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June - 2014
 Check out this months' 
View this months' NEW challenge below to take our ATTRIBUTE Index Assessment! Complimentary this month to the first 10 readers of The Coaching Authority who respond.  Act quickly and click here to respond now! 


Make sure you also take part in our survey in the Huddle Up section, and Q&A in the Coach's Corner.

Patrick S. "Coach" Frazier

Patrick S FrazierPatrick S. Frazier, CBC
The Coaching Authority
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In this Issue:
Learn more about this month's topic of Customer Loyalty by reading the article -


How do I achieve Customer Loyalty?

Apply the 80/20 rule. 80% of your sales or profits are likely to come from just 20% of your customers. Work out who your top 20% are and love them to death! Why not concentrate on turning the remaining 80% into loyal customers? Well, the 20% have already shown that they trust and respect you. A little more effort with these customers will reap more business than concentrating on the 'maybe's'. By all means, run a program to convert the 'maybe's' but put more effort into the converted.

So, there you have it. Some ideas and tips on how to build and keep loyal customers. Take a critical look at your business and put a loyalty building program in place, which will boost sales and profits.



Need help building Customer Loyalty? Contact us today!


Complimentary ATTRIBUTE Index. 
to the first 10 readers

The Attribute Index is a personal assessment tool that provides information as to how a person makes decisions: intrinsically, extrinsically, or systematically. It also identifies areas of strength (maximizers) and areas of weakness (minimizers). Our approach is unique in that we measure where an individual is now and what his or her essential elements are, and those can become predictors of future strengths. In addition, the assessment tool is supported by a comprehensive action planning process that helps promote the actions taken.

Click here for a complimentary ATTRIBUTE Index  Assessment
(to the FIRST 10)


How strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statement? 

Our clients value the relationship they have with our business.

1. Strongly Disagree
2. Somewhat disagree
3. Neutral
4. Agree
5. Strongly Agree

 Click here to submit your answer and get a response!  



on any Customer Loyalty Processes

Through the introduction of this Customer Loyalty Process, participants will assess their ability to understand and manage their emotions, recognize the emotions of others, and develop the ability to manage relationships with Customers and peers effectively.

Participants will also assess Points of Connection in the Customer interaction process and learn how to turn those Points of Connection into positive outcomes for their Customers. They will also assess their communication styles, attitudes, goal setting techniques, and develop a plan of action that will increase their skill level to connect emotionally to Customers every time..

Offer Expires 06/30/2014.
A Customer Driven Organization

A customer-driven business is one that has recognized that an autocratic, top-down structure must be inverted to put the focus on the customer who is now the driving force. All of the plans and people in your organization need to be focused on the most important person-the customer. Focus is no longer on customer satisfaction. Today's focus is on exceeding customer expectations as customer service is expected.


Becoming a customer driven business requires the efforts of everyone pulling together with a clear focus on the vision of the organization and the mission at hand, all of which must focus on exceeding customer expectations. Your leadership must ensure that this value is articulated, which helps you create a culture that is solidly entrenched in achievement, continuous improvement, and customer focus. An organization can only survive if customers are satisfied and will thrive only if their customers are delighted which creates customer loyalty.


Create customer loyalty by going the extra mile for your clients. Look not to satisfy them, but to exceed their expectations. Do more than they expect and you will delight them. Word of mouth advertising is still the most powerful advertising available. Delighted customers tell others who, when delighted, will tell others and so on and so on.


Consistency is also important. Many businesses are very accommodating with a new customer, but tend to get lazy as times goes on. They focus on getting new business (which costs five times as much as keeping a customer) instead of revitalizing and improving existing business. As a result, they fail to maintain their service standards with existing customers. Research also shows that 70% of the customers that take their business elsewhere do so because of poor or rude service.


Nothing is more important to an on-going business relationship that honesty and integrity. Live up to and exceed promises made to customers!


Tammy A.S. Kohl is President of Resource Associates Corporation. For over 30 years, RAC has specialized in business and management consulting, strategic planning, leadership development, executive coaching, and youth leadership. For more information visit or contact RAC directly at 800.799.6227.