Game On! Athletic Directors Come Together at SAIS Conference
A Grand Ol' Time at Grandparents Days
By Christina Mimms, SAIS

Call it a friend-raiser, a fun-raiser, or simply a time for family and fellowship, Grandparents Day typically requires significant planning, time, funds, and effort to execute and create a fun-filled day for visitors on campus. Often held in conjunction with a fall activity or holiday, a Grandparents Day may include a musical performance, storytelling, classroom activities, a meal, and the many logistics involved with managing an additional 300 to 700 people on campus. >>Read more. 
The Year Without a Purchase 
By Scott Dannemiller
Reviewed by Christina Mimms, SAIS 

Scott Dannemiller, author of The Year Without a Purchase: One Family's Quest to Stop Shopping and Start Connecting is an Everyman. He and his wife owned a home in the suburbs, worked well-paying jobs, took regular vacations, and lived "regular" lives up until about 10 years ago, when they felt the need for a change. A need to redirect their focus, live simply, and stop spinning their wheels. Their answer: become missionaries for a year. >>Read more.
2016 Accreditation Workshops 
Join us for the Heads Leadership Retreat

Leading starts from within - in the way you think. If everyone is different, how can you lead and communicate only one way? The 2016 SAIS Heads Leadership Retreat will explore individual and group dynamics of leadership with a look inside the inner workings of the brain. Using whole brain thinking and an interactive self-assessment tool, Vips Kapadia of thinqshift will lead you and your team through a series of activities that will challenge your assumptions about your own leadership and the leadership of those around you. This year we are excited to welcome heads, assistant/associate heads, and division heads to participate as a team in this unique leadership opportunity. Please invite your colleagues to join you in Asheville!
>>More information. >>Register here.

The word Events in cut out magazine letters pinned to a cork notice board. Events may refer to news
2016 Calendar of Events
On-Site Board Workshops
SAIS President Dr. Kirk Walker and Vice President Damian Kavanagh are available to visit your campus and conduct on-site governance workshops.
  • Trusteeship for Independent Schools
  • New Trustee Orientation
  • Becoming an Outstanding Board
  • The Changing Landscape of Independent School Governance 
Your School's Logo 
Does your school's logo appear in the SAIS Online Member Directory?  If not, please send your school's logo to
Retiring in 2016?A blue nametag sticker with the words Hello I Am Retired to illustrate that you are done with your career and are living off a pension or 401k or other retirement savings
If you are a head of school who will be retiring at the end of the 2015-16 school year, please let us know so we can induct you into the SAIS Legacy Club, a group of retired heads of school who gather twice a year. Please complete our Legacy Club bio form.
Benchmarking Data Collection
It's time to enter your data into DASL by NAIS. We are not collecting this important statistical information and encourage all schools, regardless of NAIS membership to enter data. When you need a benchmark on salary or student ratios or operational expenditures, you will need it. Don't delay - data entry has already started. Visit for more information and to get started. 

Grandparents Days
Book Review
Accreditation Workshops
Heads Leadership Retreat
On-Site Board Workshops
WANTED: Your School's Logo
Tweets of Note
SAIS Featured School
Grace-St Luke's Episcopal School
Blogs of Note
Tweets of Note
The SAIS Athletic Directors Conference, STEAM projects, and letting middle schoolers take the wheel. 

Your Photos Wanted!