In This Issue
Upcoming Events
October 29
Auction Committee Meeting
6 p.m. in Room 7. Find out how to get involved with the 2015 auction!
October 30
Halloween Parades
3-6 Program - 9:15 a.m.; 5-7, 6-9, 9-12 Programs - 11:15 a.m. - WMS gym
School Photo Orders Due by End of the Day
October 31 & November 3
3-6 & Elementary* Conferences
Pre-registered child-care available.
* Note: Toddler classes will continue as usual, with conferences scheduled throughout the month.
November 10-14
Annual Fund Drive
#WMS100reasons - Details coming soon!
November 12
Photo Make-Up Day
November 13
Admissions Open House
9:30 a.m., Tell a friend!
November 14
Message from Extended Day Program Director Cass Winner
It's 3:15. What happens now?
One of the things that makes Wilmington Montessori School special is our promise to have high-quality programming available for your child from 7 a.m. until 6 p.m. for 50 weeks each year.
For toddler and preschool children, in after-school care and on child-care days, we re-create the familiar spaces and rhythm of the school day: circle time, art and cooking projects, outdoor play, and time to choose work from the shelves. Our late-day staff also work for part of the school day, ensuring more seamless transitions for the children and better communication between school-day rooms and extended care. Many of our early childhood staff members work full-time, year-round, which allows them to guide and delight in the growth of each child over time.
From kindergarten up, the children move to our dedicated extended care classrooms. These are maintained by year-round staff leaders to be ideal environments for relaxation, creation, exploration and building strong relationships with a wider peer group. The needs of elementary-age children after school can be quite varied; on any given day a child may want to play active games, build a birdhouse, cook pumpkin bread, get his or her homework done, laugh with friends, or curl up with a book. Our spacious extended care rooms and generous staffing - always two teachers with each group, so that they can split into interest groups and get one-on-one time when they need it - allow for all of these things.
On days on which school is closed, we have more time to concentrate on creative projects: writing and illustrating books, building and running obstacle courses, creating and performing skits, working in our garden, STEAM design challenges, cooking together, and completing service projects to help people in the community outside our doors. We also run this program on days on which Brandywine School District schools are closed, allowing us to serve families and children who might not otherwise be aware of us and make maximum use of our wonderful campus. Days when both WMS and Brandywine are closed allow our students the opportunity to model grace, courtesy and positive leadership in the mixed group. They delight in showing new friends the wonders of WMS, and of course their social and collaborative skills shine in any team challenge!
For children ages 3 and up, we also offer weekly After-School Special Programs, which are open to all families. Children can try their hand at new activities like drama, dance, soccer, tennis, tee ball or yoga, or dive more deeply into subjects like science, art and music. These are offered in a semester format, so keep your eye out for the slate of new courses in the new year!
Every program that we offer - whether it is open just to WMS students or open to all - is designed to nurture, challenge and encourage children in a peaceful, positive Montessori environment.

News & Notes 
Work Begins on New Toddler Playgrounds
As you visited WMS's campus today, you may have noticed construction vehicles located behind the Aspen Wing. This is the beginning of work on new toddler playgrounds.
For months, a committee has been working with companies and landscapers to develop the best playground to meet the needs of WMS toddlers. With the help of Bill Duncan of White Oaks Landscaping (known for his work on the DuPont Environmental Education Center at the Wilmington Riverfront), we have come up with a plan that is beautiful, safe and permits children to interact with it in a variety of ways. The work will be done in stages, and in approximately six to eight weeks, new outdoor spaces will be available for all toddler classrooms. We look forward to sharing our progress and unveiling these beautiful play areas in a few weeks!
Safety Note: As this work progresses, if you bring your children play in this area after school, please be sure they are closely supervised, making sure they stay away from construction equipment and do not enter areas blocked by caution tape.
Photo Orders & Retakes
Reminder: All photo orders are due tomorrow, October 30. Orders can be submitted online, or forms can be placed in the basket in the front lobby. Retakes: Individual photo retakes are scheduled for November 12.
WMS Wins Best in Show for DelawareCAN Competition
For the second year in a row, WMS's DelawareCAN sculptures have won Best in Show in the Food Bank of Delaware's contest. Congratulations to the students of the 9-12 program, and thank you to everyone who donated food to help feed the hungry in Delaware this fall!
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3-6 Students & Parents Explore New STEAM Space at Maker Faires
Last week, WMS celebrated the opening of the 3-6 Maker Studio with two Maker Faires. Parents of 3-6 students were invited to join their child for early morning fun and learning in WMS's new STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) space. They explored food and nutrition through creative hands-on activities. Families built grape structures, created fruit still life drawings, designed banana tattoos and stamped with vegetables for a collaborative printing. Sarah Williams and Trish Harkins manned the smoothie machines for a healthy morning treat. The big hit at the Faire was real banana bongos played by children and parents using the Makey Makey machine on the computer!
