October  2014

Volume: 6 Issue: 10

The Last Stand
 One of the only places left in the world where these endangered birds can be found is right here nesting in our forest.
 Photo courtesy of Jack Jeffrey
Help provide a home for our native birds. Adopt a Koa Legacy Tree today.
Hawaiian Legacy Hardwoods Launches New Public Charity: The Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative  

By Jennifer Sudick
October 1, 2014

HLH LLC, a sustainable reforestation company, has turned over its permanent reforestation division to Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative (HLRI), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. HLRI will continue HLH LLC's work of establishing, maintaining and protecting endemic Hawaiian forest ecosystems.


HLRI will continue to work with more than 340 charities, 70 Legacy Partners and tens of thousands of individual tree sponsors who have helped make this project so successful. HLH and HLRI have planted more than 250,000 endemic koa, sandalwood and other rare and endangered Hawaiian species in the world's first Hawaiian Legacy Forest.  


"These forests will not only be environmentally sustainable, but financially self-supporting as well--both now and in the future," said John Henshaw, director of HLRI. Through proprietary state-of -the-art technologies and methodologies, HLRI will work with landowners to develop and maintain permanent forestlands, protect our endangered species, sequester carbon and recharge watershed. Once planted, these trees become living memorials which are then sponsored by businesses and individuals who wish to donate a portion of the proceeds to their favorite charities.


"Many charitable organizations have discovered the Legacy Tree Program TM is an excellent fundraising mechanism and a unique way to raise money for their cause while helping heal the planet at the same time," said John Farias, HLRI director.


Legacy Trees can be sponsored to honor an individual, celebrate an event or memorialize a loved one. For each tree sponsorship, HLRI donates $20 to the charity or organization of the sponsor's choice. Guests also have a chance to visit this forest (for a fee) through their award-winning Hawaiian Legacy Tours, www.HawaiianLegacyTours.com  which provide a unique opportunity to take a tour, plant a Legacy Tree, and track its growth online for years to come.


Every tree is equipped with a proprietary RFID geo-tagging system that provides ongoing growth, maintenance, genealogy, and carbon sequestration data. This technology allows each Legacy Tree sponsor to track their tree over time, and store information about that person or event, creating a living monument and making the Hawaiian Legacy Forest the most intricately mapped forest in the world. Learn more about HLRI at www.LegacyTrees.org.

Making a Difference: Four Tourism Projects Win Society American Travel Writers Phoenix Awards 

October 6, 2014

Four tourism projects recently won Phoenix Awards from the Society of American Travel Writers.


Winners of the 2014 Phoenix Awards include a non-profit organization aimed at restoring and sustaining the beauty of Hawaii, a foundation with the goal of preserving the renowned art deco-style of architecture in America's heartland, a Chinese cultural retreat that provides an example of a respected model for sustainable cultural tourism and America's largest family estate which has been preserved and maintained as a National Historic Landmark.


The Phoenix Awards were created by SATW in 1969 to recognize conservation and preservation efforts of individuals and organizations as they relate to travel. The four winning tourism projects are:


The Linden Centre

The Linden Centre is a nationally protected building - the Yang Family Courtyard in the Himalayan foothills of Southwest China - that has been restored into a cultural retreat for guests interested in learning more about local customs such as culinary, painting, writing, photography, holistic health and antique appreciation.

Established in 2008 by American-born, yet long-time Chinese residents, Brian and Jeanee Linden, the historic hotel has been authentically preserved and facilitates cross-cultural understanding by engaging local residents in guest programming.

 The Linden Centre is a respected model for sustainable cultural tourism in China, and the owners often confer with provincial and national government officials on prudent and appropriate tourism development alternatives to current mass-tourism models.


In addition to The Linden Centre, the Lindens have opened two other sites: The Education Annex, home to a series of innovative learning programs, including the Sidwell Friends' semester program and Shanghai American School's Micro Campus; and The Linden Commons, which houses ceramics and painting studios, a cooking school, restaurants, spa and 14 suites. The latter, also a national relic, is one of the most pristine examples of pre-Revolutionary architecture in Southwest China.

