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 Illinois Small Business  Environmental Assistance Program  
The Illinois Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (IL SBEAP) is a federally mandated program to assist small companies in understanding their environmental requirements and achieving compliance.  The program is located in the non-regulatory, business assistance agency, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity to alleviate small business' fears in seeking assistance. Questions?  Call 800-252-3998
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Small Business Environmental Assistance Program
Illinois Dept. of Commerce
& Economic Opportunity
500 East Monroe R-5
Springfield, IL 62701
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Illinois EPA Bureau of Air Expands Availability of General Operating Permits


A general permit is a permit that covers a specific category of facilities/ sources that have similar operations and types of emissions. Individual permits are unique to each facility based on the facility's operations, type and amount of emissions, equipment, and other factors. Because individual permits for some categories of sources can contain very similar or, in many cases, identical emission limitations and requirements, their standard contents have been compiled into one pre-approved permit that can be applied to certain categories of sources. This is a general permit.

In effort to streamline permitting as required under Section 39.10 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act (Act), the Illinois EPA is providing general permits for two new categories of true minor sources: portable material (non-waste) crushing plants and soil/groundwater remediation systems. In addition, the Illinois EPA is updating and expanding the general permits for stationary concrete batch plants from the existing six to twelve and adding four new general  permits for portable concrete batch plants.

With these additions, available general permits from the Bureau of Air include:

  • two remediation system (ASSVE/Air Stripper) permits,

  • two portable crushing plant permits,

  • four portable concrete batch plant permits, and

  • twelve non-portable concrete batch plant permits

 Once a source has a general operating permit they can add or modify emission units without having to obtain a construction permit or revised operating permit up to the number of emission units allowed by the general operating permit they are requesting coverage by. This saves the source time and money since they do not have to prepare a construction and operating permit application, pay the construction permit application fee, and wait for their permit to be issued each time they want to add or modify an emission unit as long as they can comply with the general operating permit limits. This increases efficiency for the Bureau of Air as it reduces the number of permit applications reviewed and issued for true minor sources of pollution so more resources can be allocated to reviewing and permitting larger sources of air emissions.


In order to obtain coverage by the general  permits being provided pursuant to Section 39.10 of the Act, the source must complete and submit a Notice of Intent to be Covered Form and the appropriate construction permit application fee if they are a new source or portable source requesting coverage by a joint general construction and lifetime operating permit. If the source is an existing non-portable source, then just the appropriate Notice of Intent to be Covered Form would need to be completed and submitted in order to obtain coverage by one of the lifetime general operating permits.


Upon review of the Notice of Intent to be Covered Form by the Bureau of Air Permit Section, the appropriate general permit would be issued and a copy sent to the applicant or the applicant would be notified of deficiencies with their Notice of Intent to be Covered Form. If the noted deficiencies are rectified then the appropriate permit would be issued and a copy sent to the applicant.


It is important to note that only true minor sources of emissions are eligible for general permits. Air pollution sources whose potential to emit (PTE) is less than the major source annual emission thresholds are considered minor sources. Potential to Emit (PTE) is defined at Section 39.5 of the Illinois Environmental Protection Act and is used to predict the release of air contaminants from an emission source operating at its maximum rate capacity, 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. A true minor air pollution source is one that, even operating at its maximum capacity and continuously, cannot exceed the major source annual emission threshold levels. A true minor source should not be confused with a synthetic minor source which is an air pollution source that has a Federally Enforceable State Operating Permit (FESOP) with conditions that legally restrict its PTE to below the threshold levels.


A major source is defined as any stationary source (or any group of stationary sources that are located on one or more contiguous or adjacent properties, and are under common control of the same person or persons) belonging to a single major industrial grouping and is described in one of the following:

  • potential to emit 100 tons per year ("T/yr") or more of any air pollutant, i.e., particulate matter(PM-10), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (N0x), carbon monoxide (CO), or volatile organic material (VOM).

