 vol. 1, winter 2014 

Competitive Foods in Schools


How do your state's laws on snacks and drinks sold in schools compare with others'?  


Find out on our new interactive site!



Sugary Drinks & Latino Kids 
74% of Latino kids have had a sugar-sweetened beverage by age 2Would a tax on sugary drinks reduce their SSB intake? 
See what we found in the issue brief and research review developed with Salud America! And check out other recent BTG briefs on child-directed food marketing, SSB prices, and more.
Food Marketing in Schools
Commercial promotion of foods and beverages is more common in schools with higher percentages of students from lower-income families.
Learn how in BTG's research brief and paper in JAMA Pediatrics. Find other recent peer-reviewed BTG journal articles on food access, physical education requirements, and more.
Street Ads & Sedentary Youth
Do ads promoting exercise near schools influence kids' levels of physical activity?

BTG's Sandy Slater discussed new research at the Obesity Society conference in November 2013. Learn more from her presentation slides.

Michelle Obama Speaking at the White House Convening on Food Marketing to Children First Lady Quotes BTG Data
"The average child watches thousands of food advertisements each year, and 86% of these ads are for products loaded with sugar, fat, or salt."
 -- First Lady Michelle Obama, at the White House Convening on Food Marketing to Children

Bridging the Gap is a nationally recognized research program dedicated to improving the  
understanding of how policies and environmental factors influence diet, physical activity and  
obesity among youth, as well as youth tobacco use. For more information, visit  
A program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.