Hawaiian quilt array photo

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When you think of applique, think of us!
Applique - We share your passion!
Issue: #46

August 2013

In This Issue
STUCK? Reach for something new
SUNFLOWER FIELDS 2FAQ: Follow your bliss
FLOWERS THAT NEVER FADE: Hawaiian Quilt Options
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Sunflower Fields 

Yellow Sunflower Fields
Sale Price: $10.00

(Regular Price: $12.00)

click here 


 $2 US postage


fabric from South Africa
WOW! 22 new king-size pieces, plus 15 2-meter pieces from Langa Lapu. Here is just one tantalizing sample. Click photo for more.
Langa Lapu L504B

Janice's Hand-dyed fabrics
Janice has been busy! More new hand-dyed fabrics to choose from. Click photo to see more.
Hand-dyed rainbow
New Fabric Packs, too!
Three pages of 2FAQ Packs, plus one page of Hawaiian Quilt Packs, look at them all. Click on photo to start with Sunflower Fields choices, but then look around to find just the right one for your next project.
2FAQ Pack sample

$2 US postage


Quilt Passions - Robert & Karen
If you have been to this delightful shop in Kona, on the Big Island, you have experienced Robert and Karen's Aloha Spirit. Now, without having to go all the way to Hawaii, you can share in their Aloha Spirit when you visit the Quilt Passions booth at the Association of Pacific West Quilters (APWQ) Pacific West Quilt Show in Tacoma, WA, August 23-25.

You will find all of our Pacific Rim Quilt Company patterns, DVDs, and book in their booth at this show. Stop by to see their signature honu (turtle) batik made up using our Herd of Turtles pattern - and buy your fabric pack to make one for yourself!
Quilt Passions - Karen & Herd
Say "Aloha" to Robert from us and make him feel as welcome on the Mainland, as he and Karen make us all feel in Hawaii!


Feb 8-15, 2014 
Quilting on the Beach
A quilters' retreat in paradise! Hosted by Quilt Passions (yes, the same Quilt Passions as above) in Kailua-Kona, Hawaii (the Big Island). Featuring local and national instructors, a quilt show, shop hop and an authentic luau!

Nancy will be
  • 2 Fabric Applique (Feb 11) 
  • Hand Applique Landscapes (Feb 13 - 14) 

"Finding Time to Make Quilts" will be the topic of her evening presentation on Feb 11.


Make your reservations now to join Nancy in paradise.  


For information go to: www.quiltpassions.net 


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Did you know that sunflowers do not turn to face the sun as it travels across the sky through the day? Sunflower buds are heliotropic (turn to face the sun), but the full flower heads are not, they generally face east. This common misconception got us to thinking, what  misconceptions are associated with quilting, and specifically applique? Do any of these misconceptions hold you back, keep you from reaching new heights, from trying something new? Hhhmmm... keep reading.


Nancy has just returned home from teaching lots of classes in Western Washington and Oregon the past few weeks. Classes in her home territory are particularly fun because they are a pleasant mix of long-time students and brand-new students. This mix brings the enthusiasm of beginners together with the wisdom of experience and everyone comes away better for the time together.   


Whether you are in the midst of summer heat, or in the chill of short winter days (down under), we hope you will allow your passion to lead you in new directions this month. 


E komo mai,


Nancy & Janice


Reach for something new     


Stuck? pins in pincushion

At one time or another we are all guilty of resisting the urge to try something new because we have a preconceived notion about how hard it might be, or that it is somehow inappropriate. Following are just a few examples. Put yourself to the test. What misconceptions may be holding you back? 


Quilters are all gray-haired old ladies. This one is too obvious, but it points out how stereotypes linger in the minds of people who don't know better, and may stop us from doing fun things. As a quilter you know that quilters are young, old, male and female. Your age or gender should not stop you from starting something you want to do. Don't put off for retirement what you can do today.  


