SILICON DRAGON NEWS                                                             mid-February 2016

Taipei 101
March 17

A New Startup Era
for Taiwan Tech
 Venue: Taipei 101
Anita Huang

Anita Huang,


Taiwan Startup Stadium



Hong Kong, April 14
Cyberport atrium  
Too Little Capital
or Too Few
Quality Startups?



Silicon Dragon
Event Series 2016
Siicon Dragon Series
Beijing,  May 19
New York, June 23 
Los Angeles, July 27-28
Shanghai, September 15
Silicon Valley, October 6
Awards, November 17
Tel Aviv, December 1
Programmed by
Silicon Dragon

For speaking and sponsorship 

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Silicon Dragon News


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Garard Grech

London Edges Closer
To Becoming The Sand Hill Road
of Europe
Is London becoming the Sand Hill Road of Europe? If so, (and don't tell Berlin), that's is a big change from just five years ago when startups were rarely uttered in the same breath as Britannia, success stories were few, and U.K. venture capital was all but depleted.
In the worldwide startup race, where Hong Kong, New York, Sydney, Singapore, Taipei and more are figuring out the Silicon Valley success model, several indicators now point to a brighter future for emerging companies in Britain, says Tech City CEO Gerard Grech.
Last year, VC investment in U.K. startups leaped by 70% to $3.6 billion -- still small but fast growing. Plus. . . .
Read Forbes: Don't Tell Berlin

China Capital Flows
Into London's Tech City
London tech
Silicon Dragon London 2016
February 25, 5:30pm-9pm
Rise London, Whitechapel

The channel between China and the U.K. is shrinking as more Chinese investment pours into this key European market for technology startups. It's a sign of the times, as China capital increasingly goes outward, and to leading hubs such as London.
Fintech startups are viewed as one key sector that can leverage both sides of the bridge.

Kai-Fu Lee Kai-Fu Lee Sounds Off About How China's Tech Giants Could Prop Up A
Slowing Economy
And Guess What?
Innovation Works Is
Raising Its Third Fund.

India money   India's Startup Ecosystem
Mimics Action in China

AABR Vegas
Silicon Dragon's Rebecca Fannin with panelists Jason Ma of ThreeEQ, Maggie Hsu of Zappos and Bing Chen of Victorious in Vegas at the Asian American Business Roundtable



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