A Note from the President
Dr. Steve Robinson
It's that time of year again. Winter is behind us, trees are turning green, and we are all looking forward to spring and summer. Rituals are common with every season, and one spring ritual close to my heart is the great sport of baseball. There's nothing like attending a game on a beautiful day with a great seat, some snacks, and a friend or family member. It's something I try to do every spring. 
For educators, professional development is a common ritual of summer. Finished with the school year, many attend programs, workshops, or conferences to network, grow, and recharge. SAIS offers opportunities for school leaders to think about relational, personal, and strategic leadership, to work on operational skills, and to engage with each other and with school leaders and facilitators from around the region and the world. Programs are designed for the new teacher, the new head, the senior leader, and the experienced head. Whatever SAIS program you choose, you will leave with new tools to help you in your job, new friends and colleagues to advise you along the way, and you will have enjoyed great seats, great snacks, and beautiful days! For more information about SAIS events: 
Dr. Steve Robinson
Call for Board Nominations

SAIS Board of Trustees | nominations due May 19

Nominations for the SAIS Board of Trustees are now being accepted. To nominate yourself or someone else, please review this information about board service. Nominations are due by May 19.

The board is responsible for the supervision, control and direction of the association. According to the bylaws, trustees must be heads of SAIS member schools. The board seeks to represent geographic diversity as well as diversity of school mission. View the current board of trustees.

The SAIS Committee on Trustees will process the nominations and review the nominees. The slate will be presented for approval by the membership at the SAIS annual business meeting, which takes place at the SAIS Annual Conference, October 18-20 in Atlanta. New trustees will begin their terms on January 1, 2015.  Submit a nomination for the SAIS Board of Trustees

The Future of the Mind

by Donna Siebenthaler, Director of Curriculum & Instruction, Trinity Presbyterian School, Montgomery, AL


In The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance, and Empower the Mind, Michio Kaku explores the part of the universe that remains among the most mysterious of all: the human brain. Kaku, a professor of theoretical physics at the City College of New York and author of the best-selling Physics of the Impossible, offers a clear and understandable guide to the latest research into the mind and what that research means for the not-too-distant future.  >>Read more HERE
Beyond the Common Core

by Dr. Henry G. Selby, Head of All Saints' Episcopal School, Morristown, TN 


I am a fan of the Common Core, but my reasons may surprise you. I support this national initiative not because it raises the bar or guarantees student success or moves us back-to-basics or improves our standards or is simply "tougher." It is not, and doesn't do, any of these things. And in fact, not one of the hundreds of "reforms" that have been politically motivated since Lyndon Johnson signed the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act) in 1965 has borne memorable fruit. If I were to identify the connecting flaw in every one of these reforms, it would be that the standard became at once the uppermost limit. There was a top on the pot.  >>Read more HERE.

Heads Up: Summer Preview
Summer is around the corner, a welcome break, but also an opportunity for professional development. Whether you are a new head, an experienced head, or a non-head leader in your school, SAIS has a program that will reignite your passion for what you do, give you applicable tools to improve your work, and grow your professional network. 
>>Check it out HERE
Welcoming Joanne!
SAIS is pleased to announce and welcome our new Director of Accreditation, Joanne Andruscavage. Joanne comes to SAIS with a strong independent school background having served as a teacher, mentor, principal, administrator, and head. She will join SAIS part-time in April and full-time this summer as she supports our efforts to offer the highest quality accreditation process available to independent schools. >>Read more HERE
SAIS Board Nominations
Common Core
Summer Preview
Annual Conference Breakout Sessions

Newsletter Archive 

President's Page 

Contact SAIS Staff 


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The word Events in cut out magazine letters pinned to a cork notice board. Events may refer to news
Summer Institutes

June 15-17
Institute for Senior Administrators 
Emory Conference Center - Atlanta
featuring Keith Evans & David Mahler
June 18-20
Administrative Leadership Institute 
Emory Conference Center - Atlanta
featuring Rob Evans & Michael Thompson
June 24-27
Institute for Heads
Grove Park Inn - Asheville, NC
featuring Rob Evans & Michael Thompson

June 30-July 2
Institute for 
New Heads 
Atlanta, GA
featuring Jack Hall (Walker School) and Billy Peebles (The Lovett School)
Institute for 
New Teachers 
June 24-26 | Atlanta
July 16-18| Charlotte
July 22-24 | Memphis
July 28-30 | Atlanta

Coming this fall ...
October 18-20
Annual Conference 
Atlanta, GA - Crowne Plaza Ravinia
Blogs of Note 

Dr. Byron Hulsey, Head of Randolph School in Huntsville, AL, shares how the school recently flipped the parent/teacher conference, allowing students to create portfolios to demonstrate to parents and teachers what they had learned.

Holly Chesser, English Teacher at Mount Vernon Presbyterian School in Atlanta, who is organizing a fundraiser to help schools in Haiti, reflects on the resilience of its people despite their poverty.

Jason Ramsden, Chief Technology Officer at Ravenscroft School in Raleigh, NC, counsels parents on how to monitor their children's texting, social media use, and mobile apps.

Michael Zavada, Upper School Principal at Trinity Presbyterian School in Montgomery, AL, discusses how lessons learned from a turkey hunting trip translate to the classroom. 
2014 SAIS Annual Conference Breakout Session Proposals
Breakout session proposals for the 2014 SAIS Annual Conference are being accepted through April 11.  The conference will take place October 18-20 at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia in Atlanta.  >>Submit proposals HERE
SAIS Stakeholder Survey Center
  • Visit to see the stakeholder surveys available to you and your school community.    
  • SAIS has created a series of highly reliable and valid stakeholder surveys for you to use either in conjunction with a strategic visioning process or just to take the pulse of your community.   

  • Be sure to check out the video explanation, the sample questions, the timelines, and the sample reports.