W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
January 14, 2015
In This Issue

Upcoming Events

January 14
Kindergarten Information Night (for rising kindergartners & parents)
5-6:30 p.m., Great Room

January 15
Deadline for Submitting ALL Materials for First Round of Financial Aid

January 16
The Journey
8:30 a.m.
Learn more and register today.

January 19
Martin Luther King Day
No classes. Pre-registered child-care is available.

January 26
Montessori Monday Open House
9:30 a.m. 
Tell a friend! 

January 29
Toddler Playground Grand Opening
9:30 a.m.

WMS Birthday Celebration
TBA in the gym

 Message from Head of School 
Lisa A. Lalama 



So much goes on at Wilmington Montessori School. As I sat down to write for the Wednesday Weekly this week, I realized that there may be things happening that are somewhat invisible to our families and will help you know even more about our school.

Did you know that we now run a class called Learning Together for parents and their children beginning as infants? This class is offered at least three times during the school year and is hosted by our Assistant Head of School Laurie Orsic, our Director of Early Childhood Programs Sarah Williams and longtime teacher Marybeth Auld. It is a great opportunity for families to begin to think about school for their children in a positive nurturing environment. Do you know anyone who might like to participate?


Were you aware that this fall Laurie Orsic and Sarah Williams offered professional development workshops to our assistant teachers? Many of our assistant teachers participated in the classes working to enhance their skills, extend their training and education, and add another dimension to their hard work within our classrooms. These teachers are an integral part of a Wilmington Montessori education and they take their roles very seriously.


Did you know that we now have two permanent substitute teachers on staff? Marcy Allen and Marybeth Auld are found in many classrooms in our school, filling in when people or absent or lending a supportive hand when one is needed. Many of you have seen them in our halls or classrooms. They are a wonderful complement to our staff and have the unique opportunity to be in each classroom as needed and to get to know each of your children and their teachers.


Finally, have you seen the new toddler playground? As a part of the 2013-16 WMS Strategic Plan to improve our outdoor spaces the toddler playground has been redesigned and is a wonderland for our youngest students. Even if your children are older, please take a few minutes to walk around to that side of the building and enjoy the spaces our toddlers imagine and play in each and every day.


These are just a few examples of the things going on at WMS that you may or may not have been aware of; so much goes on here. Though we do our best to bring it all to you through the Wednesday Weekly and other means, sometimes things are happening that might not be highlighted. We are happy that you are here to share in our work and our successes. Stay tuned for more happenings as the year goes on. 





News & NotesNews

Last Chance to Register for Winter/Spring After-School Specials

There's still room in every winter/spring After-School Special class, and some - like Tennis - have had start dates postponed to allow for more full registration. Under-registered classes will be canceled by next Monday, so be sure to check out classes like Tumbling, Young Scientists, Hip-Hop and the A Capella ensemble!




Nurse's Notes

Speech Articulation Screening

In order to best serve our students, Wilmington Montessori School has implemented screening for speech articulation in addition to the vision and hearing screening already done in kindergarten, second and fourth grades. Nina Straitman, a speech and language pathologist, has been working in conjunction with Nurse Paige to assess all first- through fourth-grade students. Letters will be sent home shortly with details about the screening and any associated recommendations for follow-up. 


Bad weather?

As one adage goes, "There's no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing." Please remember to send your child to school with appropriate gear for the weather.  At this time of year, a hat, waterproof gloves, snow pants and boots are all on the list.  Even on the coldest of days, a brief trip outside can do wonders for those little bodies which are so full of energy.

Here is some more information about dressing for the cold.
Co-op Cornerco-op
The Journey
The Journey: An "Earn and Learn" Opportunity
This Friday

Five Co-op hours. That's what you will earn if you participate in The Journey on Friday, January 16 from 8:30 a.m. until noon. This is a wonderful parent education event that gives attendees the opportunity to take the educational journey WMS students experience over the course of their Montessori years. The comprehensive and integrated nature of the Montessori curriculum is evident as participants tour classrooms, join in classic lessons and ask questions about Montessori. 

Don't miss this opportunity to earn five Co-op hours toward your 30-hour requirement and learn more about the Montessori Method at the same time. Spaces are still available. Please contact Theresa Conaty at theresa_conaty@wmsde.org to reserve your spot. Hope to see you there! 

Today's LearnersLearner
Delaware Division of the Arts - Artist-in-Residency Grant Approval
Renowned percussionist Tony Vacca works with students [Delaware Online News Video]
Delaware Online video from Tony Vacca's 2011 visit to WMS.
The Delaware Division of the Arts (DDOA) has approved a WMS grant application for an artist-in-residency program entitled "Exploring Storytelling and West African Percussion." The DDOA grant will make it possible for WMS students to work with teaching artist and percussionist Aaron Walker and performing artist and percussionist Tony Vacca. This will be Mr. Vacca's second residency at WMS; he offered a memorable program to the WMS students in 2011, and we are thrilled to welcome him back.


The 2015 Artist-in-Residency program will begin on February 9 with workshops, held during regularly scheduled music classes, featuring Aaron Walker of the Delaware Institute for Arts in Education (DIAE) and WMS music teacher Heather Wadler. These will be followed up by two days of workshops with Tony Vacca on March 4 and 5. There will also be a performance featuring Mr. Vacca for the entire WMS community on the evening of March 5. Mark your calendars now. Tony Vacca's performances are electrifying and not to be missed!

Tomorrow's LeadersLeaders

Community Service Opportunity for WMS Families at the Food Bank of Delaware

Giving back to the community is one of the many ways WMS prepares our graduates to become competent, thoughtful, compassionate and responsible citizens of the world. From 6-9 students writing thank you letters to first-responders on 9/11 to sixth-graders visiting the United Nations and selecting an organization to raise funds for each year, there are countless opportunities for WMS students to give back. 

Here is an opportunity for your family to join the WMS community as we help to feed the hungry in Delaware:

WMS Volunteer Day at the Food Bank of Delaware

When: January 31 from 1 - 3 p.m.

Who: Parents and children ages 7 and older.

What:  Depending on the work-flow and needs of the organization on that particular Saturday, volunteer tasks might include the following:

Backpack:  Volunteers will pack the food kits for the Food Bank's backpack program, which sends four meals per kit to children in need on weekends.

Senior Nutrition Program: Volunteers pack 30-pound meal boxes, which are distributed to 2,400 seniors each month as a supplemental nutrition assistance program.

Donated Product Sorting: Volunteers go through bins, totes and containers of donated products from community food drives (like the ones we have at WMS) and retailer donations.  Volunteers sort product based on integrity of the packaging, date and product type.

 Where: Food Bank of Delaware, 14 Garfield Way, Newark, DE 19713
 Registration instructions:
 For ages 16 & up -

1. Each individual should create a profile and register through the Food Bank's volunteer website.

2. After creating an account and signing into your profile, please follow the three steps listed below to join WMS's group:

Step 1)      Click " Your Account" on the home page.

Step 2)      Click " Next. "

Step 3)      Type in WMS1 under "Join Code."
Click "Next"  to return to the main page where you can now sign up for the NEWARK Afternoon Volunteer Room on Saturday, January 31, 1- 3 pm.

For children under 16 years of age:

Fill out and submit this form for each child under 16 who will be attending.


Please note that space is limited to 25 participants. Spaces will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. For additional information, please contact WMS dad Drew Matalonis at amatalonis@verizon.net.

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Join Our Mailing List
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length  and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.

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