W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
April 6, 2016
In this Issue

Upcoming Events

April 6
Admissions Open House
5 p.m.
Tell a friend!

April 7
Toddler Sing-Along
11 a.m. in the Great Room

Parent Book Club Meeting
7-8:30 p.m. at WMS

April 8
The Journey
8:30 a.m. 
Learn More

April 11-15
ERB Testing
Grades 3-6 

April 14
Book Club Meeting
7  p.m. at WMS

Online Auction Ends
11 p.m.
Bid Now 

April 16
Auction & Gala - A Night at the Museum
7 p.m.
Learn More

April 20
Webinar: Outdoor Play
7:30 p.m.
Standardized Testing at WMSStandardized Testing
Message from Head of School
Lisa A. Lalama

Read more from Lisa on our Montessori Message blog.
Next Monday, we begin a week of standardized testing for WMS students in third through sixth grade. If you have a child in one of those classrooms you will receive instructions from the teachers about preparing for the test, how the days may differ from your child's typical school day and what you can expect to learn from this experience.

Today standardized testing is in the news more than ever. At WMS, a decision was made long ago to administer the 
ERB CTP (Educational Records Bureau Comprehensive Testing Program) to our students. At one point, it was administered to all elementary aged children; several years ago a decision was made to begin testing at third grade.

WMS uses the ERB in order to benchmark our performance in relation to other schools as well as to learn more about our curriculum, its strengths and areas for improvement. We also know that as our students move on to middle school, they will be faced with standardized tests throughout their education and so we view this type of testing as a practical life skill. Filling in those bubbles is not as easy as it seems. The test can also demonstrate untapped potential or students who may need support. WMS utilizes the tests as one of several tools to assess student achievement. On a daily basis our teachers are assessing children's performance through observation, participation in lessons, independent work, questions and explanations given by the student among many other things. It is unusual to be surprised by an individual's ERB results. Typically the areas of strength and challenge are known well before the test day and are being addressed through classroom support.

We work hard to balance the need to learn how to take a test and do your best with the fact that each test is a snapshot - a very brief snapshot - of a moment in time when a child is asked questions that he/she may or may not understand. It is aimed at the middle, focusing on the curriculum and skills children "should" acquire by a certain grade. What you know as Montessori parents is that some children meet that middle or average, others are still reaching toward it, and still others have gone well beyond.

So, next week our classrooms may be a bit quieter in the mornings and some of our students will be having an experience that is quite different from a typical day at WMS. What is the same is the thoughtful way in which students are prepared for this learning experience - the ways in which their needs are met by providing breaks, easing worries, giving lessons in bubble-filling and how to approach an assessment of this type. Shhhh... testing in progress.

Co-op Cornercoop
Auction Bakers Needed

The auction committee is looking for volunteers to provide home-baked cookies, cupcakes, cakes and pastries to serve at this year's auction. This is an important school-wide fundraiser, and the committee would be grateful for any contributions. Contact Lori Oberly (lori_oberly@wmsde.org) or co-op@wmsde.org to volunteer.

Baked goods may be dropped off at the front desk on Friday, April 15 (until 6 p.m.) or Saturday, April 16 (before 1 p.m.) and marked with the recipe name, as well as your name.
Auction guests will enjoy the festivities even more with a range of delicious treats spread before them. If you want to make something to match the theme of the auction - A Night at the Museum - it will add to the fun. Thank you in advance for any help you can offer.


The end of the school year is quickly approaching! Don't forget to submit your co-op hours! If you have questions or are looking for upcoming co-op opportunities, please contact Lori Oberly at co-op@wmsde.org
News & NotesNews
Meerkat Milers runners Meerkat Milers - Info for Volunteers and Fans
The 2016 Meerkat Milers Relay is just over a month away on Sunday, May 8! Teams are set, but there is still time to volunteer at the water station and earn co-op hours. Please contact Mayura Simon to sign up and then click here to officially register as a volunteer. Our station will be the "Market Street Water Stop" and has three shifts starting at 6:30 a.m. Thanks!
T-Shirts for Volunteers and Fans
If you want to order a Meerkat Milers T-shirt to show your support on race day, contact Becky Davey by Friday, April 9. Come cheer on your fellow meerkats!
Auction News
Online Auction 
The online auction is now open at www.wmsde.org/auction!

Get a head start on your bidding, preview hot ticket items available on auction night, AND bid on some exclusive ONLINE ONLY items (including some available to buy instantly). You can also purchase your auction tickets on this site! The online auction closes at 11 p.m. on April 14. Bidding has already started - new items will be added daily, so be sure to keep checking the page!

Auction Tickets & 50/50 Raffle
Along with bidding and purchasing tickets online, you can also stop by the lobby Wednesday through Friday of next week to purchase auction and 50/50 raffle tickets!