  • potential to emit 10 T/yr or more of any one of the 187 Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) listed pursuant to section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act, or

  • potential to emit 25 T/yr or more of any combination of HAPS

  • potential to emit 100,000 T/yr or more of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) of greenhouse gases(GHG) but only if potential to emit is major for one of the above also}

{Potential to emit is the maximum capacity of a stationary source to emit any air pollutant under its physical and operational design without any reduction by air pollution control devices unless it is specifically required by regulation or federally enforceable permit condition. . Note that this is calculated considering the maximum capacity of the equipment (use 8760 operating hours per year).}


The following general permits' Notice of Intent to be Covered forms can be found at http://www.epa.state.il.us/air/forms/general-permits/index.html

  • Truck Mix Concrete Batch Plant (APC 660)

  • Central Mix Concrete Batch Plant (APC 661)

  • Portable Truck Mix Concrete Batch Plant (APC 662)

  • Portable Central Mix Concrete Batch Plant (APC 663)

  • Portable Crushing Plant (APC 664)

  • Remediation System (APC 665)

Prior to the new provisions for general permitting (Section 39.10 of the Act), the Illinois EPA Bureau of Air issued lifetime general operating permits to concrete batch plants, grain elevators and aggregate plants/quarries. Unlike the new general permits being issued pursuant to Section 39.10, the previously approved lifetime general operating permits require the applicant to submit the APC-629 Application for a Permit to Operate and other applicable forms. These pre-Section 39.10 lifetime general operating permits for grain elevators and aggregate plants/quarries will continue to be issued in this manner and remain available; however, pre-Section 39.10 lifetime general operating permits and application procedures for the concrete industry are no longer available and are now replaced with new general permits and the Notice of Intent to be Covered Form discussed above. Both the new general permits and the Lifetime General Operating Permits do not expire as long as site fees are paid annually. Existing sources with permits issued prior to Section 39.10 of the Act will continue to operate under their Lifetime General Operating Permit. However, a source may apply if they would like to be covered by the new general permits.


 If you have questions regarding the general permits please contact Charlie Zeal at 217-785-1715 or Charlie.zeal@illinois.gov.



Illinois EPA Requesting Comments Concerning Distillate and Residual Fuel oil


 The Illinois EPA Bureau of Air is in the process of reducing sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions in the state to help attain and maintain the 2010 1-hour SO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS). One of the impacts is to reduce the amount of sulfur used in fuels, especially distillate and residual oil (a.k.a. fuel oils 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6). The Illinois EPA is proposing to limit the use of fuel oils in the state by only allowing the use of fuels that are considered ultra-low sulfur fuels. This means that for fuel oils 1 and 2, distillate fuels, the amount of sulfur allowed in the fuels will be 15 ppm or less, and the amount of sulfur allowed in the residual fuel oils 4, 5, and 6, will be 1000 ppm or less.


The Illinois EPA is requesting comments on the impacts of this rule, and if there is a need for any exclusion, for example, used oils. Please send any comments via email to Ash Gelaidos at: Ash.Gelaidos@illinois.gov or Rory Davis at Rory.Davis@illinois.gov by August 22, 2014.


If you would like to mail in a response, please mail to either of the above at Illinois EPA, Bureau of Air, Air Quality Planning Section, 1021 N. Grand Avenue East, Springfield, IL 62794-9276.


Illinois EPA Bureau of Air is also holding a public informational meeting on August 14th in the Sangamo Room at the Illinois EPA Springfield office.  The primary purpose of the meeting is to share the 1-hour SO2 NAAQS nonattainment area modeling results with stakeholders and others interested in the Agency's SIP development efforts. Modeling input and output files, together with source-specific contribution spreadsheets, will be made available electronically upon request.  Currently sources in the Lemont and Pekin areas are impacted since these areas have been designated as nonattainment for the 2010 1-hour SO2 standard.  For more information concerning the outreach meeting or to request documents, please contact Jeff Sprague at Jeff.Sprague@illinois.gov.


$4.6 Million Fund for Illinois Clean Energy Startups


On June 25, 2014 Governor Pat Quinn and the Clean Energy Trust announced the formation of the Illinois Clean Energy Fund, a revolving equity fund that will make $4.6 million available to grow early-stage clean energy businesses in the state.

The Illinois Clean Energy Fund will be established with $2.3 million from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) from an allocation of federal funds approved for investing in clean energy businesses. The Clean Energy Trust will raise a matching $2.3 million, with advisory services provided by Freshwater Advisors.

