
Queer Student Orgs @ the Cant!
All are now meeting--
join us!

5-6:30pm ~ Women's Group
7-10pm ~ Queer Geeks
2:30-4pm - Queer People of Color
4-5:30pm ~ FamiliaX 
7-8pm ~ Q & Q & New to the U 
8-9pm ~
Crafty Cookin' Queer Coffehouse!  
3:30-4:30pm ~ Queer Book Club (1st & 3rd)
7-10pm ~ Queer Student Union
1st & 3rd:
4:30-6:30pm ~ Bi/Pan Talk 
2nd & 4th:
4:30-6:30pm ~ Poly Open Space 
7-9:30pm ~ LGBTQQIAAP Film Series 
5:30-7:30pm ~ Blender 

Alphabet Soup:

Queer Student Union
QSU has been one of the "Big 5" registered student organizations at UCSC for the past couple of decades. It was originally the "GLB, then GLBT Network" Queer Student Union's design is to be comprised of reps from all of the other queer student orgs. And QSU has funding it can disburse to queer student initiated projects, conferences, etc. QSU meets on Wednesday nights and focuses on both socializing and activist issues. All can join in! 

Queer student groups are meeting now at the Cantu! Check out the Women's Group and Queer Geeks on Monday. On Tuesday you can attend Queer People of Color, Familia X, Questioning/Queer & New to the U, and Coffeehouse. On Wednesday there is QSU. On Thursday the Poly Open Space meets, followed by the film series. And on Friday, come check out Blender! All of these groups are drop-in; new students and allies are welcome!

Join Theta Pi Sigma! 
Tabling: 9/30-10/11,
12-4pm, Quarry Plaza
Rush Week: 10/7-10/11
Come and check out the world's first queer gender-neutral frarority! Want to get involved with the Santa Cruz LGBTQQIAAP* community? Look for our rainbow flag at Quarry Plaza and learn more! Info: 

Queer/Ally Graduate Student Mixer!
Thu, 10/10, 5-7pm, Cant� Queer Center
Mingle and meet other queer grad students, learn about campus and community resources. Hearty finger foods! Info: queer@ucsc.edu

Celebrate Community and get ready for National Coming Out Day! 
Thu, 10/10, 11am-1pm, C9/C10 Dining Hall
Drop by the booth for button-making, card-making, music, Coming Out stories, info, fun activities, good company, and more!
Fri, 10/11, 11am-1pm, Cantu Queer Center
Story sharing and panel led by Maya Borgueta of CAPS. Come tell listen, talk, support!
Fri, 10/11, 12-3pm, Cowell Courtyard
Bracelet-making and an interactive photo booth.
Fri, 10/11, 8-11pm, Merrill Cultural Center 
Coming Out Day Karaoke! Learn about Coming Out Day and support the LGBTQ community at Merrill.

"Undisciplining Feminism: Formations in Critical Race and Ethnic Studies" 
Thu, 10/10, 1:30-6pm, Humanities 1
We will generate a curricular vision that, rather than being negatively constructed as a critique (of patriarchy, mainstream feminism, "wave"-based periodizations, etc.) begins with concepts like race, empire, and settler colonialism. 

DOMA-What's Next? Presentation by The Community Foundation
Thu, 10/10, 7pm, 7807 Soquel Dr, Aptos
The U.S. Supreme Court's rulings earlier this summer on DOMA and California Proposition 8 have rocked the lives of many same-sex couples with impacts that will be felt in many ways for years to come.


Fri, 10/11, 12-2 pm, Cantu Queer Center
Come hear student panelists share their coming out stories, then tell your own if you like. Q & A and lots of support! Co-sponsored by the Cantu and CAPS. Info: aborguet@ucsc.edu

Fri, 10/11, 12-3 pm, Cowell Courtyard
Come out to the courtyard and make buttons & bracelets! Interactive photo booth. All welcome! Info: jpennick@ucsc

Coming Out Day Karaoke!
Featuring Professional Karaoke Jockey Bruce Rogers
FRI, 10/11, 8-11pm, Merrill Cultural Center
Come out as a karaoke star! Info! Snacks! Fun!

CAPS Groups: Fall 2013
CAPS provides counseling groups that are available to currently registered students throughout the academic year. Groups provide opportunities for students to explore personal issues with peers in order to develop awareness, insight, and interpersonal skills. Info: click here.

