The World is Your Classroom
By Christina Mimms, SAIS
 Many schools boast of elaborate science labs, art classrooms with beautiful windows and natural light, and technology labs with the latest and greatest tools, but sometimes, teachers just step away from their classrooms to lead students on a journey of experiential learning - a hands-on, highly detailed adventure to take students out of the classroom, off campus, and into a larger world. >>Read more.
 How to Raise an Adult By Julie Lythcott-Haims
Reviewed by David Skeen, Middle School Director, Canterbury School, Greensboro, NC
If I could get a show of hands through a book review, I wonder how many of you would raise your hand if I asked if you've ever said, "I swear, I'm not THAT parent, but...." I imagine there would be quite a few hands up out there. As an educator, I swore when I became a parent I would never let that phrase enter into any parent/teacher conference I participated in. In my experience as a teacher, whatever follows this statement is, at its most innocent, an attempt to smooth their child's way by a well-meaning parent or, at its most egregious, an outright request for favor when something didn't go this parent's - err, child's - way. >>Read more.
Coming to San Francisco for the 2016 NAIS Annual Conference? Stop by and say hi! SAIS will be at booth #117 in the exhibit hall at the Moscone Convention Center. You're also invited to our reception on Thursday, February 25, in Salons 10-11 of the Yuerba Buena Ballroom on the Lower B2 Level of the Marriott Marquis. >>RSVP here.
FastStats: The Rising Cost of Independent School Tuition
By Jeffrey Mitchell, Head of School, Currey Ingram Academy, Brentwood, TN
It is the season that independent schools set their tuition for the next school year. Setting tuition is perhaps the most important enrollment management decision an independent school makes. >>Read more.
2016 SAIS Heads Leadership Retreat
Attendees at the the 2016 SAIS Heads Leadership Retreat should prepare for a time of collaboration, growth, and getting "Vip'd." Vipul Kapadia (aka Vips) of thinqshift will serve as facilitator at this year's retreat, April 18-19, 2016, in Asheville, NC. He is well acquainted with the challenges that school leaders face, and as a leadership coach, advisor, and consultant, he helps executive leaders to work through problems, change behavior patterns, and function with more purpose. Watch a short video about Vips' work with schools here.
SAIS Lunch and Learn Webinars
Join SAIS over your lunch break for a virtual seminar. You provide the lunch and we'll provide the webinar. Registration is free. >>Register here.
Heads, Boards and Strategic Thinking
Friday, February 19, 2016: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, EST
Is your board strategically effective? How do you know? This is a presentation of ground breaking new research on organizational effectiveness of boards of trustees in independent schools.
The CWRA and You
Friday, March 18, 2016: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, EST
Are you using data and information to improve teaching and learning? This is a look at one data source, the CWRA, and how three schools are using the results to help departments, teachers, and ultimately students improve critical thinking, reading, and writing.
What Are All These Tests?
Thursday, April 21, 2016: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, EST
There are so many tests available - and your school probably gives most or all of them. Join former NAIS Head of School and assessment expert Jonathan E. Martin for this fast-paced webinar. We'll tour more than half a dozen of the most interesting, popular, and exciting innovative and alternative assessments of student learning and perceptions of learning.
2016 Accreditation Workshops
SAIS Accreditation Workshops are designed for the school's team responsible for administering the process onsite. This could include the accreditation coordinator, steering committee, and other administrative personnel. The workshop includes a review of the Guidebook and logistics of the process, and offers participants the opportunity to ask questions in an informal setting. The workshop fee is $75 per person.
- Monday, March 7, 2016 - Mason Preparatory School | Charleston, SC | 10:00 AM-1:00 PM EST
- Thursday, March 10, 2016 - Notre Dame Academy - Upper School Commons Room | Duluth, GA | 10:00 AM-1:00 PM EST
- Monday, March 14, 2016 - St. Paul's Christian Academy | Nashville, TN | 9:00 AM -12:00 PM CST
- Thursday, April 7, 2016 - Greensboro Day School | Greensboro, NC | 1:00 PM-4:00 PM EST
**If you would prefer to have the workshop on campus at your school, relax and we will come to you! This is a great option if you want to focus on the specifics of your school's process and have your entire team hear the same thing at the same time. The workshop fee is a flat rate of $500. Click here to schedule an on-site Accreditation Workshop.
SAIS offers a variety of affordable, accessible, and relevant professional development programs for independent school leaders.
February 24-26 | San Francisco, CA
April 18-19 | Hyatt Place | Asheville, NC
June 13-15 | Emory Conference Center | Atlanta, GA
June 14-15 | Emory Conference Center | Atlanta, GA
June 15-17 | Emory Conference Center | Atlanta, GA
June 15-17 | Emory Conference Center | Atlanta, GA
June 15-17 | Emory Conference Center | Atlanta, GA
June 21-24 | Omni Amelia Island Plantation | Amelia Island, FL
July & August | Charlotte, NC | Nashville, TN | Atlanta, GA
October 22 | Crowne Plaza Ravinia | Atlanta, GA
October 22-24 | Crowne Plaza Ravinia | Atlanta, GA
Benchmarking Data Collection
It's time to enter your data into DASL by NAIS. We are not collecting this important statistical information and encourage all schools, regardless of NAIS membership to enter data. When you need a benchmark on salary or student ratios or operational expenditures, you will need it. Don't delay - data entry has already started. Visit for more information and to get started.
On-Site Board Workshops
SAIS President Dr. Kirk Walker and Vice President Damian Kavanagh are available to visit your campus and conduct on-site governance workshops.
- Trusteeship for Independent Schools
- New Trustee Orientation
- Becoming an Outstanding Board
- The Changing Landscape of Independent School Governance
Episcopal Day School
Episcopal Day School of Christ Church Parish (EDS) in Pensacola, FL, serves students from six months through 8th grade, and has welcomed children of all faiths since 1952. EDS prepares students for a life of learning and meaningful service in a diverse and global world by providing academic excellence and character formation inclusive of all of God's children and grounded in the Episcopal tradition. Our core values - 21st Century Teaching and Learning, Student-Centered, Stewardship, and Episcopal Identity - inform all programs at the school. >>Read more.
Payton Hobbs, head of Ravenscroft's lower school in Raleigh, NC, offers suggestions to avoid the "circus."
Jay Underwood, head of High Meadows School in Roswell, GA, ponders a more meaningful definition of rigor.
George Couros, division principal for Parkland School Division, Stony Plain, Alberta, discusses teachers' overfilled schedules.
Craig Vroom, principal at Hilliard Weaver Middle School in Hilliard, OH, writes about the road to success.
Chinese New Year, Mardi Gras, Valentine's Day, snow days, and more!
Got any great photos of your campus, students, or a special occasion at your school? Would you be willing to let SAIS use them on our website, in marketing materials, and in publications such as this? If so, please send high-resolution files to
Retiring in 2016?
If you are a
head of school who will be retiring at the end of the 2015-16 school year,
please let us know so we can induct you into the
SAIS Legacy Club,
a group of retired heads of school who gather twice a year. Please complete our Legacy Club bio form.