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At Liberty Updates
October  2012

Beautiful South Africa

Bruce and Terri Yes, this is us in South Africa!  We were told that we could have all four seasons in one day and we surely did!  We arrived in SA with cold rain and piles of ice lying on the side of the road!

After a day of recuperation with our host, Pastor Peter Dinkelman, we traveled six hours south to Vumelana Farm for Training our Two-week Training Block.  We were joined by 31 other leaders and participants as we worked through Ancient Paths I, Training for Ministry, Jesus Wonderful Counselor, Overcoming Anger and Transforming Hearts (AP 2) seminars and ministry. 

Much of our time at Vumelana was COLD!!  But our hearts were warmed as we had fellowship with our new friends and shared our hearts and victories in small groups, meals and around fires.  The weather did warm up so that we were able to enjoy the beautiful South African spring.

By the end of the two weeks, participants were prepared to minister either as facilitators or coordinators (with oversight). 
His Way Church 
After two weeks we returned to Secunda with Pastor Peter and  Colleen Dinkelman at His Way Family Church where Bruce preached on Sunday morning on vision and destiny.

Kruger Park

The Dinkelmans blessed us with a wonderful opportunity to Rhino travel to Kruger Park.  The Kruger is an African treasure with  20,000 square kilometers of game reserve.  We saw over 35 species of animals in the wild including elephants, rhinos, hippos, giraffes, zebras and crocodiles (but sadly no cats!).  These are photos of these very animals just yards from us!

Leadership We returned to the church in Secunda where Bruce spoke to two church groups on leadership.  Then Terri and Bruce spoke together to the Christian School students in an assembly on Ezekiel 36:26 about the stoney heart and the heart of flesh.


After more than 30 hours of travel, we arrived home late on Friday night, September 28.


Our hearts are overwhelmed with thankfulness to the Lord for the privilege to travel and minister.  We are especially grateful to the Dinkelmans and His Way Family Church and our supporters here in the United

Bruce and Terri with Pastor Peter and Colleen Dinkelman 

States for their generosity in sending us to South Africa.



Many blessings,


Pastor Bruce and Terri Mulberry
At Liberty




New Friends

We joined with 31 other participants and leaders from seven nations for two weeks of intensive training for FFI ministry.

We are truly blessed to unite hearts and purpose with these dear people.

South Africa








United States
(Bruce & Terri)
Our Itinerary
October 8-13-Hosting activities for Leon and Maritjie Hartwig from South Africa
October 14-20-FFI Annual Conference
October 21-24-Chapel By the Bay, Surf City, NC, Revival Services, with Pastor Don Myer
November 11-Word of Victory Church, with Pastor Harvey Conner and Laurin Seaman

Just before we left for Africa we received a phone call from Chapel by the Bay in Surf City, North Carolina inviting Bruce to preach for a set of revival meetings.

We will travel to Newport News, Virginia on Monday, October 15 for the annual FFI conference.  We be hosting Leon and Marietjie Hartwig from South Africa who will be traveling with us.

We will leave the conference early on Saturday, October 20 for North Carolina to begin the services there on Sunday, October 21.  We will return to PA on Thursday, October 25.

Thank you for your prayers! 
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We need your support! Can you? Will you join us in reaching 1,000,000 people with the blessing culture? For many of you, you have heard of our BHAG (big hairy audacious goal). If this is a new thought to you, contact us at and we will send more information.

You can contribute spiritually and physically to At Liberty in several ways:

  • Financially
  • Prayer support
  • Open doors of ministry
  • Invite us to invest in your vision through preaching and teaching

Contribute financially to At Liberty, a 501(c)3 organization, in two ways:

  • Click the PayPal button below
  • Mail a check made payable to At Liberty to 1354 South Hanover Street, Pottstown PA 19465

Thank you for your prayer and support!


Make a Donation

Thank you to all who are part of our lives.  You truly bless us and we are so wonderfully encouraged by your faith and walk with Jesus.  SHINE ON!

The Way Forward
We continue to trust the Lord for the next right step as we seek God's direction during this time of transition. 

If it is God's call to us to continue travel ministry for At Liberty/Family Foundations, then we are trusting Him to see monthly support to meet our need.

The Two-Week Training Block is a strategy to train and empower leaders to function in ministry more quickly and efficiently.  God seems to be opening doors into India, Ghana and Liberia.  We are praying about how the Lord may use us in these countries as well as continuing our focus on the east coast of the United States.  We are excited about the opportunities that this will bring our current teams in Maine, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Virginia and Pennsylvania.  We are also hopeful that this training plan will open doors into West Virginia, Ohio, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut and Rhode Island!

We so appreciate your prayers on our behalf as we depend on the Lord during this transitional time as He opens streams of provision for the vision.  Is God calling you to be part of that provision?  Thanks for your prayers!