W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
January 28, 2015
In This Issue

Upcoming Events

January 29
Toddler Playground Grand Opening
9:30 a.m.

WMS 51st Birthday Celebration
11:15 a.m. in the gym

January 30 & February 2
Parent Conferences for 3-6 and elementary classrooms. No classes will be held at those levels, but pre-registered child-care is available.
Note: Toddler classes will continue as scheduled on these days with conferences scheduled throughout the month.

February 6
Virtual Admissions Open House
Online at 12:30 p.m.
Tell a friend!

Alumni Pizza Party
6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Great Room. More info,

February 10
WMS Chorus Performance @ UD Basketball Game
8 p.m., Bob Carpenter Center in Newark, DE

February 13
All-Staff Professional Day
No school. Pre-registered child-care is available.

February 16
Mid-Winter Break
No school. Pre-registered child-care is available.

 Message from Head of School 
Lisa A. Lalama 


Why Independent Schools?


Wilmington Montessori School is an independent school. It is governed by a Board of Directors and has the goal of educating its students, much as a public or charter school does, but is not encumbered by the same constraints as those larger systems.The landscape of education is constantly shifting. What is the advantage of being part of an independent school?


It begins with the teachers. At WMS, our teachers are Montessori-certified and work hard to reach each child. They have the freedom to pursue innovative approaches to learning that benefit the students they serve. Teachers are able to conduct ongoing assessments of the children as they are needed and determine which lessons will best meet their needs; they approach children as individuals. Teachers in independent schools are often those looking for greater freedom or the ability to approach learning in creative and interesting ways. This serves our students quite well. Independent schools offer a personalized approach to learning. In our elementary program there are two Montessori certified teachers in each classroom, with a teacher-student ratio of 1:12 or fewer.


As you know so well, parents are partners in their child's education at WMS. Parents work hard supporting the school and students. They have chosen an independent school education and do all they can to support their children and the school; they are integral to the life of the school. All of these things mean close, individualized attention for each student, resulting in better outcomes.


In addition, at WMS we are able to offer diverse experiences in ways that do not exist in other schools. In today's world it is important to embrace a global perspective and expose students to a planet that is connected (see last year's article about our students' biome project, and look for info on this year's display coming soon). We do this from the youngest students to the oldest. The foundation of WMS is the inter-connectedness of all things, which is based on Maria Montessori's philosophy.


As you have noticed, another great advantage of independent schools is the ways in which technology can be incorporated that may not be available in the public or charter sector. WMS and other independent schools have initiated 1:1 technology programs and have included ways in which to produce students who are literate in this most important area. Technology literacy is a fundamental driver of success in our economy and one in which our students have a strong foundation.

Finally, when choosing an independent school education you are choosing a school that fits your child and your family. At WMS we strive to foster of a love of learning that will last a lifetime. This cannot be underestimated. Children who are confident, knowledgeable and interested in their world bring these same underpinnings to their life as they move on to middle school, high school and beyond. Choosing an independent school allows children the opportunity to be themselves, grow as learners, and move out into the world to make a difference.

We are happy you are a part of WMS, an independent Montessori school.




News & NotesNews
News from Nurse Paige:
Free EKGs for Student Athletes Ages 10 and Up 

Heart in the Game will hold its fifth free EKG screening event for Delaware students ages 10 to 19 at Salesianum High School on Saturday, February 21, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) is a simple, painless and non-invasive five-minute test that measures and records the electrical activity of the heart. That information can help doctors detect structural or electrical heart defects that could lead to sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), even in children who appear to be healthy.

The Heart in the Game organization was started by Greer Firestone, a former WMS parent, whose daughter Grace Firestone suffered from SCA two days after graduating from Tower Hill. Doctors said that Grace, a talented athlete, was lucky to be alive. Greer decided to start Heart in the Game with the goal of raising awareness about SCA in Delaware's young athletes and helping to detect heart problems before they cause potentially tragic consequences.

In addition to offering the free screenings, paramedics from New Castle County will offer training in "hands only" CPR and teach attendees how to use an AED. 
Last year, Heart in the Game staged four successful events in New Castle County, screening more than 800 students.

EKG screenings will be offered on a first come, first served basis.To apply online, visit 
www.heartinthegame.org and click on "Forms."

Co-op Cornerco-op
Opportunities to Earn Co-op Hours


Auction Planning Meeting
Wednesday, January 28 (Tonight!)

The next auction meeting will be tonight at 6 p.m. at the school. Participating in the work of the Auction Committee is a great way to contribute your talents to the school and also build friendships with other dedicated WMS parents. Most Auction Committee members fulfill their Co-op obligation by way of this single event. Please plan to come to the meeting and join in the pleasure of shaping this annual fundraiser and community event. All are welcome. To sign up, please email co-op@wmsde.org or contact Laurie Orsic.


Alumni Pizza Party - Help Needed
A Simple, Straightforward Way to Earn Co-op Hour

Help is needed to prepare for the Alumni Pizza Party scheduled for Friday, February 6. We are looking for people to provide refreshments for this annual event when alumni and past students return to WMS for an evening of pizza, conversation and reunion. Our thanks to the folks who have already agreed to bring food/drinks.We are still in need of the following contributions:

  • Cookies trays - homemade or store bought
  • Iced tea 
To sign up, please check the Co-op boards or contact Laurie Orsic at laurie_orsic@wmsde.org.
Today's LearnersLearner
Room 2 Students Explore Snow
by Room 2 Teacher Jane Miner

Children are always excited to see snow on the ground and look forward to playing in it each year. In Room 2, we decided to turn snow into a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) learning experience through a number of experiments and hands-on activities.

After a recent snowfall, we brought some snow inside, put it in a bowl on the table and placed two little penguins atop the snow mound. We talked about penguins being flightless birds that live in cold and snowy places, and we experimented with squirting different colors of paint into the snow and watched how they froze into rubbery balls of paint. We tried snow painting using these blobs of paint and snow on paper and made prints of the paintings. Then we gathered a fresh bowl of snow for our penguins and watched how it melted into chilly water for our penguins to swim in. We experimented with making our own "snow" out of flour and baby oil, which was quite fun and messy! We ended up with snow footprints all around our room. 

We made our next "snow" using baking soda and shaving cream, a delightfully sensorial experience. The ingredients actually feel cold as they are mixed by hand into a soft snowy substance. As vinegar is added to this mixture, it quickly effervesces, creating another sensorial surprise! When the vinegar is manipulated into the powdery snow, it is transformed into a doughy consistency that can be formed into balls to create snowmen. We gave faces and arms to the snowmen using paint and paper. We then placed these little snowmen into the freezer to preserve.   

The snow theme has continued with many stories, songs and painting of snowmen with cool blues, glittery white and silver. In the Maker Space, Paula read us another book about cold and snow. She then brought out a bowl containing a frozen dome of blue ice with various little sea animals inside it. The children had to work to free them from the ice by spraying warm water over the dome and also rubbing salt over it. The children had a wonderful time freeing all of the little frozen captives, extending our ongoing theme of winter, snow and ice.

Tomorrow's LeadersLeaders
Alumni News

Victoria Schroeder (WMS '03-'11) is part of Wilmington Friend School's junior varsity team that qualified for National History Bowl championship in Washington, D.C. in April.

Bradford Wason (WMS class of 1996)
has accepted a job as Visual Design Manager for Zappos.com. In this position, he will lead a team of designers and work with a larger creative department to keep a watchful eye on their website and brand as a whole. 

Want to share alumni news? Contact Lori Oberly or email alumni@wmsde.org.
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length  and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.

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