The fund will award convertible notes initially ranging from $100,000 to $500,000 to early-stage Illinois-based companies working in renewable energy, energy efficiency, smart grid, next-generation transportation and water resource management. Returns generated by the awards will be reinvested into more of Illinois' emerging clean energy businesses. The initial criteria for companies include:

  • Minimum of $1.5MM raised in seed, angel or institutional capital
  • Advanced enough to have a market-ready product or service.
  • Generating revenues with demonstrated market validation
  • Credible CEO and established governance structure

Eligible clean energy companies will receive mentoring from Clean Energy Trust advisors before pitching their business plans to a panel of independent judges, who will make the final award decisions this fall. Interested companies should visit  



Questions You May Have about the Registration of Smaller Sources Program (ROSS)


 Portable units


I have a portable unit that is registered in ROSS. How do I let the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency know that I plan to move that unit to a new location?


Facilities that have a registered portable unit can use the APC 208 form to let the IEPA know they are going to move to a new location.


Site fee due dates


I registered in ROSS last year, when should I pay my site fee bill?


Site fee billing dates are specific to each facility. If you had a permit prior to registering with ROSS then there is no change to your site fee billing date. If you are a new source then your site fee will be due on the anniversary of your registration in ROSS.


Questions regarding the ROSS Program? Contact the Illinois Small Business Environmental Assistance Program at 800-252-3998.


Technical Assistance Expertise Geared Up to Eliminate Waste


The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) now offers a Zero Waste Program, providing assistance to achieve waste minimization and diversion assistance. The Center's trained engineers, scientists, and partner organizations will assess waste-handling practices and provide innovative management and materials reuse planning.

The program team is available to conduct waste characterization assessments, develop or refine waste management programs, and help connect clients with other businesses and resources to achieve greater material recycling and beneficial use to help achieve the goal of zero waste to landfill.  The program is available to a wide range of organizations including industrial and commercial business, manufacturers, food and beverage providers, solid waste managers, government entities, and others.

The team has received more than 100 inquiries since the program launch in early 2014, showing the widespread interest by business and communities in waste reduction, recycling and sustainable processes.


To learn more about the Zero Waste Program, visit http://www.istc.illinois.edu/tech/zero_waste.cfm.


Resources for Illinois Businesses: The Illinois On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program   

The Illinois On-Site Safety and Health Consultation Program provides FREE and confidential safety and health advice to small and medium-sized businesses committed to improving workplace safety and health.

The consultants are experts in identifying workplace hazards and making recommendations to eliminate these hazards with the goal of improving workplace safety and health.


Services Include

  • Written Program Review
  • Hazard Identification and Control
  • Industrial Hygiene Monitoring (air and noise)
  • Injury and Illness Record keeping Review and Analysis
  • Safety and health Management Program Evaluation
  • Informal Training


  • Reducing worker injury and illness rates

  • Decreasing worker's compensation costs

  •  Improving worker morale

  • Increasing productivity

  •  Recognizing and removing hazards from your workplace

  • Improving Safety and health  

To request an On-Site Consultation please go to our website osha.illinois.gov and click on the On-Site Consultation Request Form.



Legislative Changes to the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act


On June 30, 2014 the Governor signed legislation that made changes to Lead Poisoning Prevention Act. These changes, which are effective on January 1, 2015, impacted several sections of the Lead Poisoning Prevention Act, some for language consistency or clarifications, and some operational updates. One of the amendments involved repealed Section 12 and replaced it with Section 12.2. This section authorizes the Department of Public Health to assess fines and penalties administratively. Previously, these cases were referred to the local States Attorney or the AG's Office.


You can read the full text of the amendments in PA 98-069 at the Illinois General Assembly's website  

Federal Updates




U.S. EPA Proposes Amendments to New Source Performance Standards for Grain Elevators Comments Due October 7th


The USEPA proposed amendments to the new source performance standards (NSPS) for Grain Elevators. A grain elevator receives, stores, weighs, and transfers grain. The Clean Air Act requires grain elevators with certain storage capacities to comply with these standards of performance.


U.S. EPA is proposing these amendments based on its 8-year review of the NSPS required by the Clean Air Act and in response to issues raised by the industry related to the treatment of temporary storage. In addition, the U.S.EPA is proposing to clarify certain definitions and provisions in the existing requirements. The Agency also is proposing to add a new section to the rule that would include requirements only for grain elevators where construction, modification, or reconstruction begins after the July 9, 2014 publication date of this proposal in the Federal Register.


