W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
January 7, 2015
In This Issue

Upcoming Events

January 8
Coffee for parents of children entering 2nd year of the 3-6 Program
9 a.m. in the Library
RSVP to Theresa Conaty.

January 9
Preschool Playdate
(for parents and toddlers entering the 3-6 program next year)
9 a.m., Room 13
 RSVP to Theresa Conaty.

January 15
Deadline for Submitting ALL Materials for First Round of Financial Aid
More Info

Kindergarten Information Night
(for rising kindergartners & parents)
5-6:30 p.m., Great Room

January 16
The Journey
8:30 a.m.
Learn more and register today.

January 19
Martin Luther King Day
No classes. Pre-registered child-care is available. 

  Message from Head of School 
Lisa A. Lalama 


When working within a school calendar there are two new years, one in September and the other in January. Though September brings a new school year, the changes it brings at WMS are fewer than in other educational environments. The advantage of Dr. Montessori's three-year age groupings is that the shifts are fewer and the children and adults have ample opportunity to be in a consistent community of learners.

January, however, brings a new calendar year to every home and school. New Year's Day is a much-anticipated event with people relishing in possibility. In the classroom January brings with it a time that is settled and routine. The children and adults know each other well. They understand the schedule, the classroom expectations and each other. We return to school in January with a more settled feeling and a readiness to "get to work."


Though the break was full of fun and more relaxed for most, we find that adults and children alike are eager to return to the long-established routine. It is through this routine that they thrive. The familiar rhythm allows them to settle into learning, exploring new ideas and reacquainting themselves with others previously introduced. The comfort of the days' predictability allows them to open themselves to learning that may have eluded them earlier in the year or to go further than even they thought possible. It is a time to hunker down and gather in for exploring, creating and learning. Our wish for each child and adult in the WMS community is that they relish in the possibilities of continued and fascinating learning in 2015. Happy New Year!





News & NotesNews
Just a few of our 2014 Meerkat Milers - we had six eight-person teams last year.
Delaware Marathon Relay News: Join the Meerkat Milers

The Meerkat Milers are back! For a third year, WMS students, parents, alumni and staff will gather to run the Delaware Marathon Relay (on eight-person teams, requiring each member to run just over 5K) on May 10, 2015. This is a non-competitive community event involving so many people from our school in different capacities. Student participants will be accompanied by a team of adults who will stay with them on the course.

If running isn't your thing, there are several other ways to get involved and earn co-op hours. WMS will host a water station on the race course, and volunteers will also be needed to coordinate the distribution of race packets and other activities at the WMS tent. 


If you (or your child) are interested in any of this, please email meerkatmilers@wmsde.org or contact WMS mom Becky Davey! Further details will be distributed in the coming weeks, but for now, we would like to gauge interest so we can register for the right number of teams.

Co-op Cornerco-op
 Start the New Year Right with Co-op

Are you on the hunt for a Co-op opportunity to begin the new year? Here are two interesting possibilities you might want to consider:


mini-pizza-spatula.jpg Alumni Pizza Party Support
Would you like to help a WMS staff member organize the Alumni Pizza Party on February 6, 2015? This is a very popular school event and a straightforward way to earn Co-op hours. Co-op parents work with a staff member to purchase and order food and help set up for this annual gathering of old friends. Please email co-op@wmsde.org or contact Laurie Orsic to volunteer.


Cell phone/Toner Recycling

Do you know how to pack a box for mailing? Do you know how to put on a shipping label? Do you want to help the school raise funds while also helping the environment? A volunteer is needed to pack the toner cartridges/cell phones brought to school by our community and prepare them to be sent out for recycling. This task is ongoing throughout the year. The schedule can be set by the volunteer at his/her convenience. Please email co-op@wmsde.org or contact Laurie Orsic to volunteer.


Today's LearnersLearner
Winter Festivities in Room 5
by Room 5 Lead Teacher Hillary McDonald

In Room 5, the month of December was filled with excitement and anticipation for winter and the holiday season. As winter approached, the children worked on many activities having to do with the changing season. They made snowmen for our classroom windows, read many books about winter, and watched snow flurries from our window.


As the winter holidays approached, the children created gifts for their parents. All of the children made picture frames that included their hand prints and pictures. Positive social interactions are an important part of the Montessori curriculum, so gift giving during the holiday season is something that we like to emphasize, especially since the children may be looking forward to receiving their own gifts. As they worked on their creative gifts, they learned that giving can be as rewarding as receiving. This activity is also a great way to help the children develop their fine motor skills, as well as a good sensorial experience for them, as they really get to use their hands with the paint.  With a little help from their teachers, the children were able to use their talents to make lovely gifts.   

Our preparations culminated with our annual holiday party. Here, the students gave their special surprises to their families who joined us for lunch. Parent involvement is such an important part of the WMS community and it was a special treat to have all of the children and their families with us to share the spirit of the holidays. Room 5 wishes everyone in the Wilmington Montessori community a happy new year.


Tomorrow's LeadersLeaders
Alumni Pizza Party - Save the Date

Alumni Pizza

Calling all WMS alumni and past students! 

Please plan to join us for our annual Alumni Pizza Party on the evening of  Friday, February 6. Catch up with old friends, make new ones and reminisce about your time at Wilmington Montessori School! 

WMS sixth-graders are also invited to join the fun and discuss post-WMS life with alumni.

Watch your email and Facebook in the coming weeks for an official invitation and registration details. We hope to see you soon! 
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Join Our Mailing List
The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length  and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.

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