CYHS E-News for November 13, 2014

PAD Fall Musical coming soon
CYHS Performing Arts Department To Present
"The Addams Family"

The Central York High School Performing Arts Department will present The Addams Family, a new musical comedy, Friday, November 21 and Saturday, November 22, 2014.

Both performances are at 7:30 p.m. in the Central York High School Auditorium, 601 Mundis Mill Road,York.

All seats are reserved. Tickets cost $8 for Mezzanine/Side Sections; $10 for Orchestra Side Sections; and $12 for Orchestra/Mezzanine Center Sections.

Tickets may be purchased online at or by calling (717) 846-6789, ext. 1338, for reservations. The High School Box Office will be open for ticket sales Mondays from 6:30 to 9 p.m. now through show time.
Health Science and Human Services  Academy
  Education Strand Level I Students
Adam Reed (CYHS) and Owen (1st Grade)
Trent Kertzel with his 1st Grade buddy.
The Level I students within the education strand spent many hours planning and preparing math lessons, math games, and reading strategies to implement into their visit to Roundtown Elementary School. The students were buddied up to teach their lessons with Mr. Matthew's students.  The high school students spent the day with their buddies. Everyone enjoyed the day!
Allison Wagner (CYHS) and Nikki (1st Grade)
Parent Teacher Conferences
Central York High School distributed report cards to students Friday, November 7th in school. Parents and guardians may also access high school student grades online via our Online Grades system.
Online Conference Scheduling Now Open
Parent/Guardian - Teacher Conferences will be held at the High School on Tuesday, November 25th from 4:00-7:30pm and on Wednesday, November 26th from 8:00 -11:30am. You can schedule your teacher conferences online by going to the CYSD website or by clicking here. ONLINE CYHS Teacher Conferences 
Winter Aquatics Brochure Available, Registration Open
The Central York Community Aquatics Program offerings for Winter 2014-2015 include many opportunities for children and adult swimmers of all ages and abilities. The brochure is online and can be downloaded and viewed by clicking the link below.

All sessions will be held in the Central York Community Natatorium located at Central York High School, 601 Mundis Mill Road, York. The Natatorium is 18,100 square feet and includes a swimming pool, viewing area and lockers. Specific features of the Central York Community Natatorium include the following:
*Eight lane, 35-meter pool with adjustable bulkhead 
*500-seat spectator area 
*Adjoining bathrooms and locker facilities 
*Pool Tank and Pool Deck Area 
*Private entrance with adjacent parking (near the Athletic Wing and Stadium) 
*Two 1-meter springboards 
 Click here to download a program brochure and registration form today.
A Message from the PTO
We are still in great need of volunteers who would be willing to organize and coordinate the following events:


Bingo: Sunday, March 22, 2015. One or two people are needed to take the lead on this fundraiser. In the past, prizes awarded were Vera Bradley bags and Longaberger baskets. The person(s) in charge would determine what will be done this year. Some volunteers for this event have already signed up to help. In addition, the previous chairperson will be available for guidance and support.


Post Prom: Saturday, May 9 to Sunday, May 10. Two people are needed to take the lead on this event. The success of Post Prom relies on many people and subcommittees (some of the subcommittees are listed below).   Some volunteers for this event have already signed up to help. In addition, the previous chairpersons will be available for guidance and support. Parents of seniors, juniors, and even sophomores are highly encouraged to volunteer and get involved by agreeing to chair or co-chair a subcommittee or assist in other ways as needed.


Post Prom Subcommittees: People are needed to take the lead on each of these subcommittees.


Pass the Bucket at Sporting Events

Hit the Pavement

Thank You Notes






Tear Down


For additional information about CYHS PTO Programs and Post Prom, please go to the CYHS PTO Website . If you are interested in volunteering for any of the above positions, please contact the PTO via email at Thank you.