DANM Undergrad Independent Studies: Fall 2013 
Gay Latino L.A.
Students in this interdisciplinary independent study will work alongside the existing production team in LA to edit and produce content for Videos.GayLatino.LA. Info: Johnathan@ucsc.edu
Qulture is intended to be multi-device application for queer people of color-- a platform that will allow community activists, artists, leaders, organizers, and students to connect, interact and meet up with a focus on political activism, cultural education and entertainment. For internship, apply here. 

Lesley Reid-Harrison 
Cantu Intern 
Who are you?

I am a Queer identified dyke from Cape Town. I am entering my super senior status at UCSC, double majoring in sociology and fem studies. I have been a life long activist since the early 80's in South Africa.


As a Queer identified parent, how was it "Coming Out" to your children?

Coming out happened over a period of about two years. I was happily married to the father of my children and we had the perfect marriage. Through my spiritual practice - Women's Spirituality - I had to finally admit my attraction to women. Looking at old photo albums from that time period, I realize I was crushed out on a number of the women, but never framed it as such because I had a stereotypical hetero-normative understanding of what it meant to identify as a lesbian.


To recommend someone for QYou or to be featured, email us at qconnect.ucsc@gmail.com!


Oct 2nd ~ 'MAJOR!' Filmmakers  Discuss Transgender Documentary

Donate to the film's kick-starter campaign here!  



Oct 2nd ~ Grandfather Writes Letter To His Daughter After She Kicks Out His Gay Grandson




Oct 2nd ~ 'Where Have All the Butches Gone?'



Oct 2nd ~ 'Periodic Table Of Pride' 

models of pride conference goers

Oct 19th ~ Model of Pride LGBT Youth Conference @ USC 


Oct 26-27th ~ The Queerness and Games Conference @ UC Berkeley


Nov 15-17th Students of Color Conference @ UCLA
Jan 3rd-5th ~ T*Camp: Retreat for Trans/ Genderqueer & Gender Questioning Students. Nov 1st Deadline! 


creating change

Jan 29th-Feb 2nd ~ 26th National Conference on LGBT Equality: Creating Change. Houston, TX. 


Upcoming Events 
11th Annual Practical Activism Conference: Tools for Local and Global Change
Sat, 10/19, 10:45am-5pm, College 9/10 MPR
A day long student led conference featuring keynote speaker Jose Hernandez (former astronaut, political organizer, advocate for immigrant rights and educational equity), ten workshops, hands-on activist activities, music, spoken word by renowned C10 alum Storm Thomas, and tabling by campus and community organizations.
rainbow pumpkinsLGBTQ Family Halloween Party! 
Sun, 10/27, 4-7pm, First Congregational Church, 900 High St, SC 
Come join us for a spooky fun time! Dress up in your wildest costume for our costume fashion show!  First Congregational Church will be transformed into a full Halloween experience. Enjoy games for all ages and treat giveaways. Info: Sharon at Diversity Center, 425.5422
What Has the Cant� Done for YOU? 
CA Forum for Diversity in Grad Education: Oct 26th
Emphasizing opportunity for students from dis- advantaged backgrounds. Info: click here.
LGBT Congressional Internship: Spring 2014
The Victory Institute invites outstanding LGBT college students to apply by Oct 28th. Apply here.
CETLALIC LGBT Spanish Program
Jan 4-17th, Cuernavaca, Mexico 
For all GLBTs interested in learning about the real situation of queer life in Mexico through the study of the language and cultural exchange. Info: click here.
Cracking the Corporate Closet

This guide to policies toward gays and lesbians in more than two hundred of America's largest companies examines the treatment of employees and how company attitudes are reflected in advertising, charitable and political gift-giving, and response to the AIDS crisis. 
Available for check-out now from the Cant Library


Last week's Fall undergrad mixer was a wild success. The space was packed with new and returning students who learned about the huge number of queer campus and community organizations and projects and just had a great time being in the company of hundreds of other queer folks!

Our many student groups meeting at the Cantu are now off and running! The Cantu staff does a lot of work supporting student leaders, getting out publicity, and otherwise launching student-initiated projects. DO come check out our many weekly events!

Friday is Natl Coming Out Day! The Cantu has connected with College Program Coordinators to help support and publicize the various college-based events happening to celebrate this national queer holiday!
hands surrounding earth
Keep the Cant� Strong!