If you support the legislation, tell the Committee why.
Here are a few additional points we think can be helpful to make, if you agree.
- HR706 would create a National Historical Park in the Blackstone Valley in Massachusetts and Rhode Island. This new park would build on the successes achieved by the Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor over the past 25+ years, and on the network of community-based partnerships that made those successes possible.
- It would allow the National Park Service to continue its role in protecting and interpreting the nationally significant resources of the valley, the birthplace of the American industrial revolution, but also continue to be a true partner that empowers others to do their share of preservation and revitalization.
- Passing this bill protects the investments made to date, and allows for continued leveraging of local and state, public and private resources, at an average match rate of 8:1, both in the national interest and to benefit our local and regional economy and quality of life.
Thank you for your support!
Please take a moment and send us an email to let us know you contacted the committee. |