Access Copyright: New Offerings for Colleges & Universities

Access Copyright recently announced new offerings for Canadian Colleges & Universities, available beginning July 1, 2015.

These offerings were developed with input from Access Copyright's post-secondary education customers, in consultation with publisher and creator associations, and are designed to provide greater convenience, value and choice for customers along with appropriate rewards for the writers, visual artists and publishers whose works are valued and used every day.

They are also priced to reflect the current market uncertainty around fair dealing in education.

"We recognize the advances many institutions have made on content dissemination and the centralized management of copyright," said Roanie Levy, Executive Director of Access Copyright. "We've been across the country speaking to academic librarians and copyright administrators about their needs. Our message to them today is simple: Thank you. We hear you. We are changing."

Details of the new offerings are now publicly available on
our website.

The Authors Guild and Google made their cases why they think Google Books will either hurt or benefit authors in a December 3 appeal hearing

A decade-long dispute involving Canadian visual artists comes to an end.

The Canadian publishing world was roiled by two significant events in early November.


Governance Update: Our new Nominating Committee has spent the fall recruiting prospective candidates to our Board of Directors. >Read More

Brian O'Donnell retiring from Access Copyright:
 We bid a fond farewell to an integral part of the Access Copyright team >Read More

Publisher affiliates - option to exclude specific titles: 
We're asking for the help of our publisher affiliates to identify any works that should not be included in our licences. >Read More

Access Copyright Foundation accepting research grant applications until Feb. 2, 2015: Canadian writers, visual artists, publishers and creator organizations are invited to apply for a research grant. >Read More

Royalty Distribution Updates

11,911 receive Payback payment: This year's Payback saw us distribute just over $3.3 million to writers and visual artists. >Read More

Publisher Repertoire payment distributed Dec. 15: This year's payment totalled over $2.4 million sent to 613 publisher affiliates >Read More

Access Copyright makes additional distribution of $9 million in December: In addition to Payback and the Publisher Repertoire payment, we distributed an additional $9 million in royalties to rightsholders in December. >Read More<


Highlights from the Pulse

Google Books appeal heard: The Authors Guild and Google made their cases why they think Google Books will either hurt or benefit authors in a December 3 appeal hearing. >Read Mor

Tentative agreement reached between artists and the National Gallery: A decade-long dispute involving Canadian visual artists comes to an end. >Read More

Shakeups announced at HarperCollins Canada, Simon & Schuster Canada: The Canadian publishing world was roiled by two significant events in early November. >Read More

Literary award season recap: Autumn in Canada is, for many, an opportunity to reflect and celebrate the past year in Canadian literature, non-fiction and other literary pursuits. >Read More



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