The annual State of City covering Anaheim's accomplishments of the past year and outlining a vision for the future is right around the corner. 
This year's event is Feb. 9 at City National Grove of Anaheim.
For the second year, Accelerate Change Together Anaheim, or ACT Anaheim, is the event's nonprofit beneficiary. ACT Anaheim is a grant effort that addresses gaps in service for underserved youth and strengthens families and communities. ACT Anaheim was launched in 2014 by Angels Baseball, the Anaheim Ducks and Disneyland Resort, which together committed $3 million to benefit Anaheim youth over three years. Word quickly spread about this valuable program and additional donors came on board. In 2015, $1.8 million was invested back into the community by ACT Anaheim.
For tickets and more on State of the City click here.

"Anaheim Reads" a Classic
A Vibrant Canyon 

Anaheim residents of all ages are invited to join "Anaheim Reads," a month-long One Book/One City program designed to encourage the community to read, enjoy and discuss one book -- "The Maltese Falcon."
Additional programs will be offered throughout February, all keeping in theme with the classic Dashiell Hammett book, which celebrates its 75th anniversary this year.
The Anaheim Public Library, in collaboration with Altrusa International of Anaheim, will kick off the program on Jan. 30 at Anaheim Central Library.  The opening reception is a free, ticketed event, featuring a Q&A with Anaheim Police Chief Raul Quezada, a photo booth, refreshments and prizes. Space is limited and RSVP is required; call Library Administration at (714) 765-1810 to reserve your spot.
Programs in February will take readers deeper into the book and will be offered at library locations citywide -- Canyon Hills in the east (400 Scout Trail), Central in downtown (500 W. Broadway) and Haskett in the west (2650 W. Broadway). Programs will include Birds of Prey, Lore of Precious Gems, Week of Detectives, and more.
Visit to learn more.
More than 100,000 guests attended this year's NAMM Show, the largest convention hosted at the Anaheim Convention Center. Each year NAMM welcomes visitors from around the world, and this year was no exception. In fact, total attendance increased 2% and global visitors grew 20% from last year, with attendees representing 125 different countries.
What does this mean for Anaheim residents?
Tourism supports about 50% of the general fund budget, which includes staffing police officers and fire fighters, maintaining and upgrading parks and making street improvements.
Anaheim is prepared to welcome millions of visitors each year because tourism improves the quality of life for our residents.
We took our cameras into NAMM to give you a look at what is one of the most anticipated events of the year. 

Click here to watch our exclusive video.
A planning vision for the Anaheim Canyon is set to enhance Orange County's largest contiguous industrial hub.
The recently adopted Anaheim Canyon Specific Plan clears the way for new businesses, apartments, hotels, restaurants and shopping along La Palma Avenue.

The plan calls for:

--Maintaining and expanding the Canyon's core industrial base north of La Palma.
--New apartments and other housing around the Anaheim Canyon Metrolink Station.
--More sit-down restaurants, shops and services near Imperial Highway and elsewhere.
--Flexible office space favored by technology, medical and advanced manufacturing companies near La Palma Avenue and Kraemer Boulevard.

Additionally, the Orange County Transportation Authority is working to add an additional track and platform to the Anaheim Canyon Metrolink Station, which provides train, bus and shuttle service to the area.
With nearly 40,000 employees and nearly 3,000 businesses, the Anaheim Canyon is a major economic engine for Anaheim and all of Orange County. 

Fire & Rescue Milestones
Business is Booming!
Water Savings Gains
This past year, Anaheim Fire & Rescue's Community Care Response Unit, or CCRU, debuted as one of the first of its kind in California. The innovative mobile care unit has seen impressive results in a six-month pilot program.
The CCRU aims to "treat and release," meaning low-acuity patients are treated at the scene and costly emergency room visits are avoided whenever possible. As hospital transports are reduced, more city resources are free for urgent, critical emergency calls.
In the CCRU's first six months, the unit responded to more than 500 service calls with nearly 200 patient contacts, proving that integrated mobile healthcare is a welcome addition to the overall care and attention from our first responders.
In December, Anaheim Fire & Rescue received a Class 1 designation by the Insurance Service Office, the highest possible rating for a municipality. Anaheim joins a select group of 132 cities nationally to carry a Class 1 rating, which means potentially lower insurance premiums for residents and businesses in the city.
Anaheim Fire & Rescue is also accredited by the Center for Public Safety Excellence, a program administered by the Commission on Fire Accreditation International. It is one of only 33 agencies in the U.S. that is both accredited and designated as a Class 1 city.

As the economy improves, residents and businesses are making plans to improve their properties. From room additions or adding a pool to creating landscaped outdoor spaces, the Anaheim Building and Planning department has seen a significant increase in the number of customers coming through its doors. Customer services representatives and planners are ready to assist and help guide with recommendations and approvals. Visit the Building and Planning department at City Hall, or visit them online at

Number of customers served in Building and Planning
2012    14,782
2013    15,948
2014    18,199
2015    19,344 
Number of building permits issued
2012    4,492
2013    5,014
2014    6,039
2015    6,964

In response to state-mandated conservation, Anaheim customers have done a great job saving water. And while winter rains have helped, there are steps you can take to help further save water and reduce the impact of future dry years.
First, make sure your sprinklers are off during rain and for the next several days after. Investing in a weather-based irrigation controller is one way that you can "set it and forget it." These "smart" systems adjust the amount of water your soil needs based on the current weather conditions. Even more helpful is a soil moisture sensor controller, which is placed below ground in the root zones of lawns to determine watering needs. They are available as stand-alone devices or as add-ons to existing controllers. For those considering replacing lawns this spring, zero-interest loans are still available to help you with upfront costs.
Anaheim Public Utilities offers residents a free Home Utility Check-Up, where a personalized analysis of your water and energy use can help find ways to be more efficient. You'll receive a number of free water- and energy-saving devices and be introduced to rebate programs that can save you even more. For detailed program information and even more ideas, visit
District Elections 2016

2016 will be a historic year for Anaheim. Starting this November:
  • For the first time in Anaheim's 159-year history, voters are set to begin electing City Council members by districts.
  • The City Council will increase from five to seven members with council members elected by voters in their districts and the mayor elected at large by all voters across the city.
  • Four district seats will appear on the 2016 ballot; the remaining two district seats will be up for election in 2018.
After almost a full year of community input, Anaheim is in the final stages of implementing a district boundary map.
To learn more please visit


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City of Anaheim | 200 S. Anaheim Blvd. | Anaheim | CA | 92805