W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
October 14, 2015
In This Issue

Upcoming Events

October 16
The Journey
(Parent education & co-op opportunity!) 
8:30 a.m. - noon
Learn More 
October 18-21
Sixth Grade GCAP Trip to New York City

October 20
WMS Dads' Club Meeting
Two Stones Pub
6 p.m.

October 21
Admissions Open Houses
9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Tell a friend!

October 22
Toddler Maker Faire
8:15-9:15 a.m. in the Toddler Maker (STEAM) studio 
Toddlers and their parents are welcome.
Learn More

October 28
Parent Education Webinar - STEAM in the Home
7:30 p.m.
Registration details coming soon!

Message from 
Head of School Lisa Lalama
Read more from Lisa at on our Montessori Message blog.
Parents are a child's earliest and most consistent teachers; they are partners in their child's education. They strive to make decisions that allow their children to grow and flourish. At Wilmington Montessori School, we value parents as true partners. As you know, we have an active and thriving Parent Cooperative Program, where you, as a member of the school community, can join in and be a part of the education of not only your child, but all of the students at WMS. You learn about WMS from the inside out.

In addition to the co-op program, we also strive to provide meaningful parent education. We look for opportunities for parents to learn more about children and their learning. Last week we hosted Dr. Steven Hughes, noted neuropsychologist, who shared research that validates the reasons Montessori education is critical for a child's growth and development. This Friday, October 16, you are invited to join us and participate in the full scope of Montessori education by joining us on The Journey. The Journey is an opportunity to delve a bit deeper into your child's school experience and unlock more of the secrets of a Montessori education. You will get to see the classrooms in action and to be a part of a lesson at each age level. Those who have been on The Journey find it to be informative and inspirational; it's an experience like no other.

We are also hosting a few events for parents to participate in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, the arts and math). On October 28 at 7:30 p.m., our STEAM Coach, Paula Sharpe will be hosting a webinar to provide ideas about bringing STEAM into your home. She will guide you through a few sample activities that you and your child can do together with simple household items. We also are hosting two Maker Faires, one from 8:15 to 9:15 a.m. on October 22 for toddlers and their parents, and another in late November or early December for 3-6 families. 

As events are held throughout the year what we know is that those parents who are new and familiar with WMS have the opportunity to be a part of what makes a Wilmington Montessori education so valuable. The WMS difference is apparent from the moment one steps in the door. WMS is a great place for all of us to learn, to grow and to discover.

Co-op Cornercoop
texture-hammer-header.jpg Two NEW Co-op Opportunities
Carpentry help is needed for a small "surprise" building project to be placed on the school grounds. If you have carpentry skills and would be interested in earning Co-op hours, please contact co-op@wmsde.org or Laurie Orsic. 
Do you love books? Do you like watching children find new books to read and enjoy? Planners and assistants are needed to prepare for the second annual WMS Reading Celebration on Thursday, December 3. Please email co-op@wmsde.org or contact Laurie Orsic to volunteer. 

News & NotesNews
News from the WMS Board of Directors
Visit our Board News page for a new update from WMS's Board of Directors!
Join us on The Journey - October 16, 8:30 a.m. - noon

Experience the joy of Montessori through the eyes of a child!

From a toddler's first steps to a sixth-grader's trip to the United Nations and year-long community service project, it's easy to see the growth and development of a child during the course of his or her time at WMS. But how does it happen? What is it about the Montessori experience that prepares students for future success?

Join us for The Journey to deepen your understanding of how and why the Montessori Method works for your child. Experience the entire WMS educational cycle for yourself from the Toddler Program through sixth grade.

You will visit classrooms for each age level and participate in hands-on lessons led by teachers, using the same engaging materials your child uses in class. The Journey will end with a group discussion and Q&A with WMS staff.

Don't miss this opportunity to step out of the observation room and into the classroom!

Register Now Button

Participants will earn five co-op hours per family. Pre-registered child-care is available - contact Cass Winner to sign up.
Steel Drum
Steel Drums - Fall 2015
Register Now Button
Shop for Stylish Kids' Clothing Online and Raise Funds for WMS - This Week!
From Tuesday, October 13 to Tuesday October 20, if you shop for children's clothing at Tea Collection (www.teaschooldays.com), you will receive 15% off your order AND 15% of your purchase will be donated to WMS.

No coupon code needed; just visit the website and select Wilmington Montessori School at checkout!

Today's LearnersLearner
What do all living things need?
by Lead 6-9 Teachers Melissa Connelly and Carol Wiswall

Room 20 has begun to consider the year-long question of what all living things need.  The students have explored plants through seed dissections and bark and leaf rubbings, observed interactions between plants and animals as they broke open nuts to find larva inside, investigated holes in leaves to discover a caterpillar nest nearby, and looked closely at a bird's nest to see how it was designed and with what materials. We've visited Ashland Nature Center with nets to collect and observe insects from the meadow and animals from the stream in their natural habitats. 
Soon, we will share one of Montessori's Great Lessons, the Coming of Life, which offers the story of evolution from one-celled organisms in the sea to all of the diversity of life today.The Timeline of Life material encourages fascinating questions as the children notice evidence that some life forms such as jellyfish, dragonflies, roaches and horseshoe crabs have been around for a very long time, other life has come and gone, and that humans have only been on this planet for a tiny percentage of the time life has existed ... so far. What might come next?
We will then consider humanity's role in caring for all life on earth. How do we share the same needs as all living things? And how do we meet them differently as we consider how we get our food, clothing, shelter, and entertainment in a world-wide economy? As we meet our needs, in what ways are we helping our planet maintain its diversity of life, and what improvements do we need to consider as responsible global citizens? These are big questions, and the Montessori curriculum allows children to think about them in developmentally appropriate ways. We're off to a wonderful start!
Tomorrow's Leadersleaders
WMS Alumni to Perform in First State Ballet Theatre's Production of Sleeping Beauty

Earlier this month, our students were treated to a workshop/performance by First State Ballet Theatre, which included a scene from their upcoming performance of Sleeping Beauty.

This weekend, your family can see the entire production at Wilmington's Grand Opera House, including performances by WMS alumni Dharini Simon (Class of 2013) and Sarah Breger (Class of 2015). Along with taking lessons at FSBT's school, Dharini shared her knowledge of ballet with younger children this summer at Camp Montessori (photo on right).

We hope you will join us in supporting First State Ballet Theatre Company and our alumni performers this weekend! Click here for times and ticket info.
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length  and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.

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