Sprouting Melodies Weekly
Notes from Kristina

What Do You Get Out Of Class?                                              August 18, 2015
Good morning,  

As caregivers, we don't think about our needs first. We put others before us because that is what we know. This topic has come up a lot in my work lately, and applies to all caregivers.  

Self care and awareness is just as important as the care you give others. If you are not healthy, rested, and emotionally stable, then it is hard to properly care for others. Have you ever felt overworked or overtired and taken it out on someone else? Maybe you were a little less patient with your 3 year old because you just didn't get enough sleep. That happens! It is important to find things that you enjoy, things that help the stress and the worry fall aside so you can feel recharged. I feel recharged when I go for a walk and spend some time outdoors. What helps you recharge?

Sprouting Melodies is also a time where you can focus on not just your child's enjoyment, but yours as well. This week, put the phones away, forget about the grocery shopping list until after class, and challenge yourself to have as much fun as you expect your little one to be having! This class is all about strengthening bonds, supporting healthy development, and exploring. You are an important part in that process. You get just as much out of a Sprouting Melodies class as your child does. It is a designated time that you share special moments with your little one. It is an opportunity to really play with them, learn with them, and develop experiences with shared and lasting meaning. The music you learn in class will be a comfort to your children as it becomes familiar. Use it when you have those moments of impatience, it just might help your child transition more successfully. 

What do you get out of Sprouting Melodies? We'd love to hear your perspective. Check out our testimonials page on the Sprouting Melodies website. Do you have a meaningful experience to share? Let us know!

 I'll see you in class!  

Kristina Barbo, MT-BC 
Board Certified Music Therapist  
Roman Music Therapy Services, LLC  
423 Main St., Melrose, MA 02176 
781-665-0700 Office 

Early Bird Special


There are only 11 days left to take advantage of the Early Bird Special. Discount is automatically applied when you register and it expires August 29!  
Classes for Fall Session I begin September 7th. 

Until August 29th, we are offering $20 off the $195 price for seven classes over seven weeks. 

Sign ups can be done on our website or over the telephone! You can also take advantage of our Repetition Reaps Rewards program, Refer a Friend discount or Sibling rates (where applicable). Lets make some music!!
Refer A Friend

Bring a new family for a test drive class. If they decide the class is not for them, then the class is free of charge.  If they sign up, they receive $15 off their registration, and you receive a credit for $20 off your next session.

Past Issues of Sprouting Melodies Weekly Notes Available
If you missed a week or want to see past issues of my notes to you, you can view them here or from your Family Dashboard in our new online registration and information pages system.

for more information about Sprouting Melodies 781-665-0700 | http://tinurl.com/smclassinfo