Boys Soccer Update
Photo courtesy of Jason
The Boys soccer team lost to the #1 seed out of District 1, Central Bucks East, on Tuesday 11/ 4 by a score of 2-1. After Pierrce Miller's goal in the 24th minute to put the panthers up 1-0, Central Bucks scored two quick goals to lead 2-1 for the rest of the match. The Panthers finished with an overall record of 21-3-1. The Panthers collected the YAIAA Division 1 and YAIAA County Tournament Championships, finished 4th in the District 3 playoffs, and returned to the PIAA state playoffs for the second consecutive year and only the second time in school history. Senior Calvin Luckenbaugh (pictured left) was selected as Co-Division 1 player of the Year and earned recognition being chosen for the PIAA All-State team.
PTO November Post Prom Fundraiser

To download this flier click PTO Post Prom Fundraiser.
Panther Pantry
The first distribution from the Panther Pantry was  held at  Central York High School on Tuesday, October 21st from 6:00 to 7:00pm and was a success! The purpose of this pantry is to provide nourishing foods to children in our district who are hungry. The pantry will be open the third Tuesday of every month from 6 to 7 p.m. from the months of October through May.
 We are very excited to hold
our second distribution on Tuesday, November 18th.

Central York families can pull up to the front of the high school building to receive their grocery  bags.  Families will only need to provide their family name and the name of the oldest child in the district. There is no formal documentation needed to receive help and the visit will be kept confidential.

Donate items the week of November 10th.
Send donations to school with your child knowing that all the donations received will go to our Central families.The High School is asked to donate whole grain cereal and oatmeal.

How can recipients show their appreciation? Become a school volunteer. There are many volunteer opportunities in our district (i.e.: classroom helpers, concession stand help) in all buildings. Volunteer clearance forms will be available along with assistance completing them. The money that it costs to get clearances is reimbursed by the district.

An easy way to help the Panther Pantry...
There is a  deal at CVS that will help us to further help our pantry, but we need your help!  If you have a CVS card, you are able to get a free roll of paper towels  starting Sunday 11/9 until Saturday 11/15.  Just The Basics Paper Towels single roll Price $.79. Use the $.79 off coupon for Just the Basics Paper Towels single roll (printing for everyone 11/09-11/15 from the red machine).  All you need to do is scan your CVS card at the "red machine" inside CVS.  A coupon for FREE paper towels will print. Take the paper towels and the coupon with you when you checkout.  The paper towels will be free.  If you don't have a CVS card, apply for one and keep your eyes open for special deals in the future. Imagine...if every adult in the district got the free roll of paper towels, we could really make a difference!

Your support is appreciated! Thank you!
Curbside Creativity
Public art is popping up on bumper blocks around downtown York and are mostly visible adjacent to the York Revolution Baseball Stadium on North Street and around Central Market. An initiative by Geron Countess and The Parliament in partnership with many of the York County public school districts is bringing high school students to downtown York in an effort to expand public art in the city.
 York Revolution lot curb painting.
Central York art students from various art classes created parking lot bumper templates before painting the bumpers in the Central Market Parking Garage on E. Philadelphia Street and the York Revolution parking lot in York City on Tuesday, October 28th. The project is part of the Parliament Arts Organization Bumper Project.  So far, three high schools have sent student artists to create and paint designs on city lot stops in the ongoing project.  The Parliament arranges permissions with the lot owners to do the work. Parliament spokeswoman Alexandra Dwyer said the mission of the  project is to beautify the downtown and familiarize the students with York City.  But it could not have been possible without the donation of art supplies and lunch for all the students by CGA Law Firm. The law firm of CGA provided the supplies needed as well as the man hours that it took to clean, de-weed, bleach and prime the curbs.   The curbs look terrific!
(Photos courtesy of Bill Kalina -
Alex Roppelt, CYHS Senior
Emily Salter, Junior
Lydia Stone, Junior
Division Champs
High School GIrls Volleyball Team Wins First Division Title Since 1985

Central York High School Girl's Varsity Volleyball Team recently added a new Division I Championship banner to its collection!

The team earned the 2014 Division 1 title with an impressive 11-1 season record. This honor is extremely sweet, as it is the team's first division win since 1985! In addition to the Varsity's accomplishment, the JV team ended the season undefeated, including taking two first place finishes in each of their non-league tournaments.

Congratulations to all of the players, pictured above, and to their coaches, Nate Ocasio, Dwayne Warehime and JV Coach Kate Woffindin.

Photo Courtesy of Holly Rishel. 
Canned Food Drive
The CYHS Student Council will be holding its annual Canned Food Drive from Tuesday, November 11th through Friday, November 21st.

This year the collected food will be donated to both the Central PA Food Bank and the Panther Pantry. This means that we want to collect more than ever before since we are supplying two organizations with donations.

