Sprouting Melodies Weekly
Notes from Kristina

Again! Again! Again?                                                                    May 5, 2015

Good Morning,


I have written about repetition and why it is so important for kids to have structure and predictability in order to learn and develop healthy relationships based on trust.  I read an article called, "Again, Mommy! Coping With Your Toddler's Love Of Repetition," which tells a story about this healthy stage of development with suggestions on how to deal with the exhaustion of consistent repetition. 


I am able to relate to this article and immediately thought of my goddaughter when she was about 4 years old.  She sat in my lap while I sang "Wiggly Jiggly Car" with her. She asked me to sing it again and again, and again! This was great for bonding time with her because she does not live terribly close, and I don't get to see her that often. Strong bonds are built through repetition because children learn to trust the familiar sequencing and structure. 


We want to know your stories of your child's love for repetition. How have you managed to cope? 



I'll see you in class!  



Kristina Barbo, MT-BC 
Board Certified Music Therapist  
Roman Music Therapy Services, LLC  
423 Main St., Melrose, MA 02176 
781-665-0700 Office 

Past Issues of Sprouting Melodies Weekly Notes Available
If you missed a week or want to see past issues of my notes to you, you can view them here or from your Family Dashboard in our new online registration and information pages system.
Early bird special Available until end of day 5/8/2015
Sprouting Melodies Spring Session II begins May 18 and ends June 27.
Early bird special will be available until May 8.

Registration is normally $175 | You pay $160 for six classes. (less if receiving Early Intervention services)

for more information about Sprouting Melodies 781-665-0700 | http://tinurl.com/smclassinfo