-training!  No reservations required, just show up.

When: Monday January 27, 2014 - 7:30pm-9:00pm
Where: Mt. Vernon Recreation Center Ice Arena (NHL size rink)
Cost: $7.50 ($6.75 county residents) for ice time & $3.25 for skate rental
Address: 2017 Belle View Blvd., Alexandria, VA - 703-768-3224
Contact: Catherine Kitchell if you need further information
Click here for directions

Spring Thaw - Cambridge, MD - April 10-13, 2014


Once again, Potomac Pedalers will host and partner with Eastern Tandem Rally to show off the wonderful Eastern Shore cycling. Spring Thaw is a regional cycling event and attacts many people from the east coast and mid-west. Four days of riding, with no hills, sparse traffic, and wide shoulders are perfect for getting back into cycling after a long winter.


Routes will lead to the water with spectacular scenery among world-class environmental ecosystems. If the ferry opens by this date, we may add a ride to scenic Oxford via the ferry, and ride onward to St. Michaels.

Click here for full event details and to register.


Lewes Delaware Weekend - April 25-27, 2014


Get an early jump on spring by joining us for a weekend at the beach. Lewes is a small, picturesque, and historic town near Rehoboth Beach. This weekend is noted for its sociability and ease in meeting new people, so come alone or with a friend or spouse.This year we will limit attendance to 82 people so sign up early!

We will have rides ranging in length from 20 to 65+ miles, all flat (although we reluctantly admit sometimes there are headwinds at the beach.) Many rides visit nearby wildlife refuges, a winery, and beaches.

Click here for full event details and to register.   


Allenberry Resort Weekend - August 15-17, 2014


Allenberry Resort Potomac Pedalers is once again sponsoring a beautiful and relaxing biking weekend at the Allenberry Resort & Playhouse, located in Boiling Springs, PA, only 100 miles from Washington, DC and 115 miles from Philadelphia. Enjoy scenic rides past historic stone houses and barns surrounded by beautiful mountain scenery. Rides range in length from 11 to 75 miles, providing variety for all types of riders.

Choose a ride to the Amish country store for browsing, a short ride for a cool snack, or a leisurely paced ride along the shady Yellow Breeches Creek. The routes vary from flat streambed valleys to serious climbs. There will be featured rides each day with leaders.

Click here for full event details and to register.

Bike Shop Discounts

Potomac Pedalers members receive discounts from many of the bike shops in our area.  We've posted a page on our website which details each bike shop's discount on various products and services.

As proof of membership, you can print your membership card directly from our website or show it to the store directly from your smartphone.   
  • Sign in to the website with your username/password
  • Under My Profile on the right side of the screen
  • Click on Manage Profile
  • Click on Membership Card and print - or - 
  • On your smartphone, navigate to the same print screen above and show your onlilne Membership Card to the bike shop
Membership Card  


Renew Your Membership Online - Save a Tree
You can renew your membership on our new website and help save the environment - mailing checks are no longer necessary!

Renewing your membership the Old Way -
  • Our office staff "runs a report" to see whose membership is expiring
  • Our office staff prints mailing labels, using up ink, toner and paper
  • Our office staff prints a "renewal form" and stuffs it in an envelope
  • Our office staff applies postage to the envelope and mails 
  • You fill out the renewal form - using up valuable time
  • You write a check - using up more valuable time
  • You apply postage to the envelope and mail - an unnecessary expense
  • Our office staff receives your envelope
  • Our office staff endorses the check and fills out a deposit slip
  • Our office staff deposits your check in the bank
  • Our office staff has to manually enter your renewal information into our membership database and update your record as "paid"
  • You have to wait until all of the above steps are completed before you can login to your account 

Renewing your membership the New Way - Membership Info

  • Go to and login 
  • Click on Membership Info
  • Click on Securely renew your membership now
  • Enter your credit card information
  • Click Submit 
That's it- You can renew online in less than 1 minute!  The environment thanks you and our office staff thanks you as well.

You can renew up to 1 year before your membership expires.  So it doesn't matter if you're expiring in May, June, July, August or any other month.  Renewals will extend your membership for an additional 1 or 2 years from your previous expiration date.

At any time you can click on the Membership Info link to view your expiration date. 

About Potomac Pedalers

The Potomac Pedalers Touring Club, Inc. is a non-profit educational, recreational and social organization for bicycling enthusiasts. We're one of the largest bicycle clubs in the United States, and the largest in the Metropolitan Washington DC area. Potomac Pedalers is affiliated with the League of American Bicyclists and we're recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, non-profit organization.
E-mail Marketing Team
Potomac Pedalers Touring Club, Inc.
Save 5%
with a
2 year membership.

Membership in Potomac Pedalers provides many benefits.  Each year, we offer over 1,000 Saturday and Sunday rides for cyclists of all abilities, with distances ranging from 10 to 100 miles.  You can also join us for evening rides during the week so that you can cycle after work.  Our cue sheet library contains hundreds of local rides that have been time-tested by our members.  And you'll receive our monthly newsletter "Pedal Patter" which is packed with stories, events, rides and more.  Plus, most local bike shops offer discounts for Potomac Pedalers members. 
A one year membership is only $30.00 for an individual and $37.00 for a family.  Two year memberships offer a 5% savings over the one year price.
See our Membership page to join.