CLC's will be competing for the "top donating CLC of the day" prizes. At the end of each week, the top donating CLC for the week will win donut parties right before the Thanksgiving break. Winners will be announced daily on CTV.  Last year we donated over 2,500 pounds of food ! 
Model United Nations Club

On Tuesday, October 14, the Central York High School Model United Nations Club participated in a competition through the Susquehanna Valley Model United Nations at Lampeter-Strasburg High School in Lancaster, PA. Central students argued world issues from the perspectives of participating countries in the United Nations. The General Assembly discussed child labor. The World Health Organization, chaired by junior Alex Feistritzer, discussed malaria. The Security Council discussed political and economic unrest in Somalia. The International Court of Justice discussed the court's role in world affairs. This fine group of students represented Central York High School with pride and professionalism!

Future Business Leaders Raise Funds for Breast Cancer Awareness

Central York High School's Future Business Leaders of America organized and held a "Pink Out" event called "Paws for a Cause" at the Sept. 26 home football game to raise funds for breast cancer awareness efforts in our local community. Students created and sold T-shirts, such as the one pictured above,  in advance of the home football game.
Calendar Reminders
11/13 -PTO Mtg 6:30pm Rm 131

11/14 -Hunger Games
7-9pm @
HS Gymnasium

11/17 -School Board Regular Meeting, 7:15pm @ the ESC

11/21 -Stellar Student Ceremony, 2:00pm Auditorium

11/21 & 11/22 -PAD Fall Show "The Addams Family" Musical 7:30 pm CYHS Auditorium

11/25 -Parent/Guardian -Teacher Conferences, 4-7:30pm

11/26 -Teacher In-Service Day
Parent/Guardian -Teacher Conferences

11/27 & 11/28 - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS


Central York 2014-2015 District Calendar

Central York School District is pleased to provide our faculty, staff, students, families and community members with the 2014-2015 Calendar of Events.

As a cost-savings measure, the district no longer prints and mails copies of this calendar to all families. Instead, we have provided a full, downloadable version for your use.

Copies are available upon request for families of students or community members without Internet access. Please contact (717) 846-6789, ext. 1212, if you require assistance with obtaining a copy.

Several parents and guardians have requested a way to view Cycle Days for students online. We have added these days to the Calendar Section of the District website.

You may view them by visiting the Calendar section, scrolling down, and seeing them added to each day's events as a separate "event."  We are adding them one month at at time in case the calendar changes due to unforeseen weather or emergency cancellations.

The Board has not set a date for Class of 2015 Commencement Exercises at this time.

CYSD Seeks Candidates for Cafeteria/Food Services Positions:

There are currently several open positions in Central York School District's Food Services Department.

If you or someone you know may be interested in one of these positions, please take a moment to view the job listing and information on how to apply for consideration. Click here to view this information.

Please contact the Human Resources Department with any questions or concerns at (717) 846-6789, ext. 1215.
Peer Tutoring Available
Peer tutoring is available for students who desire academic help from other students who have experience with the same coursework. Tutors are available to help with a large variety of subjects, including such courses as Algebra, Earth Science, Honors Chemistry, Statistics, and all levels of world languages. Tutoring is available to all students in the Library during Flex. Students wishing to request tutoring should sign up in Flex Time Manager. For more information, please contact a guidance counselor. 
The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences

The Pennsylvania Governor's School for the Sciences (PGSS) is a five week summer residential program for talented high school students with rigorous science and mathematics curriculum which emphasizes cooperative learning and hands-on laboratory research. The student applicant must be a current junior (11th grade). The cost for this program is entirely covered by TeamPA, with matching funds provided by PGSS Campaign, Inc. through generous donations from PGSS alumni, parents and corporations. Scholarship includes housing, meals, and all instructional materials. Families are responsible only for cost of transportation to and from the program, personal items and spending money. Students must commit to being in residence on the Carnegie Mellon University campus for the duration of the program.

Applications for this extremely selective program are available online at and must be
submitted to the CYHS Counseling Office by Friday, January 16. The selection process is highly competitive and applicant should have a 3.5 gpa or above. Interested students are encouraged to meet with their Guidance Counselor prior to submitting their application.

ACT Preparation Seminar during FLEX

"American College Testing "or better known as ACT is one of the largest college entrance exams in our country.

