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Monday, March 25, 2013
Hold Our Senators Accountable for their Campaign Promises
The Solar Tax Bill Would Increase Taxes 6000%


On Tuesday, March 26th at 10:30 a.m. CT, the Tennessee Senate State and Local Government Committee will be hearing the Solar Tax Bill (Senate Bill 1000). This bill means nearly a 6000% property tax increase for businesses that utilize solar energy and is a clear divestment in clean energy in Tennessee.


Many of the senators that are on the State and Local Government Committee ran on the campaign message that they would lower taxes. Hold them accountable for their campaign promises!


Contact the Senate State and Local Government Committee members today to tell them solar energy is important to you! Click here for talking points to use when contacting Committee members.


This Solar Tax Bill will hurt our state because:

  • Tennessee businesses of all types that have installed solar will see their property tax dramatically increased.
  • Tennessee-made solar panels will be taxed higher than cheap imported solar panels, discouraging consumers from buying America-made products.
  • This tax increase will actually cost Tennessee more money than it brings in due to lower business revenue and expensive individual audits.
  • Solar means jobs for Tennessee.
  • This is a penalization for investing in solar.
  • This is a divestment in a new industry that has created good jobs in our state.
  • Solar means cleaner air and water!
  • Solar means energy independence!

The Senate may vote on an amendment tomorrow that will decrease the tax burden of this bill, but the bill, as is, has already passed out of committee in the House.


If you would like to attend the committee meeting tomorrow, contact Kazi Wilkins kazi@socm.org 615-562-7784


For more information on the bill, see the legislative page on the SOCM website.

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