2016 SAIS EVENT REGISTRATION NOW OPEN! Visit www.sais.org/events
Letter from the President
Kirk Walker, Ph.D.
Congratulations to the 2016 Stephen P. Robinson Collaboration Grant Recipients

SAIS is delighted to announce the recipients of the 2016 Stephen P. Robinson Collaboration Grants:
Episcopal School of Baton Rouge, LA, will collaborate with public schools and other community organizations to hold a college fair, bringing colleges to students who may have difficulty traveling to college campuses. A small fair was held in March 2015, and the school plans to expand the fair to include more students, families, schools, and colleges.
Second Baptist School, Houston, TX, will collaborate with Mount Vernon Presbyterian School, Atlanta, GA, to produce a prototype of a sanitation device to be used outside of shelters or organizations that serve populations in need. The purpose is to quickly and easily sanitize hands of citizens who cannot receive necessary hygienic procedures from staying in the shelter. This project presents a challenging problem for students across grade levels to work to create a viable solution in collaboration with one another.
The Dunham School, Baton Rouge, LA, will partner with Louisiana State University (LSU) to complete learning games using Breakout EDU boxes. In this project, LSU preservice teachers will learn effective strategies for teaching critical thinking and implementing technology into a middle school setting. Both LSU preservice teachers and The Dunham School students will be active participants in critical thinking activities that require problem solving and promote teamwork.
The Galloway School, Atlanta, GA, is hosting the BOLD Summit in July 2016. It is a four-day professional development opportunity for educators of color who are looking to further their careers and are actively seeking out leadership opportunities. Through large and small group instructional sessions, lecture, and individual instruction, participants will explore who they are as leaders, leadership styles, areas of personal growth, and how to best present themselves. Through deep dialogue, and evidence-based best practices, educators will leave the BOLD Summit with better understandings of themselves and leadership as an educator of color in independent school settings.
Canterbury School, Greensboro, NC, will hold the Canterbury Summer Science Academy (CSSA), which provides a unique opportunity free of charge to disadvantaged and underrepresented Guilford County public high school students who show a passion for and academic potential in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math subjects and careers. It is a collaborative effort between Canterbury School and NCA&T/UNCG's Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering (JSNN). Students work closely with both the Canterbury School lead science teacher and the professors and graduate students of the JSNN, participating in hands-on inquiry-based science, conducting authentic research, and communicating their results in a community forum at the end of their weeklong experience.
At the SAIS Annual Conference in Atlanta in October 2016, the recipients will share reports of their collaboration projects during a breakout session. All recipients also will deliver a paper outlining the results of their projects, to be published by SAIS. Grant applications for 2017 will open in October and will be due by December 31, 2016. Recipients of grants will be notified during the first week of February 2017. >>Read more. 
Gone Baby Gone: When School Videos Go Viral 
 By Christina Mimms, SAIS 

The month of January is famous for the New Year's resolutions, NFL playoffs, snowfall, and, for better or worse, school delays and closings. With that comes an almost absurd dependence on weather predictions, stress, and hassles for parents who have to reshuffle their schedules often on short notice. It's a good opportunity to try to relieve some anxiety and make people smile, perhaps in the form of a video. >>Read more.
Interterm Immersion
By Christina Mimms, SAIS

Several years ago when Noble Academy hosted a conference led by consultant/author Grant Lichtman at its Greensboro, NC, campus, a group of their teachers started brainstorming about new programs. "They wanted to do something different and out-of-the-box," said Jennifer Aceves, head of the high school. The product of their plans became known as "Flexuary," i.e., "flexible January," a program to allow students to suspend their usual coursework and take unique courses over a three-week period. These interterms, as they are known at many schools, immerse students in new classes, provide them with travel opportunities, and otherwise shake up the regular school schedule for new adventures. >>Read more.
The Gift of Failure 
By Jessica Lahey
Reviewed by Sarah Barton Thomas, Middle School Director, The Montgomery Academy, Montgomery, AL

