W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
May 27, 2015
In This Issue

Upcoming Events

May 28
9-12 Musical - Making the Band
Dress rehearsal - 9:30 a.m.
Performance - 7 p.m.

June 1
Elementary Field Day

June 3
3-6 Program Field Day

June 5
9:30 a.m. in the Gym
All are invited! 

June 15
Camp Montessori Begins


Did you know that there is a new Edmodo for Parents app available for iOS and Android devices? Download it today to stay up to date on WMS information this summer.
Please note that families who have not re-enrolled for the 2015-16 school year will be removed from the WMS Edmodo site on June 11. 
Message from 
Head of School Lisa A. Lalama 
Read more from Lisa on our Montessori Message blog.If

As I think about the 2014-15 school year, I think about how we have grown. The children who were greeted by the bubble machine on the first day of school in September are different today. They are taller, have new friends, and have become more comfortable with the idea of school and learning at WMS. What hasn't changed is the essence of who they are. The child you entrusted to our care for several hours each day over these past nine months is coming back to you this summer as the same child in the most essential ways, changed only by the expansion of his world through his experiences at WMS.


If you are familiar with our mission statement and core values you will note that WMS is a collaborative learning community where teachers focus on children and their individualized learning. We strive to meet children where they are and to help them learn and grow. Over time, what happens is the magic of Montessori. Our students come to recognize WMS as their home away from home. They see what others are learning and wonder how they too can learn that skill. They ask questions and engage in conversations and experiences with the teachers and other students.

At WMS each student is valued for who they are. They participate in lessons based on rich educational research and practice, which are presented in a unique way to reach that individual child. This is the art of teaching, the wonder of Montessori. We embrace the Montessori curriculum, also using other math, reading, writing, science and culture curricula, but we look first to the child...your child. We then determine the best way to share the wonder of learning with him.


As you prepare for the coming summer know that your child is finishing the year a bit taller and with new knowledge. There may be skills they have gained that are visibly different than those they had in September. What you may not see as easily is the increased understanding of themselves and their world; the knowledge that comes from being in an environment that accepts and nurtures them as the individuals they are. Thank you for sharing your children with us this year.



News & NotesNews

Reminders and Updates Regarding the Magnus Health System

As you know, we now use the Magnus Health System to track health and medical information about our students and campers. Thank you for the time and attention you invest in the use of the system.  In order to maximize the efficiency and enhance ease of use for you and for us, we are pleased to share some updates:

  • Electronically signed documents: Several forms have been converted to electronically signed documents. These include the Sledding Authorization and Policy Acknowledgement forms.
  • Streamlining the student release authorization process:  Another form (the Student Release Authorization) is being incorporated in the Vital Health Record. This means that all student records will need to be updated, using the instructions in the system. In summary, you will no longer need to print and complete a form in this category. Instead, anyone to whom you grant permission to pick up your child should be included in the Emergency Contacts section of the Vital Health Record. (In addition, there is a way to designate them "pick-up only.")

In short, these changes mean that there will be fewer forms to print, sign and scan.  And of course, information already entered is still in the system so the renewal process should be streamlined in that regard as well. 


To complete the requirements, simply log into the Magnus system and follow the prompts. The deadline for making these changes and all other updates for all students who will be attending Camp Montessori this summer is June 1.  For all other students (attending in Fall 2015), the deadline is July 1. 

Again, thank you for your time and attention. Please contact Nurse Paige with any questions.

Tick Season Tips
Dog Tick

Engorged tick

It's not uncommon to find a tick on a child - or an adult for that matter. While most tick bites are harmless and don't require medical treatment, some ticks do carry harmful germs. Lyme disease is only carried by the deer tick, or western black-legged tick. These ticks are harder to detect than dog ticks, because they are much smaller (about the size of a sesame seed).


What to do if the tick has attached itself to the skin:

  1. Using tweezers, grasp the head of the tick close to the skin. 
  2. Firmly and steadily pull the tick straight out of the skin.  Do not twist the tick or rock it back and forth while moving. 
  3. Release into a jar of rubbing alcohol, a baggie or onto a piece of scotch tape.
  4. Wash your hands and the site of the bite with soap and water.
  5. Swab the site with rubbing alcohol.
Call your child's doctor if any of the following issues occur:
  • The tick may have been on the skin for more than 24 hours (is it engorged?).
  • Part of the tick remains in the skin after attempted removal.
  • The child develops a rash of any kind.
  • The area looks infected (increasing redness, warmth, swelling, pain or oozing).
  • The child develops symptoms like fever, headache, fatigue, chills, stiff neck or back, or muscle or joint aches.

Think Prevention!

When playing in wooded areas, children should wear light-colored long sleeves and pants.  Use an insect repellent containing Picaridin (also known as KBR 3023), oil of lemon eucalyptus (also known as PMDan effective plant-based repellent), or 10-30% DEET, which should be applied sparingly to clothing only.  


Other helpful information can be found at www.kidshealth.org and www.cdc.gov. For more information, contact Nurse Paige. 


Co-op Cornerco-op

Field Day 

Field Day is coming up next week; the Elementary Field Day is scheduled for Monday, June 1 and volunteers are needed! Parents who help with Field Day often report having as much fun as the children. Parent volunteers are here from 8:30 a.m. until about noon and assist with leading individual games or activity stations. No prior experience needed - just a willingness to help and have fun! Please sign up on the Co-op bulletin board or contact co-op@wmsde.org to let us know of your interest. There are also sign up sheets posted on classroom bulletin boards.


Graduation Day is June 5. This is our chance to create a beautiful day for the graduating sixth-graders, filled with memories they will cherish well into the future. Help is needed with decorating and food preparation on June 4 and hosting on June 5. This is one of the most significant school events of the year and a great way to contribute your time and talents to the WMS community. Please sign up on the Co-op bulletin board or contact co-op@wmsde.org to let us know of your interest. 


Today's LearnersLearner
Lots of hands-on learning is still happening at WMS, even as the school year draws to a close!


Tomorrow's LeadersLeaders
Featured Alumna: Alexis Szkotak

Szkotak attended Wilmington Montessori School from 2003 until 2012. Although she graduated three years ago, Alexis has remained connected to WMS and is a frequent visitor to the school. 

After graduating from WMS, Alexis attended Haddonfield Middle School in New Jersey and is now completing her freshman year at Haddonfield Memorial High School.

Alexis Szkotak (left) with best friend Emma Lewis.
Alexis completed Camp Montessori's Leaders in Training program and now works as a camp counselor, a job she loves. She particularly enjoys working with the Archery Special Camp. Her passion for archery began at WMS, with longtime teacher Mark Bomgardner.

Alexis says her favorite memory of WMS was the sixth-grade class trip to New York City for the GCAP (the Global Citizenship Action Project) conference. She spent time with her best friends, learned about the world and experienced the New York City's magic for the first time.

Alexis says her time at WMS has influenced her life greatly. It provided her with a best friend Emma Lewis, a strong foundation for her next educational steps and, most of all, a love for learning.


The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length  and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.

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