Any student interested in participating in this ACT online prep course during 2 flex periods per week should sign up at the Guidance Office before Friday November 21st."

Financial Aid Seminars during FLEX

Students who are applying to post-secondary educational institutions are encouraged to sign up for one of Dr. Schlager's upcoming Financial Aid Workshops during Flex period. These workshops can be found in the Flex Time Manager system under "Seminars" and will be offered on the following dates: November 19, December 17, January 14, and February 18.

Parents and students are also encouraged to access the comprehensive description of financial aid and related resources on the CYHS Counseling Office website at the following link.

Applications to Attend York County School of Technology Full Time

Did you know that ninth grade students at Central York High School are still eligible to apply for FULL TIME ENROLLMENT at York County School of Technology?

Applications are NOW AVAILABLE in the guidance office for those 9th graders who are interested in applying to attend York County School of Technology for their 10th, 11th, & 12th grade years.

Interested students should see Mrs. Utter to learn more AND should plan to attend the ANNUAL OPEN HOUSE at YCST (2179 S. Queen Street) on November 13, 2014 from 6 to 8 pm.

Programs offered at YCST include commercial & advertising art, homeland security, early childhood education, nursing, sports technology & exercise science, communications technology, dental assisting, culinary arts, licensed cosmetology, engineering technology and CAD, construction, information technology, automotive technology, collision repair, welding, and more.

Central students applying have to be passing all major courses and have a solid attendance record. Be sure to check out York Tech's promotional videos, which are available at their website ( Applications are due back to Mrs. Utter by November 25th!!!

Summer Opportunities
Many summer opportunities exist for students who are seeking opportunities to fill their time productively, serve their community, and learn new skills. To explore these opportunities, check out the portion of the CYHS Counseling Office website entitled Summer Opportunities. Families are strongly encouraged to research these programs soon, as many deadlines are upcoming.
CYHS Yearbook Updates for Parents/Guardians & Students

 Now is the time to purchase an ad for your 2015 graduate. Tributes are an outstanding opportunity for you to say congratulations to your child. November 14 is the deadline to purchase dedication space so please log on to Mrs. Sands' teacher page for more information.

THAT WAS THEN/THIS IS NOW: Seniors and their parents interested in contributing pictures to the 'That Was Then' section of the yearbook are asked to turn them in to Mrs. Sands in room 428 by November 21 for consideration. Please make sure your picture(s) is/are labeled and all the names of students in the picture(s) are identified. There is no guarantee your picture will be used; aspects such as the number of submissions, picture quality and the variety of coverage will affect the editors' selection process.
For two straight years the Panther has won a silver medal by the Pennsylvania School Press Association for the quality of our publication. Now is the time to pre-order your 2015 Panther yearbook. Log on to  to place your order today. And parents, don't forget a yearbook can make a lovely holiday gift. If you wish to order a book as a present please contact Mrs. Sandsat  for a special gift receipt. Remember Jostens now offers a convenient payment plan also!
PTO Meeting Dates

Meeting Dates for 2014/2015:      

November 13
January 8
February 12
March 12
April 9
May 14
Contact the PTO at:
PTO Giftcards
Gift Cards make great gifts throughout the year! Don't forget to purchase your gift cards to support post prom.  Remember that in addition to gift cards for many of your favorite stores and restaurants, you can even purchase Giant & Weis grocery cards.  If you shop there, why not help the post prom while you shop?  It doesn't cost you any more to pay with a gift card.  See the attached form to see what retailers are offered if you order online.

If you are interested in stocking up on your gift cards for the upcoming holiday season,  please consider purchasing from the CYHS PTO. Orders are usually due in by the 15th of each month. Since the 15th is a Saturday this month, the parent in charge prefers to have orders by this Friday, November 14th, but will accept them on Monday too.  Only this month,  the cards will be available for pick up at the high school on November 24th or 25th before the Thanksgiving break.
Choose the cards you want, purchase them through the CYHS PTO by printing and filling out the gift card order form, include your check payable to CYHS PTO and send it in to the CYHS office, or even easier ... ORDER ONLINE!!!

Many more brands are available through this route.  Go to  Enrollment code is: 1249457L17871.  
Central York High School | | | 601 Mundis Mill Road
York, PA 17406