Bowling Green State University

News and Notes
June 2015
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Study Finds Various Types of Modern American Stepfamilies

Today's stepfamilies are diverse as illustrated in a recently released Family Profile entitled Remarriage and Stepfamilies (FP-15-11) by researchers Bart Stykes and Karen Benjamin Guzzo. They identify seven types of remarried stepfamilies based on the couple's marital and childbearing history. The most common type of remarried stepfamily consists of at least one previously married spouse and a child living with his/her mother and their stepfather (44%).

Different Forms of Stepfamilies:
His and Hers Resident and Non-Resident Children

Data: 2006-2013 Pooled National Survey of Family Growth, Female Respondent File

Joyner Provides Testimony in U.S. Customs and Border Protection Suit

Kara Joyner, BGSU professor of sociology and NCFMR research affiliate, recently testified about the representation of Hispanics in Border Patrol apprehension logs. She used benchmark data to compare the rate Hispanics appear on the log with the overall population composition. Joyner concluded that the agents "targeted individuals for stops on the basis of Hispanic appearance."

Lamidi Receives 2015 Adamchak Award

Congratulations to Esther Lamidi, BGSU sociology doctoral student and NCFMR graduate research assistant, who is the 2015 Adamchak Award recipient. Established by Donald and Susan Adamchak (former recipients of BGSU sociology PhD and Master's degrees, respectively), this award recognizes a graduate student's research excellence in demography.

Same-Sex Marriage Legal in
All 50 States

View our large selection of NCFMR Same-Sex Relationships Data resources.

New Resources

Family Profiles

Original reports summarizing and analyzing nationally representative data with the goal of providing the latest analysis of U.S. families.

  • Marital Stability Following Mother's 1st Marital Birth
  • Remarriage & Stepfamilies


NCFMR in the News 

A full list of NCFMR in the News items and media links are available at NCFMR in the News.



Just Released


Briefs & Reports 



American Community Survey (ACS) Plans June Website Launch

The U.S. Census Bureau plans to launch a newly designed website for the ACS on June 23. The website will contain terminology consistent with, allowing users to quickly find information. Users may need to update previously bookmarked pages, so the ACS will provide hyperlinks to the most popular content in their announcements.

Calendar of Events



Call for Proposals -- Russell Sage Foundation (RSF)

The Social, Economic, and Political Effects of the Affordable Care Act

Date Due: July 1

Link to RSF 


Call for Applications -- National Healthy Marriage Resource Center

Healthy Marriage and Responsible Fatherhood Grants

Date Due: July 7


Dyadic Data Analysis Workshop -- Michigan State University (MSU)

Dates: July 13 - 16

Link to MSU 

Summer Data Workshop -- Child Care & Early Education Research Connections
Digging into the National Survey of Early Care and Education (NSECE): Exploiting the Potential of the Household and Provider Data Files from the NSECE
Dates: July 20 - 23
Call for Papers -- Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care
Family Caregiving at the End of Life
Date Due: August 1
Link to Taylor & Francis Online

Call for Papers -- Journal of Family and Economic Issues (JFEI)
Uneven Recoveries from the Great Recession
Date Due: August 1
Link to JFEI

Call for Abstracts -- Auckland University of Technology Fifth International Conference on Adoption Research (ICAR5)
Date Due: August 1
Link to ICAR5

The Berkeley Formal Demography Workshop -- The Berkeley Population Center
Economic Demography
Dates: August 17 - 21
Link to UC Berkeley Population Center

National Conference on Health Statistics (NCHS) 2015
Dates: August 24 - 26
Link to NCHS


Call for Applications -- National Council on Family Relations (NCFR)
Innovation Grants Program
Date Due: September 1
Link to NCFR

2015 Annual Conference -- American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)
Dates: September 3 - 6
Link to AAMFT

Call for Applications -- Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN)
Early Career Work and Family Fellowship Program
Date Due: September 15
Link to WFRN

Linking Gerontology and Geriatrics Conference -- Oklahoma State University (OSU)
Wellness: Building Capacity for Tomorrow's Older Adults
Dates: September 24 - 25
Link to OSU

NCFMR Web Links


Dr. Susan L. Brown
Dr. Wendy D. Manning

Social Science Data Analysts
Dr. Krista K. Payne
Hsueh-Sheng Wu

Technical Writer
Lesley Wadsworth

Graduate Research Assistants
Esther Lamidi
Bart Stykes

Undergraduate Research Assistant
Ashley Spangler

BGSU Research Affiliates