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The Public Meeting is Just Days Away, but Your Help is Needed Right Now
Stop the U.S. Congress from Weakening the EPA's Authority

As we get ready for Saturday's Public Meeting, a new challenge has popped up threatening our ability to protect water quality in our state. 


We need your help today to stop a dangerous set of amendments, the Manchin amendments 846 and 850, that would prohibit EPA from using its clean water act authority to veto mountaintop removal coal mining permits. The amendments have been added to the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2013 which is loaded with pork for projects around the country and has high probability of passing unless they hear from you today.


Please contact Tennessee Senators Lamar Alexander (202-224-4944) and Bob Corker (202-224-3344) today and tomorrow. And then join us this Saturday to join your voices with others concerned about water quality, good jobs, and equality for all in Tennessee.


Register Today for the Public Meeting and 40th Anniversary Celebration!


To help everyone get ready and to know what to expect on Saturday, we've created a webpage with a lot of helpful information. 


We just added a bus and van schedule for Saturday's meeting. Check out the Public Meeting Page for updated information throughout the week. There you can find a detailed agenda, transportation information, a flyer, a map of Tennessee State University's campus, a summary of current issues that SOCM is working on, and more. 
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