Of the four awards granted this year, The Linden Centre was only non US-based recipient.


Hawaiian Legacy Restoration Initiative (HLRI)

Since its inception four years ago, HLRI - the non-profit arm of Hawaii Island-based sustainable forestry company, Hawaiian Legacy Hardwoods - has planted more than 250,000 endemic koa, sandalwood and other endangered Hawaiian species across more than 650 acres on the upper slopes of the Mauna Kea volcano on the Island of Hawaii. Guests of the newly launched Legacy Tours can now plant their own koa Legacy Tree and visit the Legacy Forest.


Through a combination of revenue streams - including tree sponsorship, tree planning eco-tours and certified carbon credits - HLRI has provided debt-free reforestation, environmental and cultural education to the public.


Click here for full article:Making A Difference

Koa Reforestation A Living Legacy Of Trees On The Big Island  

San Francisco Gate 
By Jeanne Cooper
October 24, 2014


Perhaps the coolest souvenir from Hawaii these days is one that people always leave behind, some 5,000 feet above the sea. Instead of gathering dust at home, these living mementos provide food for endangered native birds, keep soil from washing onto coral reefs, retain water in the watershed and offset vacationers' carbon footprint. Some even serve as unique reminders of lost loved ones.


These souvenirs are endemic koa trees, planted on 1,200 acres on the slopes of the Big Island's Mauna Kea. And thanks to GPS and Google Earth, those who support the Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative can watch online as the koa tree they either personally planted or funded grows taller every year.


The idea for planting "legacy trees" on the Big Island, along with harvestable koa as an investment, came in 2008 from former securities manager and corporate consultant Jeff Dunster and his longtime business partner Darrell Fox, who has a background in oceanography. "When I was in graduate school, I worked with a coral reef biologist, who said the way to protect a reef is to plant a forest," Fox says.


It costs $60 to sponsor the planting of a koa seedling, and $20 of that price is donated to the buyer's favorite nonprofits and another $1 to the Hawaiian Islands Land Trust. Small-group tours of the koa nursery and forest, which include the cost of planting a tree, start at $110.


Guests of the Four Seasons Resort Hualalai, which was an early partner of the program, have already contributed 20,000 legacy trees. The resort's new optional $8-per-stay conservation fee also funds legacy tree planting, which offsets the carbon footprint of guests' travel, according to Robert Whitfield, the resort's general manager.


Tom Wilmer, a travel writer and podcaster who lives in Morro Bay (San Luis Obispo County) and grew up in Palo Alto, was so impressed by the initiative that he successfully nominated it for the Society of American Travel Writers' prestigious Phoenix Award, which rewards conservation and preservation efforts.


Click here for full article: Koa Reforestaton

Entreeprener Corner      Jeff Dunster A
By Jeffrey Dunster

The Eye of The Storm-again...


Two months ago, the Hawaiian Islands received a visit from tropical storm Eselle. This prompted many concerned tree owners to inquire about the condition of their trees after the storm. Although we received heavy winds and heavy rains just as predicted, the trees were absolutely fine. These trees were unaffected because this is the environment that they have been enduring for thousands of years and it is part of their nature to handle this sort of thing. 


Other trees (non-native species) did not fare so well. Many eucalyptus and albizia trees were uprooted and snapped like twigs, creating more than $50,000,000 of damage in the State of Hawaii.  These trees were not endemic to Hawaii. This is not their natural environment and therefor were much more vulnerable. Any time you go against the natural order of things you increase your risk.


I used this natural disaster as an analogy to explain how investments are also susceptible to "man-made" storms; and that these storms can be much more deadly.   

 Here are a couple of excerpts from that newsletter:


Like the eucalyptus, if the investment is not suited to withstand the challenges of the environment, if it is not firmly rooted, the winds of adversity can create misery for the investor.  


The U.S. stock market is a prime example:  many people are not aware of how shallow the roots of this bull market really are and the huge storm that looms on the horizon.


