W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
January 13, 2016
In this Issue

Upcoming Events

January 13
Information Night for Parents of Rising Kindergartners
5-6 p.m., Great Room 

January 14
Primary Enrichment Event - STEAM 
(for prospective students ages 2-5)
10:15-11:15 a.m., Primary Maker Studio

January 15
Application deadline for first-round financial aid decisions (2016-17)
Learn More

All-Staff Professional Day
Pre-registered child-care only. 
January 18
Martin Luther King Day
Pre-registered child-care only. 

January 20
Admissions Open Houses
9:30 a.m. & 5 p.m.
Tell a friend!

January 22
The Journey
8:30 a.m.
Learn More
6-9 students spontaneously created a "playground band" using wood, sticks and other materials during their outdoor play time.
Creativity in School
Message from 
Lisa Lalama, Head of School
Visit our Montessori Message blog for more from Lisa.
"Creativity is the pulse of human thought. So it isn't a question of adding it onto the school curriculum, maybe on a Friday afternoon for 30 minutes. It's about how we think of teaching and learning and also how we organize schools themselves." - Sir Ken Robinson

The latest issue of Independent School magazine features an interview with Sir Ken Robinson discussing his new book, Creative Schools. The arts are an essential part of our lives, whether we are creating the arts or appreciating them. He draws an analogy between industrial and organic farming and education. Industrial farming has the goal of producing more output per acre; everything is programmed and done to make sure the outcome is the same. In organic farming, the farmer must prepare the soil in order for plants to grow in a healthy way that actually increases the output if done correctly.

The same can be said for education, and he specifically mentions Montessori education stating, "Children need time to play... They need to be encouraged to follow their curiosity. Their learning needs to be structured in ways that will help children apply their natural talents and interests to what they're trying to engage with... Children learn best in school when the rhythms of school match their natural appetites for learning, and encourage children rather than confront them."

This is what happens at WMS. Providing the space to explore, to wonder and create are critical features of our school. Yes, we plan lessons with care. We incorporate standards into our practice and make sure that our students are learning the skills appropriate for their age. We also value creativity and spontaneity. Our students are "making" in and outside of the Maker Studios. They are engaging with ideas and with each other. This is learning that will sustain them for a lifetime. They will remember "their work" for it is what is important to them. And that is the goal of education - learning deeply and fueling the child's curiosity and wonder so that it lasts a lifetime.


Co-op Cornercoop
Meerkat Milers - Race Support Team

The Meerkat Milers are back! For a fourth year, WMS students, parents, alumni and staff will gather to run the Delaware Marathon Relay on May 8, 2016. If running isn't your thing, there are several other ways to get involved and earn Co-op hours. Volunteers are needed to host a water station on the race course, and also to coordinate the distribution of race packets and other activities at the WMS tent. If you are interested in helping with this exciting event, please email meerkatmilers@wmsde.org or contact WMS mom Becky Davey! 

Looking for other co-op opportunities? Check out the Co-op Board, stop by Lori Oberly's office or email co-op@wmsde.org.
News & NotesNews
FAST logo
First-Round Financial Aid Application Deadline is THIS FRIDAY

All application materials, including 2014 tax returns, must be received and processed through the FAST system by Friday, January 15, to be eligible for our first round of decisions.  

Because funds are limited and demand is high, late filing of materials may result in non-renewal of a financial aid grant.

For more information, please contact 
Nancy Oddo, Business Manager.

Have you visited our Little Free Library?

A Little Free Library is a free "take a book, return a book" exchange. WMS's Little Library, located in the center of the Peace Park, was built by our 9-12 students in the Maker Studio. All members of the WMS community are invited to borrow and share books. Stop by any time to see what's on the shelves! 

journeyJoin us on The Journey
January 22 at 8:30 a.m.

Experience the joy of Montessori through the eyes of a child!

From a toddler's first steps to a sixth-grader's trip to the United Nations and year-long community service project, it's easy to see the growth and development of a child during the course of his or her time at WMS. But how does it happen? What is it about the Montessori experience that prepares students for future success?

Join us for The Journey to deepen your understanding of how and why the Montessori Method works for your child. Experience the entire WMS educational cycle for yourself from the Toddler Program through sixth grade. 

You will visit classrooms for each age level and participate in hands-on lessons led by teachers, using the same engaging materials your child uses in class. The Journey will end with a group discussion and Q&A with WMS staff. 

Don't miss this opportunity to step out of the observation room and into the classroom!

Register Now Button
Participants will earn five co-op hours per family. 

Today's LearnersLearner
Multicultural Literature in the WMS Library
by Elizabeth Varley, Librarian
"You've got to be taught
To hate and fear,
You've got to be taught
From year to year,
It's got to be drummed
In your dear little ear
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught to be afraid
Of people whose eyes are oddly made,
And people whose skin is a diff'rent shade,
You've got to be carefully taught.

You've got to be taught before it's too late,
Before you are six or seven or eight,
To hate all the people your relatives hate,
You've got to be carefully taught!"
- From the musical "South Pacific"
One would have hoped that by 2016 the lyrics in a song written in 1949 would no longer apply, but sadly they are still evidenced frequently in our world today. 

At Wilmington Montessori School, our library collection goes to great length to teach the truth - that there are more similarities than differences across cultures. As we read to children from this diverse base of literature, we model acceptance. Even through fiction, we can offer children a perspective that will help them grow into the leaders and stewards who will move our world in the direction of peace and harmony. As the school librarian, I work with classroom teachers to complement their cultural lessons with what I read to children during their visits to the library.
Not only do WMS students have access to facts about the countries; they can also read stories from those countries and about those cultures. Our collection supports the classroom as well as the diverse holiday festivities generously organized by our parents.

Come in and look at some of our offerings.  We have books on many countries and religions as well as folklore and stories from across the globe.

Tomorrow's Leadersleaders
Calling all alumni and alumni parents!

We want to know what you're up to! Please send your news to alumni@wmsde.org or take a few moments to share your experiences as a past WMS student or parent.
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length  and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.

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