Bowling Green State University
News and Notes
July 2014
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Marital Duration at Time of Divorce: The Seven-Year Itch

The seven-year itch is a myth. In fact, about half of marriages end within 10 to 12 years. Only one-third of today's divorces occurred within the first seven years of marriage. The latest NCFMR profile examines marital duration at the time of divorce for those who divorced in the past year and was created by NCFMR undergraduate research assistant Ashley Spangler. Ashley is an upper classman working towards a BS in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics. Read the full profile: Marital Duration at Divorce, 2012.

Median Duration of Marriages at Time of Divorce
Among Women Aged 15 and Older by Type of Marriage, 2012

U.S. Census Bureau, American Community Survey, 2012

Brown and Lin Receive NIH Grant 
Susan Brown & I-Fen Lin
Susan L. Brown & I-Fen Lin

Congratulations to Drs. Susan L. Brown and I-Fen Lin who received an R15 grant from the National Institute on Aging to support their three-year project on Health and Well-being Effects on Later-life Divorce and Subsequent Repartnering.  

New at the NCFMR
Original reports summarizing and analyzing nationally representative data with the goal of providing the latest analysis of U.S. families.
  • FP-14-11
    • Marital Duration at Divorce, 2012
  • FP-14-10
    • Remarriage Rate in the U.S., 2012  

Working Papers
A series of working papers written by faculty affiliates, researchers, and advanced graduate students examining family structure topics of interest to family scholars, policy makers, and practitioners.
  • Brown, Susan L., Manning, Wendy D., & Payne, Krista K. (July 2014). Relationship Quality among Cohabiting versus Married Couples.
  • WP-14-02
    Brown, Susan L., Manning, Wendy D., & Stykes, Bart. (July 2014). Family Structure and Child Well-Being: Integrating Family Complexity.
  • WP-14-01
    Brown, Susan L., Manning, Wendy D., & Payne, Krista K. (July 2014). Family Structure and Children's Economic Well-Being: Incorporating Same-Sex Cohabiting Mother Families.
If you have written a paper addressing a family issue that aligns with our mission statement and would like for us to consider adding it to the Working Paper Series, we welcome submissions for consideration and possible inclusion. You may electronically submit your working papers to

NCFMR in the News 

A full list of NCFMR in the News items and media links are available at NCFMR in the News.

Just Released



Calendar of Events


Call for Papers -- Special Issue of Journal of Family Theory & Review (JFTR)
Innovative Methodologies in Family Scholarship
Date Due: August 1
Link to NCFR

Call for Submissions -- The Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD) 2015 Biennial Meeting
Date Due: August 6
Link to SRCD

26th Annual Crimes Against Children Conference
Dates: August 11-14
Link to CAC Conference

Call for Papers -- Special Journal Issue on Aging Families
Journal of Religion, Spirituality, and Aging
Date Due: August 15
Link to NCFR

American Sociological Association (ASA) 109th Meeting
  • Hard Times: The Impact of Economic Inequality on Families and Individuals
  • Live Video of Opening Plenary Session

Call for Applications -- Funding Opportunity from the National Institute on Minority Health & Health Disparities (NIMHD)
NIMHD Social, Behavioral, Health Services, and Policy Research on Minority Health and Health Disparities (R01)
Date Due: August 28
Link to NIH

Call for Manuscripts -- Comparative Research Programme on Poverty (CROP)
International Studies in Poverty Prize 2014
Date Due: August 31
Link to CROP


Call for Applications -- National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) Innovation Grants
Date Due: September 1
Link to NCFR

Call for Papers -- Special Issue of Sex Roles Journal
How Feminist Perspectives on Power and Intersectionality Inform the Nature and Context
Date Due: September 1
Link to NCFR

Call for Applications -- Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA) 

2014 Rosalinde Gilbert Innovations in Alzheimer's Disease Caregiving Legacy Awards
Date Due: September 5
Link to FCA

Call for Abstracts -- International Union for the Scientific Study of Population (IUSSP) Scientific Panel on Nuptiality and the Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
Date Due: September 15
Link to IUSSP

Linking Gerontology and Geriatrics Conference
Breaking the Silence: Elder Abuse, Care, and Resilience
Date: September 26
Link to Oklahoma State University

Pathways to Child Flourishing 2014 Symposia -- Center for Children and Families @ the University of Notre Dame
  • Nurturing Families, Flourishing Children
    • Date: September 27
  • Contexts for Development and Child Flourishing
    • Dates: September 28-30  
Link to University of Notre Dame The Center for Children & Families


Call for Papers -- Eastern Sociological Society
Crossing Borders
Date Due: October 15
Link to Eastern Sociological Society

22nd Annual Symposium on Family Issues -- Population Research Institute @ Penn State
Gender and Couple Relationships
Dates: October 13 - 14
Link to Population Research Institute

NCFMR Web Links


Dr. Susan L. Brown
Dr. Wendy D. Manning

Social Science Data Analysts
Dr. Krista K. Payne
Hsueh-Sheng Wu

Technical Writer
Lesley Wadsworth

Graduate Research Assistants
Esther Lamidi
Bart Stykes

Internal Advisory Committee

BGSU Research Affiliates