January 2014 

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In This Issue
World Wide Web
Peregrine "U"
Graphics Design

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frustrated man When should you hire someone to do the work you're most unfamiliar with?

Peregrine Associates has built our business on providing just the right amount of service our clients need. Some want a lot, others want a little and the rest fall somewhere in between.

How much time do you spend doing something that takes you away from what makes you the most money? Are you really saving time and money?
  • How long did it take for you to learn 'the system'?
  • Do you have to 're-learn' some of it each time you use it because you don't do it every day?
  • Do you 'do it' as often as you should because you have to find the time to 'do it'?
  • Does it look as professional as it should and how's the response? 
  • If you added up all the time it takes and bill your own hourly rate, are you really saving $$$

frustrated woman As the saying goes, Work Smarter Not Harder. That's why we have a TEAM of experts in our own fields and utilize each others' expertise. In the end, each of the TEAM members provides a better service to all our clients and save time and dollars.

Something to think about...
dana World Wide Web
Looking for a professional artist? As a student at the University of the Arts, Dana is a Fine Arts Painter and Designer.

When you visit her website, you'll see a uniqueness in her palette that shows her compassion for what she does.

The site offers:
  • A rotating slide show on the home page 
  • Photo Galleries that are categorized to help visitors choose their areas of interest 
  • The Galleries are easy to create, update and maintain 
  • A Stories section will allow Dana to give us her interpretation of her artwork  
Check out one of her dad's favorite paintings - their Lab. If you have a favorite pet, you can send her photos and she'll create a beautiful tapestry you can call your own!

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peregrine uPeregrine "U" 
Build It and They Will Come...NOT!

build it Why is it when folks have a website go live, they expect thousands of visitors right away...when no one knows it even exists?

I call this the "Field of Dreams" syndrome. You know the movie, where Kevin Costner hears a voice telling him to build a baseball park in his farm field. And if 'he builds it, they will come'. If I had a voice like James Earl Jones telling me to build it, you know it would be a grand slam! Read More...

This is the fifth in a new blog series Peregrine University. These include:
  • What is Marketing?
  • What's in a Business Name
  • What's in a Logo?
  • Getting Out of Your Own Way 
  • Build it and They Will Come...NOT
  • Why Business Cards are so important
  • Slogans and Tag Lines
  • And more

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Graphics Design millers
Miller's Auto & Truck Accessories * (215) 622-4749

Miller's offers services from Navigation to DVD Systems, from Remote Starters to Obstacle Avoidance. With all that high-tech, we wanted a logo that would stand out!

The original design was developed in Illustrator so we could enlarge it as much as needed without quality loss. The jazzed version offers a glass look that was obtained using filters in Photoshop.

To make their business cards really stand out, we added the see-through car and gradation in the background!

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