MtTam-SR Ridge
  E*News & Views 
.............................................   May 4, 2015   ................................................
Wednesday, May 6:  
BPAC on Pedestrian
& Bike Improvements
San Rafael's Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee discusses the status of several projects, including Francisco Blvd. East; Transit Center crosswalks and Relocation Study; the SMART Multi-Use Path south of the Transit Center; and TAM's Fairfax-San Rafael Transit Corridor Study.

6:00 pm 
San Rafael City Hall 
1400 5th Avenue  

Thursday, May 7:
CAC on SR Parking

Monthly meeting of San Rafael's Citizens Advisory Committee on Economic Development and Affordable Housing features a presentation on downtown parking by Jim Myhers, City Parking Manager, as well as updates on homelessness and several development projects.

7:00 pm
San Rafael City Hall
1400 5th Avenue

Bioneers on Marin TV
Every Wednesday at 1 pm (repeating Saturdays at 1), those who were unable to attend this year's Bioneers conference can tune in to some of best action thinking on the planet. Next up is John Warner on "Green Chemistry: Biomimicry and Molecular Psychology, May 6th (& 9th).  CMCM details.


Repower America.  

 Plug in America.

Join Us!
Sustainable San Rafael is dedicated to advocacy and community education to help bring about a healthy, balanced, and aware society. We are residents and business people organized around the idea that we can-and must-do more in our own community to fight climate change and encourage sustainable living. Our primary focus is working with our city and county government to adopt policies that do this, and with our fellow citizens to lead by example.  

Board of Directors
Bill Carney, President
Bob Spofford, Vice-President
Jerry Belletto, Secretary
Greg Brockbank
Bob Brown
Jim Geraghty
Katherine Jain
Kay Karchevski
Kiki La Porta
Lisa Max
Linda Jackson
Alex Stadtner
Sue Spofford


Other Upcoming Events & Actions 

Monday, May 4: Support Mill Valley Housing Element. After extensive hearings, Mill Valley is ready to adopt a final housing element solidly based on what its existing zoning and General Plan already allow. But nay-saying housing opponents and political footballers are out in force. Urge the Council not to mistake Libertarian ideology for sound planning policy. Show up and speak up for diverse and affordable housing choices on infill sites in walkable neighborhoods near transit. 7:00 pm. City Hall, 26 Corte Madera Avene, Mill Valley. Talking Points.

Wednesday, May 6: Jared Huffman Hosts "Forum on the Future of America's Transportation Infrastructure." Join our Congressional Representative and other Congressmen and private sector executives in a discussion with regional transportation leaders on how the federal government can support local projects and innovations. 9:30 - 11:30 am. Autodesk, Inc., 111 McInnis Parkway, San Rafael. RSVP at (415) 258-9657. Free.

Wednesday, May 6: Tell Hillary "No Tar Sands Pipleline." Raise your signs in response to Secretary Clinton's on-going "no comment" as she comes to San Francisco to dine with donors. 4:00 - 5:30 pm. Alta Plaza Park, Steiner and Jackson Streets, SF. Information.

Tuesday, May 12: Marin Green Drinks. Find out about the relaunch of Venture Greenhouse from Mathew Gaulding. 5:30 pm. Lotus Cuisine of India, 704 Fourth St., San Rafael. Information.

Wednesday, May 13: "Hygiene for the Homeless" Brownbag lunchtime forum on new approaches in San Francisco and the Bay Area. SPUR. 12:30 pm. Then stay for a 6:00 pm evening forum on "Feeding 9 Billion People" by leading food security expert (and new Academy of Sciences Director) Jonathan Foley. 654 Mission St., San Francisco. Information & tickets. (And check out SPUR's new exhibit "Designing for Resilience," opening May 14.)

Thursday, May 14: TAM Workshop on a Walkable Freeway Interchange. View and comment on proposed pedestrian, bike and transit stop improvements at the Blithedale/Tiburon interchange, which could help model walkability elsewhere. 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Mill Valley Community Center, 180 Camino Alto.

Saturday, May 16: Plan Bay Area Update 2017 Public Workshop. Come help calm the conversation as Pat Eklund, Marin's ABAG representative for local jurisdictions, and various ABAG officials discuss the next round of this on-going regional planning process (and integral part of achieving California's greenhouse gas reduction goals) with Council members from Marin's towns and cities. 9:00 am - 12:30 pm. Novato City Hall, 901 Sherman Ave. (Then learn more at the official Open House on May 28--see below.)

Sunday, May 17: "Refinery Corridor Healing Walk (Continuation)." Inspired by the Tar Sands Healing Walks in Alberta. Led by Native American Elders in prayer conversation for clean air, water & soil, safe jobs, roads, railroads & waterways, a vibrantly healthy future for all children and a just transition to safe & sustainable energy. 8:00 am (walk starts 9:30). Waterfront Park at the end of Ferry St, Martinez. Information & RSVP.

SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, May 28: Plan Bay Area Marin Open House. The Association of Bay Area Governments kicks off the next round of California's Sustainable Communities Strategy. 5:00 - 7:00 pm. Marin location to be announced.

SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, June 17: Sustainable Business Forum. A briefing by Marin's top Green Business experts, presented by Sustainable San Rafael and the Green Committee of the San Rafael Chamber of Commerce. Details soon.

For more information & events, check out our SSR Calendar.