 The proposed new section of the NSPS would include:

  •  new emission limits for certain grain elevators;
  •  additional testing, monitoring, recordkeeping, and reporting requirements; and
  •  different compliance requirements for periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction.


USEPA also is proposing an additional method for determining to which facilities the rule would apply. Some storage containers at an elevator are "temporary storage". They hold grain for short periods of time before it is shipped out for use or for longer term storage. USEPA is proposing to count temporary storage capacity at approximately one-third of traditional permanent storage capacity for determining rule applicability.


In several prior rules, the USEPA had included an affirmative defense to civil penalties for violations caused by malfunctions in an effort to create a system that incorporates some flexibility. On April 18, 2014, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit vacated these provisions in the New Source Performance Standards for Portland cement. (NRDC v. EPA, No. 10-1371). The court found that the USEPA lacked authority to establish an affirmative defense for private civil suits and held that under the Clean Air Act, the authority to determine civil penalty amounts lies exclusively with the courts, not the USEPA. In light of NRDC, the USEPA is not including a regulatory affirmative defense provision in this rulemaking.


Comments on the proposed rule must be received on or before October 7, 2014. Under the Paperwork Reduction Act, comments on the information collection provisions are best assured of having full effect if the Office of Management and Budget receives a copy of your comments on or before August 8, 2014.


The proposed rulemaking can be found at: https://federalregister.gov/a/2014-15868

Comments, identified by Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OAR-2010-0706, may be submitted by one of the following methods:


  •    www.regulations.gov: follow the on-line instructions for submitting comments.
  •    Email: Comments may be sent by electronic mail (email) to:a-and-r-Docket@epa.gov.
  •    Fax: Fax your comments to: (202) 566-9744.
  •    Mail: Send your comments to:

Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center,   Environmental Protection Agency, Mail Code: 2822T, 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20460.

  • Hand Delivery or Courier: Deliver your comments to: Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW, Room 3334, Washington, DC 20004. Such deliveries are only accepted during the Docket's normal hours of operation and special arrangements should be made for deliveries of boxed information.

For further information about the proposed amendments, contact Bill Schrock of the EPA's Office of schrock.bill@epa.gov


USEPA Solicits Great Lakes Shoreline Cities Grant Proposals  

On July 21, 2014 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a solicitation for a second round of Great Lakes Shoreline Cities Grants.  USEPA will award grants totaling up to $4.5 million to eligible shoreline cities to fund green infrastructure projects that will improve Great Lakes water quality.   

This year, shoreline cities with a population greater than 25,000 and less than 50,000 will be eligible to apply for green infrastructure grants of up to $250,000. Last year, USEPA awarded Shoreline Cities Grants totaling just under $7 million to 16 cities with populations greater than 50,000.  

"This is an opportunity for more Great Lakes shoreline cities to obtain funding for green infrastructure projects," said Region 5 Administrator/Great Lakes National Program Manager Susan Hedman.  "These GLRI grants will be used for green infrastructure projects that reduce urban runoff and sewer overflows that foul beaches and impair Great Lakes water quality."  

Cities can use the grants to cover up to 50 percent of the cost of rain gardens, bioswales, green roofs, porous pavement, greenways, constructed wetlands, stormwater tree trenches and other green infrastructure measures installed on public property.  Detailed eligibility requirements are available at

More information about the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative is available at


USEPA Accepting Nominations for the Clean Air Excellence Awards


The Clean Air Excellence Awards Program, established at the recommendation of the Clean Air Act Advisory Committee, periodically recognizes and honors outstanding innovative efforts to help make progress in achieving cleaner air. The USEPA is accepting applications for the award until September 12, 2014.


Award-winning entries must directly or indirectly reduce pollutant emissions, demonstrate innovation, offer sustainable outcomes, and provide a model for others to follow.

There are five categories in which a program, project, or technology may be entered:


If you have any questions about the Clean Air Excellence Awards Program, please contact Jeneva Craig of EPA's Office of Air and Radiation at (202) 564-1674, or craig.jeneva@epa.gov.


Defining the scope of waters protected under the Clean Water Act (CWA)


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) have extended the comment period for the proposed rule defining the scope of waters protected under the Clean Water Act (CWA). This proposal would set forth several categories of waters to be included in the definition as well as establish waters that are subject to the act.  The new deadline for comments is October 20, 2014.


You can get more information on this rule from the following links:

Submit Comments on this Request on Regulations



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