Frankly, I don't know how anyone could accurately predict when this will occur because there are too many unknown variables. What you can be certain of, is that the government cannot and will not continue on this track indefinitely.  I also know that when they do decide to pull the plug, Wall Street insiders will know before you and will rush to sell everything they own. All of your gains will evaporate before you can hit the "SELL" button on your own computer.


Fast Forward to Today...


If You Keep Doing What You Are Doing,

Then You Will Keep Getting What You Are Getting -A. Einstein


October saw stockholders take another beating. In September the Dow Jones Industrial Average stood at 17,279.74 and in less than a month, dropped more than 1000 points -wiping out all of the gains made in 2014.  The investment gurus all sang a chorus of "We Shall Overcome" and encouraged everyone to stay the course and ride out the temporary setbacks. Although the market recovered, the constant wild swings indicate a very unstable environment. At some point you have to wonder if these folks have moved from endurance to bullheadedness. The definition if insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over...and expecting a different result.


Sleeping Well While the Winds Blow


You tree owners on the other hand... are (according to a growing number of sources) some of the most savvy investors in the world today. While hardwood prices throughout the world have been on the rise, koa prices are climbing faster than just about all of them. You have not only invested in an appreciating commodity (even by the most ultra-conservative estimates, koa prices rise more than 120% in the past 5 years), you have helped create a sustainable thriving endemic ecosystem, created permanent green jobs in some of Hawaii's most under-employed areas, protected watershed, protected our reefs by reducing runoff, sequestered carbon and brought back the endangered Hawaiian Hawk and Hawaiian Owl into this forest.  You exemplify how to "do well while doing good". 


These trees continue to grow unaffected by the man-made storms in the financial world.  They do not care about the latest scare. They have never heard of a NASDAQ bubble, a war on terror or "too big to fail". Trees are biological...they grow. As the world supply of tropical hardwoods continues to shrink and world demand continues to grow, you can sleep well at night.


Possibility of 2016 to be Our Final Year for Planting Investment Trees


Part of the success of this project has been based on our strict criteria for where we plant investment trees. We select only the best of the best lands for our investment trees. Given our current landholdings we expect that we will run out of land that meets that criteria this coming year. Rather than compromise our standards, we will discontinue that component of our operations once these lands are gone.


We will still continue and expand on the Legacy Tree permanent reforestation model through our public charity "The Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative". Through this entity, we expect to plant another 1,000,000 trees.  www.LegacyTrees.org


I wanted to say mahalo for everyone's unwavering support in this project.  This has been a large undertaking and it took all of us to make it successful. I want to thank each and every tree owner for your critical role in creating this unique forest. This success is yours. This model is now being studied by foresters, businesses and governments around the world as the future template for reforestation everywhere. One day, you will be telling your grandkids about this.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.

 ~Margaret Meade

Lone Koa Over 4 Years
Lone Koa Over 4 Years


             From The Field         Darrell Fox A1 

By Darrell Fox, COO        

Lava, the Hot Topic on Everyone's Mind

Everyone you talk to on Hawaii Island seems to be focused on the most recent update to the lava flow currently threatening Pahoa Village.  It has been a hard couple of months for the Puna district with a strike by Hurricane Iselle and near miss by Hurricane Ana.  The current lava flow started moving in their direction on June 27th of this year.  Unlike a hurricane that builds over a week and is past one way or another, the lava flow is a very slow motion event that builds in everyone's consciousness over months.  As of this writing the lava flow has crossed Cemetery Road and has entered the first of residential lots in Pahoa.  It is less than � mile from the center of town and moving at an average of 100-200 yards a day.  There is no rush on Home Depot to buy plywood to board up windows, no run on bottled water at Costco and no empty generator isles at all the home centers.  All you can do is walk away when the time comes.  Hopefully the path through the town will be narrow and the heart of this historic village will be left intact. 

When we set up HLH the threat of volcanic activity was carefully examined.   The following map from the Atlas of Hawai'i published by the University of Hawaii Press shows the lava flow risk zones of Hawaii Island.

