W E D N E S D A Y  W E E K L Y
October 15, 2014
In This Issue

Upcoming Events

October 15
5 p.m.,
Live family concert on WMS's outdoor stage featuring the popular local band Xtra Alltra

October 16
Second Announced Fire Drill 

October 17
Last day to register your child for Odyssey of the Mind. For more information, contact Nora Lober or Jeff Politis.

8:30 a.m. - noon,
The Journey- This event is full. If you would like to reserve your space in our next Journey, contact Theresa Conaty

October 19-22
Sixth-grade GCAP Trip (New York)

October 20
7 p.m.,
School-wide AlertNow System Test
Learn More

October 30
Halloween Parades
3-6 Program - 9:15 a.m.; 5-7, 6-9, 9-12 Programs - 11:15 a.m. 

Message from Director of Early Childhood Education Sarah Williams


Each member of the Wilmington Montessori School staff brings to their work a unique perspective, a wealth of knowledge and a personal commitment to our community. Their expertise and dedication creates an environment in which the students flourish. We are guiding children as they discover what it means to be life-long learners.

One of WMS's most valuable resources is our strong staff of assistant teachers. Every day, our community is enriched through their modeling of Dr. Montessori's respect for individuality and life-long learning. Our dedicated assistant teachers recognize the hard work of the educators who came before them and developed a strong program within a nationally recognized Montessori school throughout the past 50 years. They know they have inherited the important task of supporting students, families and teachers in ways that maintain an exemplary Montessori school.

WMS assistant teachers are friendly, humble and, because of the nature of the job, incredibly supportive. But they are also far more than that. They are trained and experienced educators. They participate in professional development just as lead teachers do, and they are also participating in Wilmington Montessori's new Assistant Teacher Training Program.

This training is strengthening our community and highlighting a treasured cohort in a way that hasn't been done before. 
All in all, assistant teachers will attend 12 hours of training (six of those on weekends) to complete their certification. This course will help ensure that WMS employs and retains high-quality assistant teachers. 


During training sessions, attendees discuss topics including Responsive Classroom techniques, the hallmarks of the Montessori Method and philosophy, and the important role assistants play in the execution of WMS's 2013-16 Strategic Plan. We've had many in-depth discussions regarding educational best practices that truly spotlight the wisdom and mindset each assistant brings to work every day. 


Moving forward into the next 50 years, WMS will remain a strong, independent school because of the tireless efforts of all of our staff. With assistant teachers who invest the extra time and energy into their roles, we will continue to provide the most profound Montessori experience for children 12 months through 12 years that can be found anywhere.



News & Notesnews
AlertNow System Test - Monday, October 20 at 7 p.m.

About the AlertNow System

Three years ago, WMS introduced AlertNow, an emergency communication system that allows WMS administration to communicate important messages (for example, school closings due to inclement weather, delayed openings, power outages, etc.) to our families and staff through automated phone calls and emails. 

We believe you will find this system as helpful as we do. No more listening to the radio, calling the school or waiting for updates on the state website - when we make a decision to close the school, you will know within minutes!


Important information about Monday's test - for families and staff:

We will run a test of the AlertNow system on Monday, October 20 at 7 p.m. If you have not received the test message via email and phone by 7:30 p.m. or there are additional phone numbers or email addresses you wish to have contacted during an emergency, please use our contact information update form to make sure we have accurate contact information in our database for any upcoming critical communications.


Join the WMS Bakers Brigade!

Do you want a Co-op job that is tucked in to your schedule, can be completed at home, and also supports the school and offsets our expenses?


We are looking for a few good bakers who would be willing to assist with preparing home-baked treats for special events at WMS in exchange for Co-op hours. Providing baked goods is a great way to help the school and, most importantly, make our school visitors feel welcome. Here are a few simple guidelines: 

  1. We are looking for any sort of baked good that freezes well. These include muffins, coffee cake or other cakes, and quick breads, like banana, zucchini, etc.
  2. Baked goods can be delivered to school in freezer storage bags or light, aluminum foil "pans." Please mark your package with your family's name and as designated for Co-op.  
  3. The baked goods can be left at the Front Desk.

Generally speaking, the Co-op hours are based on the amount of time spent preparing the baked goods with an extra hour added to cover the costs. Reimbursement for expenses can also be made if necessary. (When purchasing items for the classroom, an event or program support, the general guideline is that one Co-op hour equals $20 spent.)

Yummy treats will make for every event that much more memorable. We are already gearing up for Grandfriends' Day on Tuesday, November 25, and are hoping to put together a beautiful array of refreshments for our special guests. Please email co-op@wmsde.org if you are interested in helping. We really appreciate your willingness to share your baking expertise with the WMS community!

Today's LearnersLearner
News from Room 19: Buddy Classrooms
by 6-9 Teachers Melissa Sugzdinis & Megan Feliceangeli

Last Tuesday, Room 19 met with their buddy classroom, Betsy and Alyssa's 3-6 class. Buddy classrooms are a long-standing tradition at WMS, based on the idea that friendships and role-modeling can happen outside of the classroom setting.  

Buddy classrooms offer the perfect opportunity for community-building throughout our school. Buddies interact in the hallways, at recess and after school. The older buddies look out for their little buddies and become great role models, forging relationships that last for years.

The Room 19 children started by learning the name of the buddy they would be paired with, and during Writer's Workshop time, wrote a simple message on a card and decorated it with artwork.  When we went to meet our buddies, the children presented these gifts to their little friends. We had a short circle together and went outside for a morning recess. Playing on the preschool playground was a nice walk down memory lane for some of our students. They were very patient and caring when trying to figure out a game or activity to do with their buddy while outside. Betsy gave some great ideas before we went out: "Maybe you could ask your buddy if they would like to trace your body with chalk, or if they would like to see our butterfly chrysalis." Pairs of children ran around, played tag, rolled down hills, pushed each other on the swings, and had a wonderful time playing and being children together. The laughter was infectious.

When it was time for us to part, there were many hugs, a few tears, and lots of smiles.  We are excited to see these friendships form, and are sure they will make lasting impressions on both the younger and older students. This, as they say, is the beginning of something beautiful.



Tomorrow's LeadersLeaders

WMS Alumni Receive $10,000 Grant for Metal Detection System

WMS alumni Daniel Barnes, Hagan Beatson and Jake Gladfelter are part of a team from Concord High School that has been awarded a Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam grant of $10,000 to create a metal detection system for hospital textile cleaning. Needles, scissors, badges and various medical tools are among the many objects found in soiled linens that are separated by laundry workers in hospitals. The metal detection system will help reduce the number of injuries to healthcare workers and improve productivity. 

The team is the first from Delaware to receive an InvenTeam grant and one of only 15 programs nationwide to be selected this year. The 15 students, one teacher, and three volunteer mentors will continue to meet regularly over 
the school year to work on their engineering project, in conjunction with Christiana Care Health System. 

Have alumni news to share? Please send it to alumni@wmsde.org
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2013 Constant Contact All-Star Award Logo The Wednesday Weekly shares WMS news and events that are relevant to the families in our community.  

Please send submissions to wednesday-weekly@wmsde.org by 4:30 p.m. on the Friday prior to the issue in which you wish to include your information. Content may be edited for length  and style and may be held for a future issue due to space constraints.  

For more information, contact Noel Dietrich, Director of Communications.

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