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Arts Matter!
Create the Vote Candidates Forum Tonight

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

4:30 p.m. Opening Reception

Featuring Worcester entertainers 4 Elements, 

In Da Zone, Raices Latin Dance, Canal Tours, RAW Arts and Actors Shakespeare  

6-7:30 p.m. Candidates Forum

Hanover Theatre for the Performing Arts

2 Southbridge Street, Worcester



Click image for personal invite from Joyce Kulhawik!



Moderated by Emmy-Award Winning Arts & Entertainment Critic Joyce Kulhawik, this evening's forum will feature all of the candidates for governor of Massachusetts who will be together to discuss and debate the issues of the statewide creative community.








Please join us in showing the candidates that arts matter in this election!By working together, we can make sure that the next governor of Massachusetts is a true champion of the arts, culture and the creative economy. Please help to spread the word but forwarding this email to your family, colleagues and friends. 





  Admission is FREE and open to all!

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