Classroom Gifts: One-of-a-Kind Artwork at the WMS Annual Auction & Galatoddler auction gift
Beyond food, fundraising and fun, one of the best reasons to attend this year's WMS Auction & Gala is to see our children reflected in their artwork.

Some of the most special auction items will be those created with love and inspired by work and lessons in WMS classrooms.  Here is a picture of just one of the pieces that will available for purchase. Room 4's own "Lollipalooza" is a one-of-a-kind presentation of lollipop sticks painted by the children, framed and ready for hanging! All of the gifts are a group collaboration and capture the personalities and creativity of the students in a very special way that you won't want to miss. Buy your tickets now and preview some of our classroom gifts at www.wmsde.org/auction.
thejourneyJoin us on The Journey
April 8, 2016, 8:30 a.m.-noon

Whether you're a long-time Wilmington Montessori School parent or just beginning to learn about Montessori education - it is time to step out of the observation room and into the classroom!

Even if you've attended The Journey in the past, there are new things to discover this year...

During this event, you will:
  • Personally experience the Montessori educational process and better understand the teaching methods.
  • See first-hand how WMS prepares children for success in their educational journey.
  • Learn how each three-year program level builds and supports your child's development from 12 months through 12 years.
  • Find out about WMS's new technology and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) initiatives.
  • Open conversations with your child about classroom activities.
  • Realize the positive aspects of learning and succeeding at WMS.
  • Be more prepared to describe the distinction of a Montessori education to friends and family.

Registration is free and you receive five Co-op hours per family.

Register Now Button

"I found the day to be extremely valuable in learning about the Montessori Method - which seems to be an extraordinary interdisciplinary approach to learning" - Parent attendee
WMS Steel Drums Ensemble Spring 2016
 Fridays, 4-4:45 p.m.
For Grades 3-6

Session 2: Six weeks - $180
Fridays April 8, 15, 22 & 29, May 13 and Thursday, May 19

Performance at the 9-12 Spring Concert

Musician, composer and teacher Joe Ambrosino brings his talents back to WMS for another season!
To register by credit card, go to www.wmsde.org/afterschoolspecialsTo register by check, please submit payment to Cass Winner. 

Beginners welcome!
Odyssey of the Mind:
Good luck in the state tournament!

Best of luck to Sage and Izzy Miller, Logan Ranji, Arynn Shweiki, Lydia and William Snyder, and Ella Walsh in this Saturday's state Odyssey of the Mind tournament. This team is coached by Anna Quisel, and WMS alum Ben Snyder (now in 10th grade at Charter School of Wilmington) is an assistant coach.  


Wanted: Cardboard Egg Cartons

The students of Room 11 are seeking cardboard egg cartons to be used to create decorations for the 3-6 Spring Concert on April 21 at 9:30 a.m.

Please drop your cartons off at Room 11 by Friday, April 15. Thanks!
Today's LearnersLearner
Upcoming 9-12 Activities
CANgineering: Support our Food Drive!

For a third year, the students in the 9-12 Program will be participating in the Food Bank of Delaware's CANgineering competition (formerly know as DelawareCAN). CANgineering is a food drive with an art and engineering component. This week, the entire WMS community is invited to take part in a food drive to collect items to be used to create elaborate sculptures. 

Building will start next week. Here are the items needed to build the structures our students have designed:

Great Wall of China -
  • Starkist tuna (blue) - 5oz (120 cans)
  • Skippy Natural Creamy Peanut Butter (brown) - 40oz (300 jars)
  • Regular Cheerios - 18oz (20 boxes)
Mount Fuji -
  • Bumble Bee Chunk White Albacore - 5oz (175 cans) 
  • Bush's Baked Beans Vegetarian - 28oz (220 cans)
  • Del Monte Fresh Cut Sweet Peas - 8.5oz (55 cans)
  • Progresso Traditional Chicken Noodle - 19oz (115 cans) 
After judging, all items will be transported to the Food Bank to help feed the hungry in Delaware! Thank you for your support!

Dance Party Fundraiser
Written by the students of the 9-12 Program

It's that time again! On Friday, April 29, the fourth- and fifth-grade students will host their second fundraiser of the year. Our fundraisers support our sixth grade trip to New York City and the Global Citizenship Action Project conference. 
The dance party is a wonderful event for all ages and is a bargain at just $10 per person. The event will run from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the gym and includes pizza, salad, dessert and drinks. There will also be raffle baskets so bring some extra dollars.

We hope to see you there!

Tomorrow's Leadersleaders
Would you be willing to participate in an interview or write about your family's WMS experience? Please email alumni@wmsde.org and we will be in touch! Thank you!
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length  and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.

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