In this map you can see that the summit and rift zones of Kilauea and Mauna Loa comprise the greatest hazard and have been repeatedly active in the past two centuries.  Greater that 25% of the areas of zone 1 have been covered by lava in the last 200 years.  This compares with 15-25% in zone 2 and 1-5% in zone 3.  The current lava flow entering Pahoa is in zones 1 & 2.  The HLH project area is on Mauna Kea in zone 8.  Zones 7-9 are on the dormant volcano of Mauna Kea and the extinct volcano of Kohala.  Zone 8 has seen no volcanic activity in the last 10,000 years. 


Field Preparation for 2015 Planting Site


We have completed the bulk of the invasive species removal and we have finished the mapping of the fields.  The mapping delineates two basic strata for our management purposes.  The areas with the best soil conditions and the most level terrain are set aside for the investment trees.  In the map below the areas suitable for investment trees are indicated in yellow.  The invasive trees in within the yellow outlines have been removed since the time of this satellite image.  The nursery stock for these areas is also carefully selected from seeds collected from only koa trees with the best growth form.

The remaining area outside the yellow will be planted with genetically diverse legacy trees.  As these seedlings become established over the next few years, we will interplant with several dozen native species of trees and shrubs that would have been components of the native forest once covering this land.  As you can also see from this view the task of keeping invasive species at bay is a continuous effort that will go on for many years.

Once again thank you all for your interest and support.  Let's keep the residents of Pahoa in our hearts.



Waldorf School Plants Legacy Trees


We would like to thank Waldorf School who spent the day with us planting koa legacy trees and helping reforest Hawaii.

Please see video below for a glimpse of their planting efforts.  

Honolulu Waldorf School and the Hawaiian Legacy Forest
Honolulu Waldorf School and the Hawaiian Legacy Forest
In This Issue
Hawaiian Legacy Hardwoods Launches New Public Charity: The Hawaiian Legacy Reforestation Initiative
Making a Difference: Four Tourism Projects Win SATW Phoenix Awards
Koa Reforestation A Living Legacy Of Trees On Big Island
Entreeprener Corner
From The Field
Waldorf School Plants Legacy Trees


Price Increase



November 1st
  2014 our 100 tree units will increase to $10,872.00 per unit due to the increasing cost of fuel, materials and labor.

