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Granger, IN 46530

September- 2014
In today's business, the team leader is the main link between the organization's goals and the people who are responsible for the daily activities that make those goals a reality. Because of the necessary and integral role that this position plays, it is obvious that good team leaders are key to the success of any organization.

Find out how Team leadership Development is essential to your business and how we can help improve your Team Leadership skills in this months newsletter.  

Patrick S. "Coach" Frazier

Patrick S FrazierPatrick S. Frazier, CBC
The Coaching Authority
Contact The Coach
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(574) 286-1123


In this Issue:
Learn more about Team Leadership and why team leadership is essential in you business.

Why do I need Team Leadership Development for my business?

It shows support and commitment.

One of the key components to an effective team development is the identification of a team sponsor or a person outside of the team that can provide support and direction to the team. Many teams flounder because they don't have a go-to person they can rely on when they get stuck or encounter obstacles. Team Leadership Development is a way for those sponsors to communicate their interest and support. 


Contact us today for more information on how we can improve your team leadership skills!


Core Values provide the foundation and cornerstone of an organization.

As mentioned in last months newsletter, Core Values are the handful of rules that remain constant over time and are keys to long term success for your business.

At The Coaching Authority we value:

  • Making an Impact
  • Learning
  • Relevance
  • Excellence
  • Abundance and
  • Results. 

Watch this section each newsletter to learn more about each of these values!  


How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 

We have a good Team Leadership Development Process in our business, that helps improve productivity and the likelihood of a successful outcome.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Somewhat disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

Click here to submit your answer and get a response!   


on any Team Leadership Development Process!

The Team Leadership process makes team leadership development not only possible, but also eminently profitable. Individually, each team leader reflects the proficiency of a specialized knowledge, which creates a powerful force that assures the achievement of organizational goals through its people. Better than 50% of a team leader's time is spent managing other people. To be effective in this role, it is important that the individual develops the skills necessary to effectively communicate and maximize productivity.  


Offer Expires 09/30/2014.              
Anything but Team Building

Mention team building in almost any office or company and you will likely get long faces, groans, and maybe even some good old-fashioned heckling. People avoid voluntary team building seminars and classes. You practically have to bribe them and close down the bars and liquor stores in order to get them to attend! But, team building is an important tool that will help any organization remain competitive in this fiercely global marketplace.   


One of the main forces driving the increasing need for team building exercises is the changing nature of the workforce itself. At an ever increasing rate, company resources are being allocated with scarce margin for error. Companies simply are not hiring or they are doing so only after the need is so acute that it can no longer be ignored. Even then, it can take weeks, even months before the Human Resources department can add additional personnel and get them through the process.   


The need for team building has become so severe because resources are so very scarce. Businesses had the luxury in years past to completely dedicate personnel to projects which arose throughout the year. In these razor thin times, the only option to contend with projects such as accounting changes, new product line launch, software upgrades, training, and any issue that is out of the norm but significantly demands time and resources, is to create teams out of existing resources.   


Team building is now a critical factor in Corporate America. Specialists from an assortment of departments from within the company are asked to dedicate a portion of their time to complete various projects throughout the year. The people chosen to form these teams depends upon the nature of the project itself. Different projects will demand different skills and personnel. People must constantly immerse themselves in these teams and bring their particular skill set and experience to the table and help solve the big picture issue.   


Team building training is a crucial aspect in having the quality personnel in place when special projects arise throughout the year. It is impossible to just throw together various people with different skills and expect them to cooperate and come up with a solution to a problem. People have always required additional training to acquire additional skills. Team building training gives employees the tools they need to better work together in high stress, demanding projects and complete them in the time frames allotted.

Team building training needs to be continuous and updated and practiced regularly in order to keep people effective during projects. Many organizations look to outside resources to conduct all team building training as they have the skills and experience necessary to improve group productivity..