In her new book, The Gift of Failure, middle school educator, author, and parent, Jessica Lahey weaves her tale of learning the value of failure. Her first paragraph lays out the clear, if alarming, thesis of the book: "Today's overprotective, failure-avoidant parenting style has undermined the competence, independence, and academic potential of an entire generation." She then goes on to share her own story of being an overprotective, failure-avoidant, parent and teacher and how she grew into one who models and embraces failure and struggle for her children and students. Along the way, she shares her research base, including Edward Deci's Self Determination Theory (a favorite of mine) and provides practical applications, such as how she was transparent with her kids about making the change to be less "do for" and more of a guide for "do it yourself."  >>Read more.
2016 SAIS Heads Leadership Retreat
Leading starts from within - in the way you think. If everyone is different, how can you lead and communicate only one way? The 2016 SAIS Heads Leadership Retreat will explore individual and group dynamics of leadership with a look inside the inner workings of the brain. Using whole brain thinking and an interactive self-assessment tool, Vips Kapadia of thinqshift will lead you and your team through a series of activities that will challenge your assumptions about your own leadership and the leadership of those around you. This year we are excited to welcome heads, assistant/associate heads, and division heads to participate as a team in this unique leadership opportunity. Please invite your colleagues to join you in Asheville!
lunch&learn v1
SAIS Lunch and Learn Webinars
Join SAIS over your lunch break for a virtual seminar. You provide the lunch and we'll provide the webinar. Registration is free. 

SAIS Lunch and Learn: Heads, Boards and Strategic Thinking
Friday, February 19, 2016: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, EST
Is your board strategically effective? How do you know? This is a presentation of ground breaking new research on organizational effectiveness of boards of trustees in independent schools. 

SAIS Lunch and Learn: The CWRA and You
Friday, March 18, 2016: 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM, EST
Are you using data and information to improve teaching and learning? This is a look at one data source, the CWRA, and how three schools are using the results to help departments, teachers, and ultimately students improve critical thinking, reading, and writing. 
2016 Accreditation Workshops 
The word Events in cut out magazine letters pinned to a cork notice board. Events may refer to news
2016 Calendar of Events

Collaboration Grants
When School Videos Go Viral
Interterm Immersion
Book Review
Heads Leadership Retreat
Lunch and Learn Webinars
Accreditation Workshops
Calendar of Events
Tweets of Note
On-Site Board Workshops
SAIS Featured School
 Salisbury Academy

Salisbury Academy is an independent, co-educational school serving students in junior kindergarten through 8th grade in Salisbury, NC. Our experiential learning environment attracts students from diverse backgrounds and nurtures curiosity, community, and character while teaching children to love the learning process. >>Read more.

Would you like to be an SAIS Featured School? Contact christina@sais.org
Blogs of Note
Tweets of Note
Visits to SAIS schools, a perfect score on the Latin AP exam, and the 100th Day of School. 

Your Photos Wanted!

Retiring in 2016?A blue nametag sticker with the words Hello I Am Retired to illustrate that you are done with your career and are living off a pension or 401k or other retirement savings
If you are a head of school who will be retiring at the end of the 2015-16 school year, please let us know so we can induct you into the SAIS Legacy Club, a group of retired heads of school who gather twice a year. Please complete our Legacy Club bio form.
Benchmarking Data Collection
It's time to enter your data into DASL by NAIS. We are not collecting this important statistical information and encourage all schools, regardless of NAIS membership to enter data. When you need a benchmark on salary or student ratios or operational expenditures, you will need it. Don't delay - data entry has already started. Visit http://dasl.nais.org for more information and to get started. 
On-Site Board Workshops
SAIS President Dr. Kirk Walker and Vice President Damian Kavanagh are available to visit your campus and conduct on-site governance workshops.
  • Trusteeship for Independent Schools
  • New Trustee Orientation
  • Becoming an Outstanding Board
  • The Changing Landscape of Independent School Governance