This was our first Maker Faire but it won't be our last! Look for our Toddler Maker Faires to be held in November.
Parent Co-op Opportunities
Are you looking for a Parent Co-op job? Are you available to help?
We are looking for volunteers to assist with:
Box Tops and Soup Labels Promote and coordinate collection of reward program premiums (Box Tops, Campbell Soup Labels, etc.) This is a great Co-op job that can be done from home on your own schedule! Training will be provided. The Box Top and Soup Label coordinator earns 30 Co-op hours. Ongoing throughout the year. Grandfriends' Day Assistants Work with the chairperson to coordinate preparation and hosting for Grandfriends' Day. Scheduled for Tuesday, November 25, 2014.
School Store Assistants Assist with the WMS School Store orders and sales. Ongoing throughout the year.
Alumni Pizza Party Chairperson Coordinate invitations, food and activities around this annual event. The Alumni Pizza Party chairperson earns 30 Co-op hours.
Scheduled for February 6, 2015
For more information or to volunteer for one of these jobs, please contact co-op@wmsde.org.
Today's Learners 
by 5-7 Teachers Erin Winner & Arlene Wason
Since September, our continent studies in Room 17 have focused on Africa. We have been exploring the continent through the lens of biomes, which are defined as geographical areas with distinctive plant and animal groups that have adapted to that particular environment (tropical forest, desert, grasslands, etc.). The children have learned to identify the location of these biomes in Africa, describe their climate and geography, and name some of the animals and plants native to that region.
Earlier this month, we took a field trip to the Philadelphia Zoo. We attended a workshop on animal adaptation and explored the African grasslands exhibit. This allowed the children to see many of the animals we studied in the classroom.
We were very fortunate to have two special guests visit our classroom. Asad Sultan (a Room 20 student) and his mother Zehra came to share photos and stories about their summer trip to Africa. They created a beautiful slideshow that included pictures of the magnificent landscape and animals of Africa. Zehra also shared a photo book that documented her trip to Mount Kilimanjaro. She and her husband Wamiq traveled to Tanzania last year and climbed to the peak of the 19,341-foot mountain. The children found her story fascinating and had many questions about their journey.
With all of the information gathered from our guests and cultural studies of African biomes, the children spontaneously initiated their own extension project. Using construction paper, they created the physical environment of each biome, including trees, grass, rocks, caves and different foods for the animals to eat. They even labeled the animals that lived in each of their biomes! Most importantly, they figured out how to work as a team and share responsibilities to achieve a common goal.
Tomorrow's Leaders 

You may have noticed the new piece of art hanging in the lobby. What you may not know is the story behind this historic work of art and the alumni who worked on it.
Last week we introduced you to the very accomplished and talented WMS alumna, Flo Miniscloux. Flo was a part of WMS's 50th Anniversary Committee, who helped plan and celebrate the school's birthday last year. One of Flo's assignments on the committee was to help establish a theme and the core values that the event was to be built around. In remembering the past 50 years, the committee wanted to incorporate the timeline of the school into the decor of the event. Flo started brainstorming and came up with the Fingerprint Vine Guestbook Timeline.
After the committee agreed upon the fingerprint timeline Flo reached out to her mother Lily for authentic and creative ideas about how to make the guest plaque. Lily suggested woodwork and marquetry, which is the art of applying pieces of veneer to a structure to form decorative patterns, designs or pictures.
Once this was decided, Flo reached out to her best friend, WMS alum Elora Stack, to help design it. Together they created the timeline on Photoshop including the historical points and related images. Elora drew the vine by hand and then scanned it into the drawing. The art work was then passed onto Lily to create it out of wood.
It was an incredibly detailed piece that proved challenging at first for Lily. She conquered the task by figuring out a way to print directly onto wood. She spent a lot of time cutting intricate pieces of wood and inserting them into the backdrop piece.
They had fun researching the history of WMS for the timeline. "It was extremely interesting to see where the school came from, how often it moved and how it evolved and grew," Flo said.
The night of the gala, guests were asked to leave their fingerprint (and name) on the vine as a record of the guests who attended the 50th celebration.
Next time you are in the lobby please take a moment to look closely at this beautiful and treasured piece of art. Many thanks to Flo, Elora and Lily for their hard work!
Have alumni news to share? Please send it to alumni@wmsde.org!
 The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.
Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.
For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.