W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
May 20, 2015
In This Issue

Upcoming Events

May 22
Deadline for parent/staff/alumni survey submission
Contact Noel Dietrich for more information.

May 25
Memorial Day
No school or child-care.

May 28
9-12 Musical - Making the Band
Dress rehearsal - 9:30 a.m.
Performance - 7 p.m.

June 1
Elementary Field Day

June 3
3-6 Program Field Day

June 5
9:30 a.m. in the Gym
All are invited! 

June 15
Camp Montessori Begins

Message from 
Head of School Lisa A. Lalama 
Read more from Lisa on our Montessori Message blog.If

This year I have spent a great deal of time reflecting on what makes Wilmington Montessori School such a wonderful place for children. It is all of the things you know and have come to identify as WMS: the campus with fields and woods that hold new and fascinating things in them no matter the time of year; the classrooms that are equipped with beautiful Montessori materials and everything a child needs to learn, grow and engage his imagination; the performance spaces that invite others to share their art form with us and allow our students to share what they have learned and love; the people from our students, parents, extended families, alumni and staff members; the respect and value of each and every person who is a part of our community and of the larger world. These are the things that people have come to know and expect from WMS.


As the year comes to a close I would like to focus on one group of people in particular - our teachers.  As you know, our teachers possess a Montessori credential for the level in which they teach. Montessori teacher training offers teachers not only an introduction to the lessons and materials used; it provides a lens into the preparation involved in creating the space for all children to learn in the way that best suits them. The preparation of our teachers is as important to us as the preparation of our students. 

As I go into classrooms and observe, I know this is Montessori education at its best. The experience of our teachers leads the way for learning not only in each classroom, but in the entire school. WMS teachers have an average of 13 years of teaching experience in Montessori education. They are seasoned teachers who understand why this method of educating children is so important and strive to meet each child where needed each and every day. They value professional growth and yearn for more. 

As they get ready for the summer, we have teachers attending workshops for Responsive Classroom training, learning about innovative uses of technology, completing their final days of Montessori training and more. Yes, they use the summer for rejuvenation, and one of the things that energizes them for the year ahead is learning. For the one thing that you have come to know about WMS is that we are a community of learners. It is one of our strongest held values and the strength of our school.  





News & NotesNews

Thanks to the support of the Delaware Institute for the Arts in Education, Wilmington Montessori School was able to offer students a unique arts integration experience this spring. First, teaching artist Ashley SK Davis offered workshops to our students and faculty, which helped them understand the connection between dance, writing and story-telling. Then, on the final day of the residency, hip-hop dancer Clyde Evans spent the day with our students, teaching them about the history of hip-hop, demonstrating dance moves and offering them the opportunity to practice the dances themselves. The residency concluded with an an evening performance by Clyde Evans and members of the Chosen Dance Company

Co-op Cornerco-op

Three Easy Ways to Earn Co-op Hours Before the End of the Year

Props and Costume Help Needed for the 9-12 Musical

Do you have any of the following? The 9-12 students are looking for key props for their big musical.

1)    Video game controllers

2)    Beanbag chair

3)    Plastic guitars (3)

4)    Blow up bass guitars

5)    Blow up microphones 

6)    Any "Rocker" accessories : scrunchies, wrist gloves, bracelets, sparkly belts


Monogramming - Do you have a sewing machine that monograms or know someone who does? The 9-12 musical team has a small monogramming task for which they are in need of help. Please see Heather Wadler, WMS music teacher, to offer assistance. You may also contact her at heather_wadler@wmsde.org.


Field Day 

Field Day is coming up soon; the Elementary Field Day is scheduled for Monday, June 1 and volunteers are needed! Parents who help on Field Day often report having as much fun as the children. Parent volunteers are here from 8:30 a.m. until about noon and assist with leading individual games or activity stations. No prior experience needed - just a willingness to help and have fun! Please sign up on the Co-op bulletin board or contact co-op@wmsde.org to let us know of your interest. There are also sign up sheets posted on classroom bulletin boards.


Graduation Day is June 5. This is our chance to create a beautiful day for the graduating sixth-graders, filled with memories they will cherish well into the future. Help is needed with decorating and food preparation on June 4 and hosting on June 5. This is one of the most significant school events of the year and a great way to contribute your time and talents to the WMS community. Please sign up on the Co-op bulletin board or contact co-op@wmsde.org to let us know of your interest. 


Today's LearnersLearner
9-12 students rehearse for their big number "Making the Band."

9-12 Musical: Making the Band
by Music Teacher Heather Wadler

This year has flown by, and it is almost time for our 9-12 spring musical. The show, called "Making the Band," is about a group of four mechanics that used to be in a garage band when they were younger.  When they meet a group of lazy video-gamers, the mechanics encourage the kids to get up off the couch and start a band of their own. The show features some drummers, guitarists, bassists, pianists and vocalists who come together to create the full band. 

For the last few months, the 9-12 students have been working to learn their dances, sing their songs, block their scenes and participate in many aspects of production. Our students have had the chance to serve as stage manager, assistant director, musical director, photographer and even choreographer!  Students will even be taking care of the lights, sound and set-up for the scenes in the production. These tasks and responsibilities stem from the children's large variety of interests and willingness to see every aspect of live theater. The excitement that they have is completely contagious, and they cannot wait for the whole WMS community to see the production! 


The performance will take place on Thursday, May 28 at 9:30 a.m. (dress rehearsal) and 7 p.m. in the gym.


While the musical is a lot of fun for our students, it is also an important part of their education. Through our musical studies, the students have learned to:

·      Sing in tune and maintain a steady beat.

·      Sing in two parts (harmony).

·      Read and sing chords.

·      Identify verse and refrain.

·      Identify dynamic markings.

·      Identify and describe musicians and bands from the '60s, '70s and '80s.

·      Discuss the role of various instrumentalists in a band setting.


The musical offers a practical experience in which students apply the knowledge they have gained in music class throughout the year.

Tomorrow's LeadersLeaders

Alumnus Brad Wason, who recently started working for Zappos, wrote a wonderful blog post about how Wilmington Montessori School has helped him deal with the changes that are happening in his work life today. His words serve as yet another example of how WMS prepares students for their future - both in school and in life.

"I've always credited my time at Wilmington Montessori School (WMS) for many things; time-management, self-direction, and a deep love for Shakespeare," Brad wrote. "Little did I know though that the practices and principles at Montessori would directly correlate to my new role at Zappos."

Read Brad's post, titled "Growing Up Teal."

The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length  and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.

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