Five Star Performance

Creating focused and purposeful goals takes time and careful thought. It is not an exercise to be done quickly or taken lightly. It is only when you seriously evaluate what you want to accomplish, do, and become that you begin to see the future you want. Your success is not a matter of chance!

Below you will read about the "press on" mental attitude that will help you achieve these results.

Patrick "Coach" Frazier

Patrick S. Frazier, CBC 
Five Star Performance, LLC
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Press On       

"Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not, nothing more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved, and will always solve, the problems of the human race."
- Calvin Coolidge      


"Press on" is a powerful and necessary mental attitude. It is the attitude that is found permeating through every successful person and organization.   


As a country the U.S. pressed on after 9/11. As a world leader we knew it was necessary, and it did not change the intensity of the horror, the sadness, or the trauma the events caused.  


Martin Luther King, like many historical heroes, continued to do what was necessary in order to share the power of his vision-no matter what amount of ignorance or violence stood in his way.   


The NASA program exists today because the Kennedy administration had a vision and a goal to put a man on the moon. Many thought that vision was insane; however, in 1969 the vision became a reality. The space program has dealt with a great deal of set backs and has needed to press on after significant tragedy like the loss of the space shuttle Challenger and the space shuttle Endeavor.  


Lance Armstrong, seven-time consecutive winner of the Tour De France, accomplished those victories by pressing through a traumatic diagnosis of testicular cancer that masticated to his brain. Lance, like so many other cancer patients, have after diagnosis adapted a press on attitude because they know it is required to deal with the required treatment and victory over their disease.  


All of these examples are of exceptional people with a press on attitude who achieved amazing results in extreme situations. However, I submit to you that the press on attitude is required in everyday life and business. I believe that every person involved in the above examples always had a press on attitude. However, we saw their real capability because they were faced with adverse, challenging, life, or vision threatening situations.  


The business community as a whole is currently faced with unprecedented changes of which many are out of our direct control. Recovery and regaining success in the business world will come because of the conscious decision to press on.  


Make the commitment now to do what is necessary to make your business successful. Look at each business issue with which you are challenged as an opportunity for success. Use your talent, experience, and education to your advantage. Develop a plan that leverages your background and experience. Review your marketing plan and your marketing mix of activities and make sure they are the right activities. Reach out for assistance as often as needed.  


Make the commitment to press on ... the results are and will be worth it!


Tammy A.S. Kohl is President of Resource Associates Corporation. For over 30 years, RAC has specialized in business and management consulting, strategic planning, leadership development, executive coaching, and youth leadership. For more information visit or contact RAC directly at 800.799.6227.
July 2, 2013
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ADVanced Insights

ADVanced Insights is the merger of the Attribute Index, the DISC Index and the Values Index profiles (ADV). By combining these three powerful assessments into one standalone profile you can determine what really drives individual peak performance.

By understanding the way in which we think, it becomes possible to leverage that knowledge, to make better decisions, maximize strengths, minimize weaknesses, and achieve great success in whatever we do. When we gain an understanding for another person in an organizational setting, it increases awareness, allows for better utilization of skills and alignment of work, increases management efficiency and effectiveness, and in general can impact the organization's overall health and performance

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Five Star Performance, LLC

Five Star Performance
51818 Bonanza Dr.
Granger, IN 46530
(574) 286-1123
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ADVanced Insight  

By understanding the way in which we think, it becomes possible to leverage that knowledge, to make better decisions, maximize strengths, minimize weaknesses, and achieve great success in whatever we do. When we gain an understanding for another person in an organizational setting, it increases awareness, allows for better utilization of skills and alignment of work, increases management efficiency and effectiveness, and in general can impact the organization's overall health and performance.

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