High School in Five Years?
By Christina Mimms, SAIS
When a student struggles in academics, one solution may be to ease the course load. In doing so, however, it may become mathematically impossible for a student to fulfill all of a school's credit requirements to earn a high school diploma in four years. So when the question arises about a student converting high school, which is commonly designed as a four-year program, to a five-year plan, what is the right answer? >>Read more.
 Planting Seeds
By Christina Mimms, SAIS
Admissions officers working with high school applicants follow fairly universal standards: they review SSAT scores, transcripts, and extracurricular involvements, and may even interview students one-on-one. But how do they evaluate someone whose greatest skill may be stacking Legos? For the younger learners entering preschool programs at independent schools, admissions directors and principals find different ways to assess these petite pupils. >>Read more.
Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence
By Daniel Goleman
Reviewed by Dr. Mary McPherson, Elementary School Principal, St. Martin's Episcopal School, Atlanta
In his latest book, Focus: The Hidden Driver of Excellence, Daniel Goleman, best-selling author of Emotional Intelligence, provides the latest research on attention and how the ability or inability to focus affects our everyday lives. Focus does feel like a continuation of what was presented in Emotional Intelligence as Goleman explores self-awareness, reading others, and the well-focused leader. >>Read more.
 Zika Virus Advisory
The Centers for Disease Control has issued an advisory on the zika virus. Please click this link for some helpful information for schools. |
 SAIS Athletic Directors Conference - Call for Proposals
SAIS is currently accepting proposals for the 2nd Annual Athletic Directors Conference to be held January 12-13, 2017 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta. We are looking for sessions about leadership, gender equity, parent-coach relationships, event management, and more! Proposals are due by September 15, 2016. Submit your proposal here. |
2016 SAIS Board/Head Retreat and Annual Conference
SAIS offers a variety of affordable, accessible, and relevant professional development programs for independent school leaders. Two events remain for the 2016 year.
The Board/Head Retreat, which will be led by John Littleford, will cover topics including:
- Developing Healthy Boards: The Key Role of the Committee on Trustees
- Trends & Patterns in Independent & International Schools, from a Global Perspective
- The Board/Head Partnership: Guiding & Empowering Each Other
- The Chair/Head Partnership: Focusing on Honesty and Mutual Support
- The Longevity of Heads & the Effectiveness of Schools
Join us October 22 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta.
Registration is OPEN for the SAIS 2016 Annual Conference, October 22-24 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta. Featuring keynote speakers Donna Hicks and John Zogby, the conference includes an impressive variety of speakers and breakout sessions, such as cultural competence, managing off-campus trips, and lower school interim weeks.
On-Site Board Workshops
SAIS President Dr. Kirk Walker and Vice President Damian Kavanagh are available to visit your campus and conduct on-site governance workshops.
- Trusteeship for Independent Schools
- New Trustee Orientation
- Becoming an Outstanding Board
- The Changing Landscape of Independent School Governance
We're Looking for a Few Good ... Photos
Got any great photos of your campus, students, or a special occasion at your school? Would you be willing to let SAIS use them on our website, in marketing materials, and in publications such as this? If so, please send high-resolution files to christina@sais.org.
Technical Assistance Services:
Benchmarking and Bylaws
Now is the time to enter NAIS DASL data. This powerful tool is open to NAIS and non NAIS members. Do you need benchmark salary information? SAIS can help and can teach you how to use this powerful tool.
Do your bylaws need a refresh? We have read quite a number and are happy to read yours and will provide suggestions on aligning your bylaws with your aspirations of being and remaining a strategically effective board. Contact Damian Kavanagh at SAIS, (404) 918-8850 or damian@sais.org.
Westchester Country Day School
Westchester Country Day School in High Point, NC, is a college preparatory school teaching and guiding students in grades PK-12 to strive for excellence in moral and ethical conduct, academics, the arts, and athletics. The environment is one of mutual respect, and nurturing from students, teachers, faculty, and parents focused on a common vision of defining excellence.
Would you like to be an SAIS Featured School? Contact christina@sais.org.
Dr. Randy Watts, head of Brookwood School in Thomasville, GA, writes about the true nature of leadership.
Kathleen Brewer, 5th grade teacher and parent at Randolph School in Huntsville, AL, offers good advice.
J. Ross Peters, head of St. George's Independent School in Germantown, TN, issues a challenge to students for the new school year.
The Covenant School in Nashville, TN, helps parents let go a little.
First days of school, new beginnings, and support for Louisiana.
Retiring in 2017?
If you are a head of school who will be retiring at the end of the 2016-17 school year, please let us know so we can induct you into the SAIS Legacy Club, a group of retired heads of school who gather annually. Please complete our Legacy Club bio form.