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Aloha Data Service
American Diabetes Assoc.
American Cancer Society
American Lung Assoc.
Arbor Collective
Armed Forces
Bikram Yoga
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Boy Scouts of America
Certified Hawaii
Crime Stoppers
EPIC Foundation
ESPN 1420 
Feathers & Fur Animal Hospital
First Insurance Company
Four Seasons Resort  
Friends of Hokule'a &
Friends of the Library of Hawaii
Gentry Homes
Habitat for Humanity
Hagadone Printing 
Hale Kipa
Hawaii Aloha Academy
Hawaii Bone Marrow 
Hawaii Brain Aneurysm
Hawaii Ecotourism Assoc
Hawaii Funeral Services
Hawaii Healing Hearts
Hawaii Meals on Wheels
Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus
Hawaiian Civic Club of Wahiawa
Hawaiian Electric Company
Hawaiian Islands Land Trust
Honolulu Furniture Company
Island Pacific Energy
Jonathan Tarr Foundation
Joshua Neves Children's Foundation
Kalihi Education Coalition
Kalihi-Palama Cultue & Arts Society 
Kamanu Composites
Ken Po Hawaii
KoAloha Ukulele
Lamaku Society
Lanakila Pacific
Le Jardin Soccer Academy
Leeward Funeral Home
Malama O Na Keiki
Martin & MacArhur 
Maryknoll School
Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project
Miss Hawaii Organization
MOA Hawaii 
Moanalua Gardens Foundation
Moku'aina Properties
Nat'l Kidney Foundation
Nurture Her
O'ahu Resource Conservation &
Development Council
Partners In Development
Po Ailani Inc.
Pomare Hilo Hattie
Rising Sun Solar
St. Louis Schools
Tau Dance Theater
The Rabbit Kekai Foundation
Variety Schools of Hawaii
Waimea Falls Park 
Watermark Publishing / Legacy Isle Publishing
William K. & Rita G. Wong
Family Foundation 
AIDS Foundation
Alliance Theater
Aloha United Way 
Alzheimer's Association
American Cancer Society
American Diabetes 
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention 
American Heart Assoc.
American Lung Association
American Red Cross
American Reef Coalition
Amnesty International
Arizona Animal Welfare League
Armed Forces
Army Emergency Relief
Assets School
Assistance League of Hawaii
Augie's Quest
Autistic Foundation
B.I.G. Love Cancer Care 
Ballet Hawaii
Best Friends Animal Sanctuary
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network
Boston Children's Hospital
Boy Scouts of America 
Boys & Girls Club of Ewa Beach
Boys & Girls Club of Metro Denver
Breast Cancer Research Foundation
Cancer Research
Carolina Farm Stewardship
CASA of Linn County
Catholic Charity of Santa Clara 
Central Union Church & Preschool
Chaminade Annual Fund for Excellence
Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation
Clay County Hospital Foundation 
Colorado Public Radio
Compassion International
Conservation Council for Hawaii
Council for the Arts at MIT
Counseling & Spiritual Care Center of Hawaii 
Cymer Volunteer Fire Dept
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Daughters of Hawaii
Denver Rescue Mission
Disabled Veterans
Doctors Without Borders
Domestic Violence Action Center
East Hawaii 4-H Hilo
East Maui Animal Refuge
Eastside Domestic
Endangered Species Int'l
Entrepreneurs Foundation
of Hawaii
EPIC Foundation
Episcopal Relief & Development
ESPN 1420
Executive Women Int'l
Eye of the Pacific Guide Dogs
Feed The Children
Families of SMA
First Congregational Church
First Unitarian Church of Honolulu
Fisher House Foundation
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Friends of Kewalo Basin
Friends of NELHA
Friends of the Hoku'lea and Hawai'iloa
Friends of the Library of Hawaii
Green Wheel Food HUB
Gregory House Honolulu
Habitat For Humanity
Halau Hula Na Mamo 'O Panaewa
Hale Aloha O Hilo
Hale Opio Kauai
Hana Canoe Club
Hawaii Adaptive Paddling Association
Hawaii Aloha Academy
Hawaii Arts Alliance
Hawaii Audubon Society  
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Hawaii Catholic Charities
Hawaii Childrens Center 
Hawaii Childrens Discovery Center
Hawaii Community Foundation
Hawaii Conservation Alliance Foundation
Hawaii Eco-Tourism
Hawaii Food Basket
Hawaii Foodbank
Hawaii Heart Assoc.
Hawaii Humane Society
Hawaii Island Humane Society
Hawaii Island United Way
Hawaii Islands Land Trust
Hawaii Kidney Foundation
Hawaii Law Enforcement
Hawaii Lions Foundation
Hawaii Literacy Kagyu Thegchen Ling
