In This Issue
Upcoming Events
2:30-4 p.m. in the Great Room
October 29
Auction Committee Meeting
6 p.m. - Find out how to get involved with the 2015 auction!
October 30
Halloween Parades
3-6 Program - 9:15 a.m.; 5-7, 6-9, 9-12 Programs - 11:15 a.m. - WMS gym
October 31 & November 3
3-6 & Elementary* Conferences
Pre-registered child-care available.
* Note: Toddler classes will continue as usual, with conferences scheduled throughout the month.
November 10-14
Annual Fund Drive
#WMS100reasons - Details coming soon!
November 13
Admissions Open House
9:30 a.m., Tell a friend!
November 14
Message from Head of School Lisa Lalama
 | Click the graphic above to view it in full size. |
You have chosen a Montessori education for your children. Chances are, when you came to tour WMS, you did not know all that entailed. Just as your children are learning many things, most likely, so are you. One of the things that differentiates a Montessori environment is the multi-age classroom. A foundation of Maria Montessori's educational practice is that of the planes of development. As you can see from the graphic, each plane highlights the work of the child during that time. She, like many neuroscientists who came after her, recognize that children continue to grow and develop well into their twenties; this is the beginning of that developmental progress.
Within each of these planes of development, Dr. Montessori divided learning into three-year age spans: birth through age 3 (toddler/pre-primary), 3 through 6 years old (early childhood/primary), 6 through 9 years old (lower elementary), and 9 through 12 years old (upper elementary). There are many benefits to these groupings and, as you know, our school will reflect these groupings in all of our classrooms by the 2015-16 school year.
The three-year age groupings allow children to learn from each other as well as from the adults who are with them each day. They have the opportunity to hear the ideas of those who have explored them before and not only learn their friends' ways of thinking, but develop their own as they are listening, observing and experimenting. Collaboration is evident and ongoing in a Montessori classroom. Children are talking to one another, asking questions, wondering about ideas, and ultimately trying them out and receiving feedback from their work, their peers and their teachers. They learn to respect one another and recognize the safety of their community as they work together to obtain a desired result.
In considering the classroom environments of children in the same plane of development, one can appreciate the similarities to our adult lives. We also seek out those in our "plane" and ask for help, share an idea, or work together to solve a problem. Most of us do not work in isolation; rather, we collaborate, question, support, encourage, experiment and learn. The Montessori classroom allows for this process as well. We are helping children gain the knowledge and skills needed to become citizens of our world. By the time they are in middle school, high school, college and beyond, they have had countless opportunities to wonder, to learn from others, to question, and to understand how not to settle for what is but to instead dare to ask what is possible.
Your children are the future of our world. You are giving them the best possible beginning, an environment where they can learn to understand others and most importantly themselves as they develop and move through the developmental processes that lead them firmly into adulthood.

News & Notes 
AlertNow System Test: Did you get our call?
On Monday at 7 p.m., we ran a test of our AlertNow emergency communication system. Did you receive phone calls, emails and text messages at all of the numbers/addresses you would like notified in case of a school closing or emergency?
Flu Shots - Tuesday, October 28
Flu shots will be available for parents and children ages 8* and up on Tuesday, October 28, from 2:30 to 4 p.m., in the Great Room. Parents must be present for children to receive the vaccine. If you have extended family or friends who would like a flu shot, they are also welcome. The cost is $30 per person, payable by cash, check, Medicare or health spending account cards. Please sign up in advance on the door of the nurse's office.
* Dr. Richman, who will be administering the shots, regrets the restriction to those ages 8 and up; it is related to a delay in the supply of vaccine suitable to younger children.
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DelawareCAN Competition - People's Choice Award Voting
On Monday, staff members from the Food Bank of Delaware stopped by WMS to check out the can sculptures our 9-12 students have worked on this month for the DelawareCAN competition.
The 9-12 students worked on every aspect of this project, starting with a design phase. The students used computers to research and plan their designs, honed their math skills as they estimated the amount of each food product needed to create their designs, and became engineers as they figured out how to make their complex structures stay upright! This was a true STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) project!
As the students shared their sculptures (a vegetable garden and a jar of peanut butter with a slice of bread and knife) with visitors from the Food Bank (including their outreach coordinator, WMS alumna Caitlin Custer), the judges were excited to learn how much food the students collected through the support of the entire WMS community and local stores. When the Food Bank provides us with the final "weigh-in" on the amount of food collected, we will be sure to share. Results of the judging will be released next week.
Thank you to everyone who supported this important service project and learning experience!
Vote Now
Grandfriends' Day Preparations
Grandfriends' Day is set for Tuesday, November 25 and we are already busily preparing. Priya Bhatia is the parent chair for the third time, which means this annual event is in very good hands.There are several Co-op tasks for which volunteers are needed:
- Invitations - a few people are needed to help copy, fold and prepare the invitations for mailing by November 1.
- Refreshments - prepare and/or donate any one of the following for the big day - fruit trays, homemade or purchased baked goods, two bottles of orange juice and four boxes of regular Dunkin Donuts coffee/one decaf. Refreshments should be delivered the morning of Grandfriends' Day.
- Set up, host or clean up on Grandfriends' Day. The more hands the merrier.
Please email co-op@wmsde.org or speak with Priya or Laurie Orsic to express your interest in helping with this annual open house for WMS grandparents and special friends. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can offer.
Today's Learners 
News from the Art Room

