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Granger, IN 46530

August- 2014
As a leader, you must be many things to many people. First, you must have the capacity to create a compelling vision. If your vision is to excite people, it must take them to new levels of achievement. Then, you must be able to develop and implement the strategies that will guide people toward the vision, analyze the alternatives and possibilities, and set goals that will drive the organization to sustained success.

Perhaps you are considering using workshops as a way to introduce your vision, guide people toward your vision, analyze possibilities, or set goals. If so, make sure you view all of our available workshops by clicking this link and also take part in our Team Leadership Survey in the Huddle Up Section.

Patrick S. "Coach" Frazier

Patrick S FrazierPatrick S. Frazier, CBC
The Coaching Authority
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(574) 286-1123


In this Issue:
Learn more about The Leader as a Coach and why vision alone is not enough.

What are some of the techniques successful leaders use?

Think about what you DO want. When you find yourself spinning the wheels in your mind over and again about your worst-case scenario, turn it around and focus on what you DO want. Visualize yourself getting what you do want. See the new house. See yourself talking to the interested person as they become a part of your business. You get what you focus on.


Contact us today for more information on how we can improve your leadership skills!


Core Values are the handful of rules that will remain constant over time that you believe are key to long term success for you or your business.

These already exist with in your company and are evident in the behavior of individuals that represent the very heart of your organization. Discovering, understanding, and encouraging these core values will strengthen your company's culture and will provide a good foundation for every individual in the company to make decisions on a daily basis. 


Stay connected each month as we highlight our own Core Values.  


How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 

Trust drives every decision that matters. Our leaders succeed in creating trust.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Somewhat disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

Click here to submit your answer and get a response!  

OFF Fail-Safe Leadership Workshop

From The Coaching Authority's Leadership Workshop Series - Fail-Safe Leadership Workshop is a 1.5 hour, interactive workshop for up to 20 participants at a single location. Successful leaders possess a high level of personal power, regardless of the granted authority. See how to possess "the power" in today's business environment. Call your coach today to schedule your workshop!  


Offer Expires 08/31/2014.              
The Leader as Coach

aoneVision alone is not enough.   


Much like a football team that is playing in the Super Bowl, having a game plan and the desire to win is important. One of your primary roles as a leader is that of a coach. Coaches reinforce the results they believe people are capable of achieving.   


One way to develop a winning team is to surround yourself with extraordinary people. Another is to surround yourself with ordinary people who through your leadership and coaching achieve extraordinary results. As Sam Walton once said " ... there's absolutely no limit to what plain, ordinary working people can do if they're given the opportunity and the encouragement and the incentive to be their best." As a coach, your role is helping people develop winning attitudes and improve their skills. A coach helps people see beyond the problems, the limitations, and the "known" to focus on solutions and opportunities which are sometimes found by venturing into the "unknown." If you are to create a winning team, you must be good at coaching. You must be able to inspire extraordinary performance from ordinary people. Coaching is seeing new possibilities and providing the support and guidance to help people and organizations to achieve new heights.  


Coaching, though highly individual, has three basic functions. The first function of a coach is getting to know every person as an individual. If you are to coach them to higher levels of performance, you need to know what their skills are, what their level of knowledge is, what their goals are, and what you can do to help them reach their goals.  


The second function of a coach is developing people and challenging them towards higher levels of achievement. Create a detailed development plan for and with each individual with whom you are directly working. Set goals, both short and long-term. Develop action steps and target dates along the way. Focus on those critical few action steps that are essential for personal and organizational goal achievement.   


The third function of a coach is creating an environment for motivation. A motivating environment helps people become excited about setting and reaching goals. Figure out what inspires people and use this knowledge to create an atmosphere that stimulates high levels of productivity and effective decision making. Get to know what issues are important to each individual, Encourage people to talk openly and discuss problems as well as opportunities. Challenge them to go beyond their comfort zone. Help them to have the confidence to stretch themselves.   


Your goal as a coach is to make the most of your most valuable resource, your people, and to maximize the skills, abilities, and knowledge of each person in the organization. Inspiring people to higher levels of performance has a lot to do with spirit, creating excitement, commitment, and desire. It is coaching ordinary men and woman to extraordinary achievements.   


Written by Tammy A.S. Kohl is President of Resource Associates Corporation.