Machine applique is faster than hand applique. This one may be more controversial. From our point of view, hand applique is definitely faster because it is portable. Machine quilting can only be done while sitting at a machine, which means we can't be machine appliqueing at the doctor's office, on the airplane, at the beach, or spending time with the family! Yes, it takes longer to form a stitch by hand than by machine, but for us the quilt top is finished faster when it is portable. Consider, too, that speed is not always the goal. The rhythms of handwork are soothing and even therapeutic. Need a calming influence in your life? Try hand applique! 


Cotton batting is best. Well, best for what? Thin cotton batting has become the go-to batting for the majority of quilters today. But the various features of polyester, silk, cotton and bamboo batting mean that we should consider the look and use of our finished quilts when deciding which batting to use. Today we even have fire- and heat-resistant batting when that is important. If you've fallen into a rut, explore new things. 


Needleturn applique is hard. Only if you have not learned how to do it. With just five simple shapes (straight edge, inside curve, outside curve, point and valley), once you know how to do them you can do ANY applique with ease. Ready to learn? We know a good teacher. 


Hawaiian quilts are difficult to make. Only if you have not learned how to make them. Each step in making a Hawaiian quilt is easy, and Hawaiian quilts are made one step at a time - just like any other quilt. When you don't know how to do something, it is mysterious and can seem hard; but as soon as you know how to do it, the mystery is gone and the process is doable. You already know where you can learn the steps to make your Hawaiian quilt a reality. 


Quilts are only for beds. A misconception held by non-quilters. All quilters know that quilts can be hung on walls, worn as garments, used as tablerunners and placemats, carried as bags...and what else? Use your quilting skills to make something different.  


What misconceptions do you have that are keeping you from trying something new? When you are considering something new, remind yourself that perfectly average people have done this before you. You are at least average, so you can do it, too!


Sunflowers may not follow the sun across the sky each day, but you can follow your dreams wherever they lead you. Step out today and try something new.  




SUNFLOWER FIELDS -  2 Fabric Applique Quilt

Follow your bliss 

Sunflower Fields 
Sunflower Fields 

Don't sunflowers just make you happy? What is not to enjoy about a flower that grows up to twelve feet high, has a huge flower head with dozens of bright yellow or orange petals surrounding those delicious seeds. Those seeds, by the way, are inside individual fruits that are the product of hundreds of tiny flowers that make up the large and colorful flower head.   


The Sunflower has been chosen as the symbol of organizations, cities, states and nations; influenced artists; lifted the spirits and provided nourishment to weary travelers; and inspired all manner of noble ambitions. What will it inspire you to do? 


Our quilt puts orange flowers against a pale apricot sky. But your quilt can put yellow flowers against a blue sky, or in a green field. We have several color options for you to choose from in our Fabric Pack selection. Remember, when you are looking at our Fabric Packs, that you can choose any 2FAQ Pack to go with any 2FAQ quilt. There are three pages of 2FAQ Packs to choose from, and the choice is yours!  


TIP: If this is your first (or 20th) venture into needleturn applique, learn from Nancy's 30-years of experience by watching our DVD: 2 Fabric Applique Quilts with Nancy Lee Chong. Available here, or perhaps from your quilting guild or local library. Check it out!

Sunflower Fields: 24" x 36". Normally $12.00, for a short time this pattern is our Internet Special for only $10.00.





Flowers That Never Fade
Flowers That Never Fade

In our quest to make sure you never run out of creative options, this Hawaiian Quilt pattern offers you choices. Look closely at this quilt, and you will see that each of the four vases holds a different flower. Clock-wise from the upper left corner are: Orchids, Anthuriums, Heliconia, and Torch Ginger. The pattern provides templates, in large and small sizes, for all four flowers. You choose which flower, or flowers, to put in your vases.   


We designed this quilt so you only need one yard of fabric for the applique. Perfect for a special hand-dyed or other unique fabric. Check our new supply of Janice's Hand-dyed  

Flowers That Never Fade
Flowers That Never Fade: Heliconia version

fabrics and sun-printed Langa Lapu fabrics to find something perfect for your quilt.  