by Art Teacher Laurie Muhlbauer
Have you ever looked at a house and seen a face? Have you glanced at a pair of scissors and seen a bird's face? Rooms 19 and 20 are making these observations and turning them into art!
Students began by drawing an object from nature, focusing on making a carefully observed, detailed contour line drawing. Next, they took some time to look at their drawings from different points of view to see what unintended image could be found within their art. Then, students were challenged to add details to bring out the unintended image within their drawing.
This project encouraged the children to be careful and astute observers, a skill that will help them in all areas of their lives. It also offered the opportunity for advanced drawing lessons.
 Students explored using pencils with different weights, paper blenders/stumps and kneaded erasers. They also learned about the marks they make while drawing and how this can detract from or flatten a drawing, or add texture and depth to it. Students have also become more aware of the grip and pressure they are using while drawing. Who knew there could be so much involved in a "simple" line drawing? 
Tomorrow's Leaders 

WMS Alum Stays Connected from the West Coast
 | Flo and her still best friend Elora Stack, who she met in kindergarten at WMS on Hukilau Day. |
Flo Miniscloux, class of 2002, has had a busy 12 years since she graduated from Wilmington Montessori School, but through all of her travels, she has never forgotten her Montessori roots.
"WMS fueled me to always be curious and enjoy life's every discovery," she says. "It taught me that 'work' is fun and creativity is never-ending. Because of WMS, I yearn to always think just a little more differently and to understand just a little more deeply."
After attending WMS, her first adventure was a tour of the United States with the show "Dragon Tales Live!" in which she played the lead character, Emmy. When the tour was complete, she headed to Cab Calloway School of the Arts. While still in high school, Flo interned at Heery Casting in Philadelphia and worked on films such as Precious (Lee Daniels), The Happening (M. Night Shyamalan) and The Lovely Bones (Peter Jackson). During her senior year, she filmed a documentary about the Montessori Method at WMS and wrote a research paper for her AP Literature class on the Montessori Method. That summer, she returned to WMS as a film-making counselor. Flo's next stop on her educational journey was a bit further from home. In 2008, she was accepted into the University of Southern California's Film Production Program with a Presidential Scholarship. Her years at USC included an internship at Sony Pictures, volunteering at local schools, performing with the USC Ballet Company, and participating in Delta Kappa Alpha (national professional cinema fraternity) and Alpha Lamba Delta (national honor society) - all while staying on the Dean's List and being named Student of the Month by USC's events office, not once but three times! In 2012, she graduated Magna Cum Laude with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Cinematic Arts: Film & Television Production and a minor in Psychology. She was also recognized as a Renaissance Scholar, an honor bestowed upon only about 3% of the graduating class. Flo is now an event producer at Extraordinary Events, where she plans events for Fortune 500 companies and has the opportunity to travel all over the U.S. and Caribbean. Last year, she won the Female Rising Star award from Event Solutions' Spotlight Awards. She also teaches at a local dance studio and helps with their events. People tell Flo that she has amazing worth ethic and is well-rounded, qualities which she attributes to her Montessori education:
"That is not a coincidence," she says. "It is because everything (and I mean everything) is so amazingly interesting to me. And that is because WMS taught me that even a simple blank piece of paper can offer hours of entertainment and knowledge." Despite all of the excitement in her life and the fact that she lives across the country, Flo has still found time to stay involved at WMS. She served on the planning committee for WMS's 50th Anniversary Gala and worked on a special piece of art to mark the occasion (more on that next week). She still loves to talk about her fond memories from her eight years at the school. She loved Fun Day and the Fun Run, graduation, the buddy program, working with her classmates to make soup for homeless shelters, celebrating Hukilau Day with her teacher Tissa, and playing the white rabbit in Alice in Wonderland.
When discussing her success, Flo cites one of her favorite quotes, which she read for the first time at WMS: "One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar." ~Helen Keller
Next week, find out Flo worked with her mother Lily and best friend, fellow WMS alum Elora Stack, to create a beautiful work of art that depicts WMS's first 50 years. Have alumni news to share? Please send it to alumni@wmsde.org!
 The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.
Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.
For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.