Hawaii Meals On Wheels
Hawaii Mother's Milk Inc.
Hawaii Nature Center
Hawaii Theater Center Art
Hawaii United Okinawa Association
Hawaii Vocal Arts Ensemble
Hawaii Wildlife Fund
Hawaii Youth Opera Chorus
Hawaiian Island Ministries
Hawaiian Islands Land Trust
HCA Foundation
Heart & Stroke Foundation
Hearts For Animals
Hina Maakua Charity
Historic Hawaii Foundation
Holy Spirit Hospital
Honolulu City Lights
Honolulu Museum of Art
Honua Films
Hospice Hawaii
HPU Green Club
Huli Pili Mau
Institute for Humanity
Island Angel
JDRF Hawaii
Japanese American Nat'l Museum
Jonathan Tarr Foundation
John Theisman
Junior Achievement of Hawaii
Ka Pa'alana
Ka Honua Momona Int'l
Kako`o `Oiwi
Kalihi Palama Culture & Art
Kanu Hawaii
Kapiolani Health Foundation
Kaui Hospice
Kaui Humane Society
KeAli'i Pauahi Foundation
Keiki OKa'Aina Family
Learning Center
Ka Pa'alana Partners and Development Foundation
Keola O Ke Kai Canoe
Kidney Foundation
Kokee Discovery Center
Kokua Hawaii
Kona Community Hospital Foundation
La Jardin Academy
Lamaku Society
Lanai Cultural & Herritage Center 
Lanakila TLC  
Leilani Farm Sanctuary  
Life Foundation
Lolly Hansen Senior Ctr.
Lualualei Hawaiian Civic Club
Lucille Packard Cancer Center
Ludwig Von Mises Institute
Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation
Lunalilo Home Adult Day Care
Lyon Arboretum
Make A Wish
Malama Kauai 
Malama Learning Center
Malama Mahaulepu 
Maria Lanakila Catholic Church
Maryknoll High School
Maui Adult Day Care
Maui Food Bank
Maui Pitbull Rescue
Memorial Sioan-Kettering Cancer Center
Merrie Monarch Festival
Mid Pacific School
Mid Pacific Elementry School
MOA Hawaii
Mokihana Aquatics Kauai
Mokupapapa Discovery Center
Molly Rowlee Fund
Mo'okini Luakini Heiau Foundation
Na Kalai Wa'a Moiku O Hawai'i
Napili Kai Foundation
Nat'l Audobon Society
Nat'l Down Syndrome
Nat'l Foundation for Cancer
Nat'l MS Society
Nat'l Parkinson Foundation
Nat'l Riffle Association
Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation
Native Hawaiian Plant Society
New Beginnings Adoption
New Hope Hawaii
New Jersey SPCA
Nisei Veterans Legacy Center
Noah Russell Dredla Memorial
Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep
Nuru International
Oahu RC & D
Ohana Ola O' Kahumana
Olohana Foundation
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Oregon Humane Society
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Palisades FCE Club
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Playing for Change
Plymouth Congregational Church
Polynesian Voyaging Society 
Preeclampsia Foundation 
Punahou School Class '86
Queen Lili'ukalani Children's Center
Rainforest Alliance
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River of Life Mission
Rocky Mountain Institute
Ronald McDonald House
Salvation Army
Samaritans Purse
Save The Children
Sea Doc Society
Search to Involve Pilipino Americans
Second Presbyterian Church
Shriners Hospitals for Children
Sierra Club Hawaii
South Seas Christian Ministries
Special Olympics Hawaii
Special Olympics Nebraska
St. Andrew's Priory School
St. Francis Hospice
St. Joseph's Catholic School
St. Jude Children's
St. Patrick's School
Sts. Peter & Paul Catholic Church
Stand Up To Cancer
Straub Foundation
Surfpark Outrigger Club
Surfrider Foundation
Susan B. Komen
Sustainable Coastlines
Tau Dance Theater
TEAK Fellowship
The Blazeman Foundation for ALS
The Book Trust of Hawaii
The Climate Realty
The Connecticut Hospice  
The Guadalupe House
The Friends of Iolani Palace 
The Futbol Project
The Hawaiian Nature Center
The Honolulu Corale
The Marine Mammal Center
The Nature Conservancy 
Of Hawaii
The Wilderness Society
Tri-Isle Resource Center
Touch A Heart
Ukulele Festival of Hawaii 
United for Peace and Justice
Unity School
University of Hawaii Miss Hawaii Foundation
Univ. of Penn Abramson Cancer Center
Urban Think Foundation
Variety School Of Hawaii
Waialua United Church of Christ
Waikiki Health Center
Waimanalo Health Center
Waimea Valley
Water Mission Int'l
Wet Hens Sailing
Wilcox Health Foundation
Wild Animal Sanctuary
Windward Spouse Abuse Shelter
Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts
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Hawaiian Legacy Hardwoods