TIP: If you are curious about how Janice made the quilt above, with different flowers in every vase, read our January 2011 e-Newsletter.  


Flowers That Never Fade:  42" x 42" pattern, $12.00.  Purchase your pattern here.    


Nancy's Whereabouts:


Here are opportunities to take a class from Nancy or catch a presentation at shows, shops and guilds. Most guilds welcome visitors, so don't be shy.


Make your plans now for one or more of these events: 


2013 Shows, Classes, and Events:

  • Sept 10, Lockport, IL, Heritage Quilters Guild. Hawaiian Applique class, and Hawaiian Quilting program. 
  • Sept 11, Lockport, IL, Thimbles Quilt Shop. 2 Fabric Applique Quilts class.  
  • Sept 12 & 13, Ottawa, IL, Illinois Valley Quilter's Guild. Hawaiian Quilting program and Hawaiian Applique class. 
  • Oct 1-2, Happy Valley, OR, Pioneer Quilts. Forest Finery Hand Applique and 2FAQ classes. 
  • Oct 4-6, Salem, OR, Quiltopia, Nancy is the Featured Quilter. See a wide variety of her quilts on display, attend her trunk show to see more quilts, attend her Hawaiian Quilt program and do some shopping. 
  • Oct 11-13, Colorado Quilt Council Retreat
  • Oct 18-20, Spokane, WA, Washington State Quilters-Spokane Chapter, 35th annual quilt show "A Cottage in the Country". Come visit our booth, see our quilts, and meet Nancy and Janice.
  • Nov 3-5, Rochester, MN. Quilters Sew-ciety.
  • Nov 9, Coos Bay, OR. Nancy will be demonstrating 2 Fabric Applique Quilts at Threads That Bind Quilt Shop. 
  • Nov 12-13, Orange, CA. Orange County Quilters Guild  

Looking ahead to 2014:

  • Jan 18, North Bend-Coos Bay, OR, Coos Sand 'n Sea Quilt Guild. 2 Fabric Applique Quilt class. 
  • Feb 9-14, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Take a relaxing hand applique class from Nancy at Quilting on the Beach.
  • April 1-2, Seabeck, WA. Nancy will be teaching at The Applique Society Retreat. 
Register early for classes.  They can fill quickly, or be canceled if not enough people register in advance.


Click CALENDAR for details and contact information.


Schedule Nancy now for your show or event in 2014 and beyond. If you would like her to come to your area to teach, let your quilt shop, quilt guild, or show organizer know. Print Nancy's Brochure and pass it along.  


Piggy-backing is good!
Nancy is always eager to teach or speak at more than one location when she travels. If she is able to book multiple events, then each group shares in her travel expenses. So it is just an economical  and efficient way to book. If you see that Nancy will be anywhere near* you, then contact her to see if additional engagements can be arranged during the same trip. That way EVERYONE WINS!



*Remember, Nancy is traveling from Oregon. So near means that if she will be in Florida even Virginia is near. Think regionally. 


If you do not live where you can take a class from Nancy in person, then perhaps a class at Quilt University would work for you. 


At Quilt University there are: No tests. No grades. No pressure. Students receive a password to an online classroom with a teacher-led Discussion Forum and Student Gallery. A typical class consists of three or four lessons.


Remember: The next three months are your last opportunity to catch those classes that you've been putting off. Quilt U will close at the end of the year.  

If you have been meaning to take a class at QU, these classes will be your last chance!   


Nancy's upcoming classes begin - final opportunity:

  • Aug 30, Baltimore Basics
  • Sept 27, Make Your Own Hawaiian Quilt
  • Oct 25, Hand Quilting

Watch for a future announcement about where to take Nancy's on-line classes beginning in 2014.  


Janice's upcoming class begins - last chance:

  • Aug 16, Photographing Your Quilt  

Thank you for spending a little of your precious time with us, we really appreciate it. Remember to send us your stories, pictures, questions, or suggestions. We love to hear from you.

A hui hou,
Until next time,

Nancy & Janice